Segregation is Torture, Unite to Fight Common Enemies
I’ve been relocated to Ad-Seg which is, of course, the hole. Life in here is as bad as it’s ever been. It’s been a while since last I was in Ad-Seg and the sad reality is that not too much has changed. A lot has gotten worse. We’re kept in our cells for twenty four hours a day. We’re given “yard,” that is in 10 feet by 10 feet cages which are known as dog kennels, every third day for two hours. It fluctuates but that’s pretty much the program. We’re given showers every third day as well.
The worst part about being locked in confinement is the overwhelming oppression. The lack of sunlight and movement really does a number on one’s mental state. Which is why they monitor us so closely here. We’re counted every half hour and they have a crew of psych doctors constantly making circuits around the tiers. From what I understand the suicide rate is pretty high here. So they keep a close eye on us. I’ve been locked up back here since early May and I’ll be here until later this month (June) or early next month. The sad part is that even though I’ll be getting out there are a lot of brothers back here who won’t be getting released for a long time. A lot of them are youngsters too.
It makes me feel so bad seeing all of these good young brothers in here sacrificing themselves for no reason. The LO violence here at Calipatria is back in full swing. There was a riot recently between the Mexican/Chicanos and the Blacks. The foolishness here in Cali continues. It’s time we wake up and get our shit together and stop fighting against each other and start working with each other. Only then can we make progress. The sad truth in Cali is that racial divisions are deeply embedded in us. It’s been this way since the eighties and who knows when we’ll overcome it. But overcome it we must. So I call on all those LOs with any influence to reexamine the big picture. We are all in the same boat and it’s in all our best interest to unite. As the saying goes united we stand divided we fall.
MIM(Prisons) adds: This comrade reminds us why we have a campaign to shut down prison control units. Short term isolation is enough to dramatically harm people’s mental and physical health, and in the United $tates prison system many prisoners are locked up for years in isolation units like this prisoner’s describes. The call for unity is well placed as we agree with this comrade that oppressed groups coming together is the best chance to fight against the oppressor. This principle of unity is particularly important to the United Front for Peace in Prisons. We encourage all our readers to organize for unity and peace for the September 9 solidarity demonstration this year, when our peaceful unity and protest can be a starting point for future united actions and peace agreements among organizations and individuals.