Criticism and Good Communication Helps Us Grow and Develop
[The following is in response to a United Front (UF) statement from a group calling itself “Revolutionary Gangstas.” Unfortunately, due to almost extremely widespread in South Carolina, we have not been able to get a response from them. On our website we continue to print solidarity statements with the UF, one of which is from the United Gangsta Nation, who was also sent some of these criticisms, but has not responded. We are printing this belatedly to voice the concerns brought up, and further all of our efforts at building a United Front. As with most letters we receive, the author’s words below have been edited for brevity and clarity.]
Confusion most often is the agent provocateur’s most precious tool to plow furrows in the soil of a lumpen formation, so to plant the bacillus seeds of annihilation.
This process is done by three means: (1) Those agent provocateurs who willingly work with the oppressors. (2) Those unconscious agent provocateurs whose behavior is so reckless and contrary to their formation or movement that they kick up enough dust and problems for the oppressor to use their actions to either plant and kill or as justification for more oppression and suppression. (3) The third type, while not agent provocateurs, can cause just as much damage. This third is “uneducated members” of a movement or formation who misrepresent that movement by stating or doing things inconsistent with the official position.
The brothers in ULK 21 from South Carolina state they are founding members of a formation they call “Revolutionary Gangstas.” However, on the 21st line they also say they are “members of the Gangster Disciples,” which is GD’s former nomenclature.
I have a serious aversion with the misinformation, confusion and incorrectness that’s being presented. First, if these brothers are “learned men” in that former nomenclature, they would not step into this LO revolutionary vita theater using defunct nomenclature that’s inconsistent and contrary to the leader of that defunct LO’s official position.
Secondly, they would know that LO is now officially and publicly moving within, and a vanguard in, the same principles of the United Front for Peace in the Vision of the Growth and Development Movement. Therefore, no “new” interior formation is required to be part of the UF for Peace. If these brothers wish to be part of the peace front, do so as believers of the Vision of Growth and Development, not as Revolutionary Gangstas.
As a secondary note, almost anyone can and has come to be “gangsta;” however being “gangster” as in Gangster Disciple (when it was in operation) was a privilege and entitlement that one had to learn and earn. It was not no fad or cartooning. Too many died for it to be cheaply commercialized into the hip hop distorted concept of gangsta. Cease and desist.
If someone was educated in the Vision of Growth and Development, they would know that that whole gangster concept was put into the box of self-defense and selective reactionary response because our visionary teacher and his trusted companions recognized prudently how inferior that gangster could be in respect to our vision for real and true Revolutionary Growth and Development.
As men and intelligent thinkers and doers, we know that being gangster has its limitations that go against our vision. Therefore being gangster became a contradiction in practice and principle and needed to be put in its proper context, i.e. self-defense and selective reactionary revolutionary response only.
Our uniqueness is sublimated because we have been there, done that, and perfected that. Anyone who still holds such attachments are still asleep. Our visionary teacher has made it clear and has supplied us with the blueprint and tools to become that reclaiming power and force we need to be to matriculate within the formations of the struggles of USW and UF for Peace.
Way before the UF for Peace came into play, our vision has been instructing us through the Universal Laws of Existence that the “Love” of “Life” and the correct “loyalty” to it by applied “dedication”, “determination” and “discipline” will produce in us a “knowledge”, “wisdom,” and “understanding” that will bring an inner peace and will be able to have unity and from there some “growth” and independence. And by implication, internationalism comes naturally because our vision is universal.
So if these brothers are serious, then do so by being properly educated and live, act and be all you can be as one within the vision.
I leave, as I come. One in the Vision of Growth and Development and a vanguard in the USW and UF for Peace. A student’s teacher.
MIM(Prisons) responds: We are printing this discussion to work on two of the principles of the United Front for Peace. The first is unity, which requires communication and true facts. In addition, the principle of growth requires that we all strive to educate ourselves and each other. While we are still in the beginning stages of building united front, we are not the first to walk this path. Those with experience to share should submit their analysis of that experience to ULK so that others can learn from it.
From day one MIM(Prisons) has been aware of the many problems we would face printing statements from individuals or small groups that claimed affiliation to larger organizations. We are wary of the problem of prisoners using ULK’s prestige to launch new pet projects with no real leadership, while recognizing that we are in a stage where small, isolated groups of anti-imperialists are stepping out to join forces and dialogue with each other. At our last congress we made a self-criticism for promoting anarchism around ideas of the cell structure and united front. We corrected this deviation with the resolution Building New Groups vs. Working with USW and MIM(Prisons). This resolution should also be considered in relation to lumpen organizations (LOs) by their members. The lumpen class has contradictions within it, and we should not dismiss the successes that LOs independent of the state have had in overcoming these contradictions and uniting large numbers of people over extended periods of time.
In the statement from the Revolutionary Gangstas in ULK 21 they make a criticism that could be extrapolated to a whole, large organization. While “Revolutionary Gangstas” is providing an alternative, it is not one with a practice MIM(Prisons) can vouch for. To the extent that printing their statement suggested that they were a better alternative to Growth and Development, MIM(Prisons) was misleading the masses.
We addressed a similar issue in ULK 17 when a former Latin King wrote us to criticize those affiliated with the group in his area. There we wrote, “For the lumpen to be internally critical is a necessary step for the development of a proletarian consciousness among the oppressed inside U.$. borders. However, to print public criticisms without providing real alternatives and leadership does more harm than good.”
As our comrade expands on in subsequent writings, we do need better leadership and we do need to develop our analysis. But we should not criticize existing leadership until we have a viable alternative and existing leadership has rejected it. Our class analysis tells us that the oppressed nation lumpen organizations are our friends, and we should approach them from the standpoint of unity-criticism-unity.
As we recognize Growth and Development for their leadership and experience in this arena, we would not use the word “vanguard” to refer to them as Ras Uhuru does, as we reserve this term for those organizations that uphold the most correct proletarian line. Part of developing correct political leadership means taking up true internationalism. Ras Uhuru refers to internationalism being inherent in a vision that is universal. But organizations of various class interests too easily claim “internationalism” via identity politics or just vague phrases as in the example above. As stated in the 5 principles of the United Front for Peace in Prisons, internationalism means that “We cannot liberate ourselves when participating in the oppression of other nations.” As citizens and residents of the most powerful country in the world we have a long way to go to prove our own internationalism.
In the spirit of unity-criticism-unity we appreciate the feedback we continue to get from our allies in various LOs who are working to make the United Front a reality.
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Build a United Front for Peace in Prisons
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