Colorado Grievance Battle Leads to Punishment
Ever since Colorado prisons were mentioned in your previous issue of ULK concerning the grievance petitions, Colorado Department of Corrections has cut off our hobby work providers in favor of hobby items (colored pencils, paper, crafts, etc.) that are supposed to be sold on monthly canteen. They post these phantom hobby items on our monthly canteen lists, but won’t actually sell any of it to us. The administrative regulations were created as smoke and mirrors to retaliate against us for grieving and petitioning (attempting to have a voice / be heard) for their inequities and injustices. So the hobby items simply don’t exist in real life. It all looks good on paper when the auditors are here, but there’s no one to put these pigs in check, hold them accountable. We have already grieved this issue in mass, what more can we do?
MIM(Prisons) responds: Often we face repression when we speak up against oppressive conditions and for basic rights. There are a few things we must do when this happens. First, publicize what’s going on. Under Lock & Key is a good place to expose the prison’s tactics. Second, use this opportunity to educate others. Spread the work in your prison about what’s happening and organize others around the oppression. Third, continue the fight. Grievances aren’t working: try the grievance petition to protect first and fifth amendments in Colorado. It’s exactly situations like this one that led to the grievance campaign that MIM(Prisons) is helping to spread across the country. Write to us for a copy of the petition for your state.