It's Phase Two, We're All Goin' to the SHU
The January issue of ULK really grabbed my attention with its front page article Agreement to End Hostilities is Main Struggle in CA. As my last article to ULK can attest, there is a whole lot going on in CDCR right now with the SHU lawsuits pending, a court order for CDCR to release people to manageable levels due date on 2/28/15, STG “phase two” pilot program blowbacks, and a general sense of what almost seems like panic among the prison bureaucracy. It’s starting to look like CDCR just might have bitten off more than it can chew and the hogs are starting to realize that the tax payer gravy train isn’t endless and everyday more and more people on the other side of these electric fences are waking up to the fact that they have been lied to and stolen from by the very people they have placed their trust in for years.
As MIM points out, although it’s nice to hear that finally after years and years locked in the torture units, people are starting to be moved back to the mainline, we all have to take heed and remind ourselves that it’s just more of the smoke and mirrors that these prisoncrat cowards have been hiding behind for decades. Although they are finally going to acknowledge international laws regarding “long-term” isolation, the SHU torture units remain open and as I can personally attest, still being held and threatened with SHU placement, the pigs are far from being done with using torture units and are currently, and as quietly as possible, filling those same SHU beds with new “STG members and associates.”
It is simply a change in official CDCR stratagem. Now everybody they cannot outright “classify” as a “gang member or security threat” they now simply label as an “associate.” That way we are all eligible for SHU placement under the terms of the new “phase two of the STG pilot plan” and they can peddle to the public how CDCR “no longer holds prisoners in long-term isolation” per international law. It’s a twisted game of musical SHU beds and no one in CDCR, regardless of SNY placement, or non-gang member status, or even an absence of disciplinary write ups, is immune from catching a SHU term. The way the pigs look at it they can cover up their illegal torture programs to the public while carrying on with business as usual by keeping the SHU units constantly full with large numbers of “new gang members/STG associates.” All they are going to do now is rotate us in and out at will. I even heard an unconfirmed rumor that they are currently opening up more ASU (Administrative Segregation Units) at prisons in order to accommodate the coming influx of torture victims while maintaining the lie that they will not build anymore SHUs in California.
The orchestrated riot that I was found “guilty” of back in July 2013 is an example of these new “phase two” programs at work. The pigs are using prison yard politics, or better yet what they think are our politics, to pit prisoner against prisoner and place everyone on their STG lists. Once they have “official, confirmed STG activity” placed on every prisoner’s file, they are able to pick and choose who they deem a dissident and send them to the gulag units for up to 6 years at a time. As I like to say, “it’s phase two, we’re all goin’ to the SHU.” And with this new system in place, they don’t have to worry about wasting time with all that “validation points” nonsense that they apparently had in place before to separate the “gang members” from the average prisoner in order to “keep the prison yards safe.” In fact, with the new phase two STG program, they have streamlined the SHU placement process so although it might appear that they are releasing those that they have held in the gulag for decades, they are also quietly setting the stage for their eventual return along with all of us “Associates.”
It appears CDCR has spent at least some of their stolen money on a think tank along with prison litigators in order to conceive and implement this new STG program as well as getting it written up in the official Title 15 for the Operations of Cali prisons. So although it is pleasant to read that a lot of those long-term political prisoners are being “released” to mainline prisons, we all need to make sure we see these events in the proper context. These pigs care for nothing but money and power and want to be able to steal as much as they can with the least amount of effort. If they are being forced to release those SHU prisoners in order to appear just and in accord with international law, you can bet they are going to do whatever they have to do to confirm their hegemony over the prisoners.
We cannot let up the pressure until all the SHUs/ASUs are closed, prison population levels are in check, and the illegal conviction rates that these corrupt courts maintain in order to keep CDCR growing like the malignant cancer that it is, is overthrown. Let’s not start celebrating and discussing setting up a “round table” “powerhouse revolutionary structure,” quite yet. Just as the swine are taking a fresh look and stratagem so shall we. We must remember that the end hostilities agreement is a great weapon against the pig dominance and they will do everything in their power to destroy it thus, the orchestrated riots they are staging in increasing fury.
I suggest we all take it up a notch and all start refusing to be placed in a double cell environment. Imagine the chaos that would ensure if CDCR was actually forced to proper prison capacity limits. As of now, under section 3005(c ) of the Title 15 inmates that refuse to double cell will be punished with SHU placement, (I know first hand, as of now I am pending a SHU term for this very violation among other things), yet the “sting” of this punishment for a non violent “crime” is worse than it appears to be. With phase two SHU prisoners quietly, but quickly being used to fill those SHU beds left vacant, they would physically not have the SHU torture cells to punish all of us and set their “example of proper behavior.” They might have the guns, but we’ve got the numbers, which becomes glaringly obvious when all prisoners, of all demographics, stand together on an issue. History has shown, it’s the only thing that will without doubt, force their hand. Let’s not wait until phase two is fully implemented. Let’s act now with a pre-emptive attack on their cute little “rehousing plan” and start refusing cellmates! Much love and respect to all in this struggle.
MIM(Prisons) adds: We agree with this comrade’s call for a collective response to put an end to torture in Calfornia prisons. However, we print h suggestion of refusing double celling only as an idea, which others have brought up as well. We are not advocating the use of this tactic at this time.
Campaign info:
California Strike Against Torture in Prisons - 8 July 2013
Agreement to End Hostilities
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