Direct Appropriation of Labor by Staff
Although the economic exploitation of prisoners may be insignificant on the scale of the greater imperialist economy, it is very real on the scale of the individual prisoners and CO’s involved in this abuse.
One prisoner in New York sent us a copy of a claim he made, which read
in part:
The complaint/grievance was the result of the claimant’s having been enslaved by Mr. Snye, the horticulture instructor of Riverview. The claimant was forced to choose between completing a web-site for one of Mr. Snye’s personal business ventures or punitive physical measures (being forced to shift enormous stones and to engage in other extremely demanding physical labor) and, if the claimant continued to refuse, expulsion from the program. Threats of bogus charges and accompanying disciplinary measures were consatntly looming, along with vague, yet clear indications that there would by SHU time, if anyone found out. (1)
Even in California where CO’s made an average of $62,230/yr in 2007, with some exceeding $130,000/yr, these amerikans still aren’t satisfied. (2) In a couple of recent cases CDCR employees have received additional pay when they were not supposed to. In one case 9 office technicians got raises of $16,530 for 3 years prior to being caught, that they were not entitled to. In another, 2 CDCR doctors scammed an additional $108,000. (3) And as a comrade reported in ULK 6, nurses within CDCR make up to $582 a day for about 2 hours of work. (4) With all that money from the state, you’d think exploitation of prisoners would be the last thing on their mind. Yet, again so-called “vocational” programs are tools of exploitation where prisoners being taught auto body and paint work on the pigs’ BMWs, Porsches and Corvettes for free. (5)
How can we expect prisoners to benefit from these programs in any way
when they are run for the benefit of amerikan jail
and Racism justify SHU time in NY
Bureau of Labor
(3) Sacramento Bee, October 3, 2008.
workers paid overtime for 2 hours labor
and rehab in California prisons