To a FL Comrade: Promote Peace, Fight Censorship
I would like to get to the Florida comrade who wrote Is ULK too Hardcore for the DOC? in ULK45.
Comrade, either you’re misinformed or an ex-member of these renegade groups you speak of. First, you said ULK should make the newsletter more informative to political theory of education and building community. Comrade ULK created their newsletter as a platform for its readers to supply and share information. The newsletter is very informative and it lets all kkkaptured brothers know what’s popping prison to prison, and that you’re not alone in the struggle. If you feel something’s missing from the newsletter that’s your opportunity to supply it. Share the knowledge and lessons from your political education classes with ULK so they can share it with everyone in the trenches.
The reason ULK should continue to teach organization, is because there’s brothers in the dark who think that what they’re doing is right because it’s all they know. In California African gangs have no organization. You mention the BGF putting a worldwide ban on gang banging. In California BGF is considered a prison gang by the pigs. Gangbanging doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. I’ve been in prison 11 years and things are very racial here in California. So what might solve a separate problem in New York might not work in California or Florida. There’ll never be one fix for all. There has been too much blood shed between different organizations. There can be no peace without war. The fear of war motivates people to keep the peace.
You’re aware things may never be resolved, but are you aware that the tone of your words says “why try to resolve?” and “don’t even try to resolve because it’s a losing battle.” Which is your feelings about fighting censorship of ULK.
Your beef really seems to be with gangs and not how ULK does their thing. If you’re not the leader of 3 Blood Kingdom you don’t know if he opposes peace. Your actions are of choice. They don’t define your belief. When supporting something you’re still living in the now and have to deal with your current situation.
This brother is part of an organization that makes him a target. He’ll need to protect himself the best way he knows how. Even if he denounces his membership he’ll be a target for having been affiliated. Those who are never affiliated are targeted by those who are. You’re a target either way and will have to protect yourself or get run over.
In the movie “Selma” they did peaceful protest and were still attacked. The lesson here? Do what you must to survive. Nobody’s born a gang member. You choose to be one due to your circumstances. Comrade, talking down on gang members is a form of oppression. Let’s build these brothas. Each one teach one.
Comrade you speak about rule 33_501.401 fac(3)(g) being used to censor your ULK. ULK doesn’t support rioting, insurrection, and disruption of an institution. They support things like the September 9 Peace Day. What ULK does is print the going ons in prisons state to state. The news shows violence daily. Does that mean they support it?
You choose to not grieve the censorship under assumption you won’t prevail. The pigs are betting on your pessimism and they’re winning. Freedom of speech is a right. ULK exercises that. If you aren’t going to fight for what you believe in why expect ULK to?
You say the pigs are the puppeteer, well off the head and the body will follow. It’s time to stop venting and start inventing.
Vent: to relieve oneself by vigorous expression
Invent: To create or produce for the first time
Where there’s a will there’s a way. If you’re willing to look you’ll find a way. If there’s no road to success create your own.
I didn’t say all of this to attack you, but with hopes of inspiring you to go get what you want. Peace and Solidarity.
MIM(Prisons) responds: We agree with this comrade’s assessment of the importance of understanding the roots of violence and the inability of pacifism to stop violence. We also call on all lumpen groups and their leaders to join the United Front for Peace and work to advance not only their own organizations but others as well. At the same time, this writer is correct that we must work from where we are and not from idealism. As every issue of ULK demonstrates, we are about promoting organizing for expanding the peace, including the September 9 Day of Peace and Unity.
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