The Hypocrisy of the System

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[Rhymes/Poetry] [First World Lumpen] [ULK Issue 80]

The Hypocrisy of the System

The FEDs gave me 20 years in prison
For being a high ranked GD
And other alleged GDs committed crimes
But that didn’t have nothing to do with me.

They say when others commit crimes
Allegedly under your chain of command
This is what they do.
But I just have one question to ask, shouldn’t
This apply to those running the system too!?

Because Derek Chauvin kneeled on
George Floyd’s neck for 9 min and 29 seconds
A blatant murder for the whole world to see.
So why isn’t his superior officers
Locked in a KKKage doing time right next to me?

Because they took no part in it?
Well let the records show neither did i

Court document 3580-107
Clearly states “Remaining GD” is my only crime.
But if that’s not enough
i have some more hypocrisy to show you
that i’m sure will blow your mind.
Where are the superiors of the officers
Who savagely murdered Amadou Diallo?
What about brother Michael Brown?
Are the superiors of those who murdered sister Breonna Taylor
Ever going to be held accountable for how that lynching went down?

Who is going to be held accountable for Oscar Grant
And let us not forget Ramarley Graham.
And WE can’t even get criminal justice reform passed
Proving once again that this system is a sham!

How many of you remember Michael Taylor in Naptown?
Handcuffed behind his back and shot in the back of his head?
And what about Major Davis beaten in his front yard and left for dead!

The hypocrisy of this system disgusts me!!
Ain’t no such thing as Equal Justice Under the Law.
Or else Donald Trump would’ve been charged with RICO Conspiracy
For all those under his chain of command that committed fraud..

My Big brother Christopher Calhoun
Was shot over 30 times at the West End Mall in Atlanta
My baby brother Grant King was murdered in Indianapolis the same.
My little sister Khalalah was stabbed multiple times in the neck and survived
And all this was done by UNIFORMED POLICE!

My first cousin Kevin Hicks
Was shot in the eye
This was done at point blank range.
My “FAMILY” has been the target of political repression
Body cams, ain’t stopped a damn thang!
But you want to give me 20 years
Just for remaining in a so-called gang.

Nah the real reason you gave me all that time
Was because I was organizing these so-called gangs
To bang for change.
You saw me organizing voters registration drives
You saw me marching down Bankhead in Atlanta
Chanting “I can’t Breath”.

You got scared because you seen Stones, Lords, Crips and Bloods
Marching right along-side of GDs.
And don’t try to lie because I seen the video and pictures on my discovery!

You saw us standing together protesting police brutality.
You saw us at Stone Mountain in 2016
Standing against the Klu Klux Klan
You saw all OUR flags tied together
Black fist in the air screaming
“Free the Land”,

Yeah, you can jail the revolutionary
But you can never silence me.
You ain’t nothing but a bunch of hypocrites
And I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

~The Big Homie IZ~