Triple X
I’m a sick fuck
But so are you
Been trained like Pavlov’s dog
Getting off on watching you
Have we had enough
Role playing hierarchy
Is this really the way you want it
Angry and violent
Scared and simpering
Playing the part like Pavlov’s dog
Bells and whistles – spittle buckets
Nooses, nines, suicides
Wiping up our messes
I want out your pornography
Show me the way out this insanity
I’m a sick fuck for wanting you
This way
Your sick smile
Why do we play
It’s not the way we want it
But it’s the way we get it
Patriarchal sex toys manipulated by playboy
Ignorant puppets pushing, pulling
Lipsticked lips quivering, smiling
Hiding the tears beneath our sweat
Mascara, muscle, gritted teeth, fingernails
Buried sickness in holy matrimony
You done yet