A Conscious Call

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A Conscious Call

Damn! Did you hear that?
The sound of the ground rumbling
Building breaking
Broken bones moaning
Houses flooded
People drowning
Babies screaming
Families crying
Prison doors slamming
daughters in labor
Broken hearts complaining
Ice storms, rain storms, famished lands, traffic jams, ambulance, and car horns
gun shots
police sirens
courtrooms lying
and the sound of injustice hurting the survivors

Damn! You feel that?
The biting wind of oppression
anxiety and depression
The womb of un-willing virgins
fatherless households
Empty spirits and lonely souls
Capitalism, prison systems, and bourgeoisies in control
Global anger and sadness from U$ military killings and war disasters

[what was that]?
The world shaken by the hard fall of imperialist amerika
