Division or Cohesion
With the upcoming stoppage of food and work what stance will the Special Needs Yard (SNY) take? One of solidarity or one of indifference?
As numbers are straight we can use all the able bodied men to join ranks in our battle for dignity. The strike is more than the demands being met. This is also a call for we, as prisoners to be treated with respect and humanity. However, the consensus is that a good portion of SNYs feel like this battle doesn’t pertain to them. News flash, it does! I came to realize the dumbness of judging someone by a “classification” as GP, SNY, active or non-active. These are labels that have been placed on us to further divide prisoners as a whole. Someone’s character is a better yardstick to measure them. The guards have no difference or division of opinion when it comes to fucking us up, so why should we when it’s time to battle with them?
Simply put, I ask that prisoners on “that” side choose the side that is with them in this fight. Join the stoppage in work and food. Rise above the labels and make a better place for all prisoners, and more so, the world.
MIM(Prisons) adds: We agree with this comrade’s position that the classifications handed out by the prison system should not be the basis of our judgement of prisoners. SNY status, validation status, and other labels are far less important than the actions people take. We should judge individuals by their actions. Those who take up the cause of the majority of the world’s people, anti-imperialism, are on the side of the people.