The Cause
I endure draconian conditions with an acrimonious mainframe
surrounded by animals who poorly pose as human with
transparent pious characters
They attempt to sway me with virulent ideologies
Thoroughly adding to the dumb urban inmate stereotype
makeshift cadres are formed, under myopic manifestos
to establish misguided unity among the misguided
who enthusiastically appoint a despot to lead & maneuver
flocks into self destruction
Unconscious & unintelligent most blindly embrace
this way of life in the name of “the cause”… the cause?
an imaginary cause that leaves those dedicated filled
with an undeserving sense of accomplishment
severe daddy issues has them covered in tattoos
hoping to hide or disguise “the little boy inside”
striving to fill their voids with praises of approval
from: perros, comrades and even n’dugus
slip once and its a wrap [full throttle relegation] “exile” SNY
disgraced & disrespected after years of dedication
your position was boss, but in the end it means nothing
Mr. Victim, statistic neo-enemy of “the cause”
MIM(prisons) responds: There are a few points in this which require a response. First, the “daddy issues” which is a psychology term not clearly explained here but which we universally oppose. There is no need to get into psychoanalysis of people to figure out their material interests and to explain their actions. We need to be scientific when we look at our friends and our enemies and understand their political and material motivations. On the SNY question, we have written extensively and published many letters in Under Lock and Key explaining that we do not oppose those in SNY on principal, but rather look at their practice like we look at the practice of all prisoners to determine whose side they are on. While the SNY does house snitches who have sold out their people for some benefits from the pigs, it also houses people looking to escape the violence and political games of mainline.
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