MIM Banned in CA!

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MIM Banned in CA!

This Campaign Was Victorious
initiated in June 2007
updated on March 06, 2014

In 2006, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) instituted a ban on educational material within prisons, categorically censoring all literature sent by MIM’s prisoner education program. This ban was mandated by Scott Kernan, Director of the Division of Adult Institutions for California, in a memorandum issued December 13, 2006 “directing an immediate ban on the receipt, possession, or distribution of literature/publications from MIM to or by inmates in the custody of the CDCR.” This ban has been interpreted by prison administrators to include dictionaries and history books as well as MIM Theory magazine, MIM Notes newspapers, and our own Under Lock & Key. In some prisons the ban has been interpreted to also include all letters from MIM(Prisons).

In April 2007, Prison Legal News (PLN) reached a settlement with the CDCR regarding their oppressive censorship practices towards their publication and mail to prisoners in California in general. However the CDCR was very slow to abide by the actions it promised to take in that settlement, leading prisoners and legal assistants helping MIM Distributors to spend years appealing the blanket ban on MIM mail.

In October 2008, the CDCR released its list of banned publications as it promised to do a year and half earlier in the PLN settlement. At that point comrades had to report each prison to the CDCR administration in Sacramento repeatedly to get them to comply with the new policies. It has now been years since any CDCR staff has used the 2006 ban as a justification for censoring MIM Distributor’s mail
(last incident in Pelican Bay, September 2011).

The battle against the ban was an important victory for the prison movement in California, which has used Under Lock & Key as one of the important publications in the humyn rights struggle that has been advanced in recent years with a series of hunger strikes. However, censorship in California is still a regular occurrence, especially in Security Housing Units and for mail sent to comrades who are very politically active. We will continue to post updates on the battle against censorship in California on this page.

Updates/Reports from Inside

Related Censorship

[CA] 11/15/2013 letter personalized"Not approved correspondence", "Contents unacceptable at PBSP" (unopened envelope) This was overturned Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 01/10/2013 letter personalizedThird Party Mail Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 04/15/2012 magazine MIM Theory 7: Revolutionary Nationalismunknown - no notification given [Download Documentation] This was overturned California State Prison, Corcoran permalink
[CA] 02/01/2012 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 24 (Jan 2012)unknown - no notification given California Institution for Men permalink
[CA] 02/01/2012 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 24 (Jan 2012)unknown - no notification given Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/01/2011 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 23 (Nov. 2011)unknown Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/03/2011 letter Hunger strike updatePlans to disrupt the order, or breach the security, of any facility. Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/03/2011 letter Letter RE: United Front for Peace in PrisonsPlans to disrupt the order, or breach the security, or any facility Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/03/2011 letter Hunger strike letterPlansto disrupt the order, or breach the security, of any facility. Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/03/2011 letter Hunger strike updatePlans to disrupt the order, or breach the security, etc. Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/03/2011 letter Hunger Strike UpdatePlans to disrupt the order, or breach the security, etc. Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/03/2011 letter Hunger strike updatePlans to disrupt the order, or breach the security, of any facility. Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/03/2011 letter Hunger strike updatePlans to disrupt the order, or breach the security of any facility Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/03/2011 letter Hunger strike updatePlans to disrupt the order, or breach the security, etc. Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/03/2011 letter Hunger strike updatePlans to disrupt the order, or breach the security, etc. Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/03/2011 letter Hunger strike updatePlans to disrupt the order, breach the security, etc. Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/03/2011 letter Hunger strike updatePlans to disrupt the order, or breach the security of any facility Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/03/2011 letter personalizedPlans to disrupt the order, or breach the security, of any faciilty [Download Documentation] Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/03/2011 letter Hunger strike updatePlans to disrupt the order, or breach the security of any facility [Download Documentation] Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/28/2011 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 22 (Sept 2011)Plans to disrupt the order, or breach the security of any facility Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/28/2011 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 22 (Sept 2011)Plans to disrupt the order, or breach the security, of any facility Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/28/2011 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 22 - IntroPlans to disrupt the order, or breach the security, of any facility. Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/28/2011 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 22 - IntroContains/incites murder, arson, riot, or any form of violence. Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/26/2011 letter Hunger strike updatePlans to disrupt the order, or breach the security, of any facility Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/26/2011 letter Writing TipsAll materials from MIM are banned from the institution, per memo dated 12/13/2006 This was overturned Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/16/2011 letter Hunger Strike UpdatePlans for activities which violate the law, these regulations, or local procedures Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/14/2011 letter Hunger Strike Updatebanned publication Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/12/2011 letter Hunger strike updateBanned publiction Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/12/2011 letter Hunger strike updatebanned publication Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/12/2011 letter Hunger strike updateBanned publication Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/12/2011 letter Hunger strike updateBanned publication Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/12/2011 letter Hunger strike updateBanned publication Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/12/2011 letter Hunger strike updateBanned publication Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/10/2011 letter Hunger strike updateno notification given California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 09/09/2011 letter Hunger strike updatePlans to disrupt the oder, or breach the security, etc. Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/09/2011 letter Hunger strike updatePlans to disrupt the order, or breach the security of any facility Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/09/2011 letter Hunger strike updateBanned per memo dated 12/13/2006 Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/09/2011 letter Hunger strike updatePlans to disrupt the order, or breach the security, of any facility Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/09/2011 letter Hunger strike updatePlans to disrupt the order, or breach the security of any facility Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/09/2011 letter Hunger strike updatePlans to disrupt the order, or breach the security, of any facility. Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/09/2011 letter Hunger strike updatePlans to disrupt the order, or breach the security, of any facility Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/09/2011 letter Hunger strike updatePlans to disrupt the order, or breach the security, of any facility. Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/08/2011 letter Hunger strike updateAll materials from MIM are banned from the institution; per memo dated 12/13/2006 Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/08/2011 letter Second introductory letterAll materials from MIM are banned from the institution; per memo dated 12/13/2006 This was overturned Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/08/2011 letter Invitation to join study groupAll materials from MIM are banned from the institution, per memo dated 12/13/2006 This was overturned Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/08/2011 letter Hunger strike updateAll materials from MIM are banned from the institution, per memo dated 12/13/2006 Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/02/2011 letter Hunger strike updateUnauthorized Item (improper notification, just stamped on envelope) California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 09/01/2011 book Dictionary: Spanish/Englishno reason given, "RTS O/L" written on envelope, unopened Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/01/2011 magazine What is MIM?no notification given Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/01/2011 letter study group mailingno notification given Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/01/2011 book Comrade Gonzalo speaks on FMLN, social-democracy..no reason given, "RTS/OL" written on envelope, unopened Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2011 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 21 (July 2011)no notification given High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/01/2011 letter Hunger strike updateno notification given California State Prison, Corcoran permalink
[CA] 06/14/2011 newspaper Pack of MIM Notes (manu issues)Exceeds 1 pound weight limit per O.P. 129 X(2)(J) California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/11/2011 newspaper Pack of MIM Notes (many issues)Unclaimed, Refused (unopened) Pleasant Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 05/12/2011 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 20 (May 2011)RTS Pleasant Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 05/01/2011 letter personalized2006 memo citing ban of MIM This was overturned Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 04/27/2011 letter Draft articles for Under Lock & KeyCiting outdated memo from 2006 ban Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 04/01/2011 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 19 (March 2011)no notification given California State Prison, Corcoran permalink
[CA] 04/01/2011 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 19 (March 2011)no notification given California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 03/02/2011 letter personalized"ban on MIM" cited 2006 memo Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/01/2011 book Organization & Structure study pack"ban on MIM" citing 2006 memo This was overturned Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/01/2011 letter study group mailingno notification given California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 02/12/2011 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 18 (Jan 2011)Unauthorized correspondence Avenal State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/01/2011 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 18 (Jan 2011)Banned since 2006 Deuel Vocational Institution permalink
[CA] 02/01/2011 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 18 (Jan 2011)Banned since 2006 Deuel Vocational Institution permalink
[CA] 02/01/2011 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 20 (May 2011)no notification given California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 02/01/2011 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 18 (Jan 2011)no notification given California State Prison, Corcoran permalink
[CA] 02/01/2011 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 18 - IntroBanned since 2006 Deuel Vocational Institution permalink
[CA] 02/01/2011 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 18 - IntroBanned since 2006 Deuel Vocational Institution permalink
[CA] 02/01/2011 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 18 (Jan 2011)no notification given California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 02/01/2011 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 18 - IntroBanned since 2006 Deuel Vocational Institution permalink
[CA] 02/01/2011 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 18 - IntroBanned since 2006 Deuel Vocational Institution permalink
[CA] 01/01/2011 letter Culture Review Guidenone Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 01/01/2011 letter study group mailingno notification given California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 01/01/2011 letter Writing Tipsnone Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 01/01/2011 magazine MIM Theory 2/3: Revolutionary Feminismnone Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/10/2010 letter study group mailingPlans for activities which violate the law; deemed circumventing; use of fictitious name or address. Investigated by IGI. [Download Documentation] Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/10/2010 zine/pamphlet On Popular Justice: A Discussion with MaoistsPlans for activities which violate the law; deemed circumventing; use of fictitious name or address [Download Documentation] Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/07/2010 magazine MIM Theory 5: Diet For a Small Red Planet"ASU" unopened envelope This was overturned Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/07/2010 magazine MIM Theory 8: Anarchist Ideal"ASU" unopened envelope This was overturned Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/02/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 17 (Nov. 2010)none High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 17 (Nov. 2010)none Preston Youth Correctional Facility permalink
[CA] 12/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 17 (Nov. 2010)none This was overturned Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 17 (Nov. 2010)none Southwest Detention Center permalink
[CA] 12/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 17 (Nov. 2010)none California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 12/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 17 (Nov. 2010)none Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/01/2010 book The Communist Manifestonone Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 16 (Sept 2010)none Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 16 (Sept 2010)none Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 16 (Sept 2010)none California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 10/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 16 (Sept 2010)"Contents Unacceptable K-10" Terminal Annex LA Jail permalink
[CA] 10/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 16 (Sept 2010)none Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 16 (Sept 2010)none Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/16/2010 letter Writing Tipsnone Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/16/2010 other Nationalism: Idealism vs. Materialismnone Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/16/2010 letter MIM Intronone High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/16/2010 letter MIM Intronone High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 15 (July 2010)none Florida State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/01/2010 letter 2nd letter formnone Avenal State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 15 (July 2010)none Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 13 (March 2010)none Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 15 (July 2010)none North Kern State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/10/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 12 (Jan 2010)"need prison ID# to identify" (ID# clearly on envelope and likely correct) Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/10/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 14 (May 2010)none California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 08/10/2010 letter MIM Intro"need prison ID# to identify" (ID# clearly on envelope and likely correct) Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/10/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 14 (May 2010)none California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 08/10/2010 letter MIM Intro"need prison ID# to identify" (ID# clearly on envelope and likely correct) Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/10/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 14 (May 2010)none California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 08/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 15 (July 2010)none Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2010 letter personalizednone Florida State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2010 letter MIM Intro"need prison ID# to identify" (ID# clearly on envelope and likely correct) Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2010 letter 2nd letter formnone California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 08/01/2010 letter MIM Intronone California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 08/01/2010 letter personalizedmoved (returned 8 months after sent) Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 15 (July 2010)no notification given Wasco State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 12 (Jan 2010)moved (returned 8 months after sent) Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2010 letter MIM Intronone California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 08/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 14 (May 2010)none California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 07/13/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 14 (May 2010)none Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 14 (May 2010)none Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 14 (May 2010)none Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 3 (June 2008)none Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 14 (May 2010)none Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/01/2010 letter 2nd letter formunknown -no notice given California State Prison, Corcoran permalink
[CA] 07/01/2010 letter MIM Intronone Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/18/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 14 (May 2010)cannot locate California Institution for Men permalink
[CA] 06/15/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 13 (March 2010)none United States Penitentiary Atwater permalink
[CA] 06/03/2010 letter Censorship Guidenone California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 06/03/2010 letter CC: censorship appeal to wardennone California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 06/03/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 13 (March 2010)CDC# and name do not match (have gotten lots of mail using this name and CDC#) Deuel Vocational Institution permalink
[CA] 06/03/2010 letter CC: censorship appeal to wardennone California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 06/03/2010 letter Censorship Guidenone California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 06/03/2010 letter CC: censorship appeal to wardennone California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 06/03/2010 letter MIM IntroNo items larger than 8"x10" (e.g. photos, greeting cards, and/or similar items) North Kern State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/03/2010 letter Censorship Guidenone California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 06/03/2010 letter CC: censorship appeal to wardennone California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 06/03/2010 letter Censorship Guidenone California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 06/03/2010 newspaper Shut Down Control Units in PrisonNo items larger than 8"x10" (e.g. photos, greeting cards, and/or similar items) North Kern State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/03/2010 letter Censorship Guidenone California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 06/03/2010 letter Censorship Guidenone California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 06/03/2010 letter CC: censorship appeal to wardennone California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 06/03/2010 letter CC: censorship appeal to wardennone California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 06/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 14 (May 2010)none Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/01/2010 letter personalizednone Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 14 (May 2010)no notification given Wasco State Prison permalink
[CA] 05/27/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 13 (March 2010)none California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 05/27/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 13 (March 2010)none California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 05/27/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 13 (March 2010)none California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 05/27/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 13 (March 2010)none California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 05/27/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 13 (March 2010)none California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 05/27/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 13 (March 2010)none California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 05/27/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 13 (March 2010)none California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 05/27/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 13 (March 2010)none California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 05/27/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 13 (March 2010)none California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 05/27/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 13 (March 2010)none California State Prison, Corcoran permalink
[CA] 05/27/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 13 (March 2010)none California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 05/27/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 13 (March 2010)none California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 05/27/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 13 (March 2010)none California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 05/27/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 13 (March 2010)none California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 05/20/2010 letter personalized"not deliverable as addressed" Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 05/01/2010 letter personalizedNo Staples Robert Presley Detention Center permalink
[CA] 05/01/2010 letter 2nd letter formnone Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 05/01/2010 letter Writing Tipsnone Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 05/01/2010 letter Censorship Guidenone Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 04/20/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 12 (Jan 2010)none Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 04/20/2010 letter MIM IntroContents unacceptable at PBSP (stamped on envelope, unopened) Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 04/20/2010 letter personalizedNeed prison ID# to identify (ID# blacked out with marker, envelope opened, returned 2 months after sent) Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 04/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 13 (March 2010)no notification given Wasco State Prison permalink
[CA] 04/01/2010 letter personalizednone California State Prison, Corcoran permalink
[CA] 04/01/2010 zine/pamphlet The Right of Nations to Self-Determinationnone California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 04/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 13 (March 2010)none Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 04/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 13 (March 2010)none California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 04/01/2010 magazine What is MIM?none California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 03/19/2010 letter personalizedMIM Publications disrupt the order, or breach the security, of any institution/facility [Download Documentation] This was overturned Folsom State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/11/2010 letter personalizednone California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 03/10/2010 letter Censorship Guidenone Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/10/2010 letter Censorship Guidenone Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/10/2010 letter Censorship Guidenone Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/10/2010 letter Censorship Guidenone Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/10/2010 letter Censorship Guidenone Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/10/2010 letter Censorship Guidenone Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/10/2010 letter Censorship Guidenone Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/10/2010 letter Censorship Guidenone California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 03/10/2010 letter Censorship Guidenone Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/10/2010 letter Censorship Guidenone Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/10/2010 letter Censorship Guidenone Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/10/2010 letter Censorship Guidenone Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/08/2010 magazine MIM Theory 14: United FrontCatalogs, advertisements, brochures and materials whose primary purpose is to sell a product (not a catalog) [Download Documentation] California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/03/2010 letter MIM IntroNot on approved mailing list at SVSP Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/03/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)Unauthorized/Unacceptable Item Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/03/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)Unauthorized/Unacceptable Item Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/03/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)Unauthorized/Unacceptable Item Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/03/2010 letter MIM IntroNot on approved mailing list at SVSP Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/03/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)Unauthorized/Unacceptable Item Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/01/2010 letter personalizednone Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 12 (Jan 2010)none Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/24/2010 letter Copy of letter from MIM(Prisons) to wardennone Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/22/2010 letter Censorship GuideNone Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/20/2010 letter personalizedNone California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 02/20/2010 book None Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/20/2010 letter personalizedNone Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/20/2010 letter 2nd letter formnone Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/18/2010 letter MIM IntroNone Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/18/2010 letter MIM IntroNone Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/18/2010 letter MIM IntroNone Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/18/2010 letter MIM IntroNone Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/18/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 11 (Nov 2009)None California State Prison, Corcoran permalink
[CA] 02/15/2010 letter Censorship GuideUnauthorized/Unacceptable Item California State Prison, Los Angeles County permalink
[CA] 02/15/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 12 (Jan 2010)none California State Prison, San Quentin permalink
[CA] 02/15/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 12 (Jan 2010)None Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/10/2010 letter personalizedNone California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 02/10/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 12 (Jan 2010)none California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/10/2010 letter personalizednone California State Prison, Corcoran permalink
[CA] 02/02/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 12 (Jan 2010)None California State Prison, San Quentin permalink
[CA] 02/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 12 (Jan 2010)no notification given California State Prison, Corcoran permalink
[CA] 02/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 12 (Jan 2010)none Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 12 (Jan 2010)none Wasco State Prison permalink
[CA] 01/29/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 12 (Jan 2010)Against Regulations [Download Documentation] California Institution for Men permalink
[CA] 01/29/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 12 (Jan 2010)Against Regulations Heman Stark YCF permalink
[CA] 01/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 11 (Nov 2009)none Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 01/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 11 (Nov 2009)None California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 01/01/2010 letter MIM IntroNone Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 01/01/2010 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 10 (Sept 2009)none Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/31/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 11 (Nov 2009)Unauthorized Correspondence California State Prison, Los Angeles County permalink
[CA] 12/29/2009 letter MIM IntroContents unacceptable at Pelican Bay State Prison Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/26/2009 letter 2nd letter formNo labels allowed on envelope Robert Presley Detention Center permalink
[CA] 12/13/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 11 (Nov 2009)none California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 12/10/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 11 (Nov 2009)no notification given California State Prison, Corcoran permalink
[CA] 12/05/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 10 (Sept 2009)unauthorized correspondance Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/05/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 10 (Sept 2009)unauthorized correspondance Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/05/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 11 (Nov 2009)unauthorized correspondance Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/05/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 10 (Sept 2009)unauthorized correspondance Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/05/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 10 (Sept 2009)unauthorized correspondance Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/05/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 10 (Sept 2009)unauthorized correspondance Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/05/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 11 (Nov 2009)unauthorized correspondance Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/05/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 10 (Sept 2009)unauthorized correspondance Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/05/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 10 (Sept 2009)unauthorized correspondance Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/05/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 10 (Sept 2009)unauthorized coorespondece Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 11 (Nov 2009)none Robert Presley Detention Center permalink
[CA] 12/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 11 (Nov 2009)None California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/05/2009 magazine What is MIM?no staples Southwest Detention Center permalink
[CA] 11/05/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 10 (Sept 2009)no staples [Download Documentation] Southwest Detention Center permalink
[CA] 11/01/2009 letter personalizedunknown Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/25/2009 letter Censorship Guidenone permalink
[CA] 10/20/2009 letter invitation to study groupcontents unacceptable at Pelican Bay SP Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/20/2009 letter Censorship Guidecontents unacceptable at Pelican Bay SP Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/06/2009 letter personalizeddisallowed High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/30/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 10 (Sept 2009)no staples Robert Presley Detention Center permalink
[CA] 09/01/2009 letter MIM Intronone Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/01/2009 letter 2nd letter formno notification given California State Prison, Corcoran permalink
[CA] 09/01/2009 letter personalizedcontents unacceptable at Pelican Bay State Prison Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/15/2009 letter personalizednone given Avenal State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/10/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)Contents unacceptable at Pelican Bay State Prison Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/10/2009 letter personalizedunknown Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/10/2009 letter personalizedContents unacceptable at Pelican Bay State Prison Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/10/2009 letter personalizedContents unacceptable at Pelican Bay State Prison Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/10/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 7 (March 2009)Contents unacceptable at Pelican Bay State Prison Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/10/2009 letter personalizedContent unacceptable at Pelican Bay State Prison Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/03/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)Newsletter Not Allowed CCR 3135(c)(1) [Download Documentation] Avenal State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)none given Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)none given Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2009 letter personalizedContents unacceptable at Pelican Bay SP Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)none given Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)none given Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)none given Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)none given Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)none given Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2009 letter Censorship Guidenone given Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)none Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)none given Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)none given Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2009 letter Censorship Guidenone High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)none given Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)none given Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)none given Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2009 letter personalizedcontents unacceptable at Pelican Bay State Prison Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)none given Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)none given Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/29/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)Contents unacceptable at Pelican Bay SP Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/29/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)Contents unacceptable at Pelican Bay SP Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/29/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)contents unacceptable at Pelican Bay SP Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/29/2009 letter Censorship GuideContents unacceptable at Pelican Bay SP Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/29/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)Contents unacceptable at Pelican Bay SP This was overturned Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/29/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)Contents unacceptable at Pelican Bay SP California State Prison, Corcoran permalink
[CA] 07/29/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)Contents unacceptable at Pelican Bay SP Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/29/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)none permalink
[CA] 07/29/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)Contents unacceptable at Pelican Bay SP Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/29/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)Content unacceptable at Pelican Bay SP Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/29/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 9 (July 2009)Contents Unacceptable at Pelican Bay SP Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/29/2009 letter MIM IntroContents unacceptable at Pelican Bay SP Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/22/2009 letter MIM IntroDisallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/22/2009 letter MIM IntroDisallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/22/2009 letter MIM IntroDisallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/22/2009 letter MIM IntroDisallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/22/2009 letter MIM IntroDisallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/22/2009 letter MIM IntroDisallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/22/2009 letter MIM IntroDisallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/22/2009 letter MIM IntroDisallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/22/2009 letter 2nd letter formDisallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/22/2009 letter MIM IntroDisallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/22/2009 letter MIM IntroDisallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/22/2009 letter MIM IntroDisallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/22/2009 letter MIM IntroDisallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/22/2009 letter 2nd letter formDisallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 8 (May 2009)Threat to security and safety of institution/people [Download Documentation] Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/30/2009 letter personalizedNot on approved mailing list at SVSP, Soledad, CA Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/29/2009 letter personalizedunknown California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/25/2009 letter MIM Intro"Return for postage" Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/24/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 8 (May 2009)Threat to security and safety of institution or persons [Download Documentation] Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/23/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 8 (May 2009)Not approved correspondence Pleasant Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/22/2009 letter MIM Introtending to incite California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/22/2009 letter personalizedNot on appproved mailing list This was overturned Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/22/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 8 (May 2009)tending to incite California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/20/2009 letter personalizedunknown Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/15/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 4 (Sept 2008)Not on approved mailing list at SVSP Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/15/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 4 (Sept 2008)Not on approved mailing list at SVSP Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/01/2009 letter Writing Tipsnone Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 8 (May 2009)unknown - not returned Calipatria State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 8 (May 2009)unknown-not returned California State Prison, Corcoran permalink
[CA] 06/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 8 (May 2009)banned California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 05/31/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 8 (May 2009)unknown High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 05/31/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 8 (May 2009)unknown California State Prison, Corcoran permalink
[CA] 05/22/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 8 (May 2009)none California State Prison, Corcoran permalink
[CA] 05/10/2009 magazine What is MIM?cited 2006 Scott Kernan ban California State Prison, Corcoran permalink
[CA] 05/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 7 (March 2009)none California State Prison, Corcoran permalink
[CA] 05/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key (unknown issue)None permalink
[CA] 05/01/2009 letter Writing Tipsunknown California Medical Facility permalink
[CA] 05/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key (unknown issue)Not on approved mailing list Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 04/30/2009 letter study group inviteunknown Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 04/30/2009 letter Writing Tipsunknown Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 04/29/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 7 (March 2009)unknown California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 04/21/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 7 (March 2009)Banned Publication per memo 12/13/2006 [Download Documentation] Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 04/21/2009 letter personalizedBanned Publication per memo 12/13/06 [Download Documentation] Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 04/17/2009 letter MIM IntroBanned Publication per memo 12/13/2006 [Download Documentation] Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 04/15/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 7 (March 2009)MIM banned California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 04/15/2009 letter 2nd letter formunknown Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 04/15/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 7 (March 2009)unknown -not returned Calipatria State Prison permalink
[CA] 04/14/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 7 (March 2009)Ban of MIM Publications [Download Documentation] California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 04/10/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 7 (March 2009)unknown California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 04/10/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 7 (March 2009)Against Regulation California Institution for Men permalink
[CA] 04/10/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 7 (March 2009)Against Regulation Heman Stark YCF permalink
[CA] 04/05/2009 letter legal documents re: censorshipUnauthorized/Unacceptable Item Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/31/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 7 (March 2009)unknown High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/15/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)unauthorized/unacceptable item Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Unauthorized/Unacceptable Item Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)Contents Unacceptable to PVSP Pleasant Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Unauthorized/Unacceptable Item Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Unauthorized/Unacceptable Item Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/26/2009 letter personalizedBanned publication per memo 12/13/2006 [Download Documentation] Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/15/2009 zine/pamphlet Party Bulletin 6 (Feb 08)unknown Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/15/2009 zine/pamphlet Party Bulletin 4 (Jul 07)unknown Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/15/2009 zine/pamphlet Party Bulletin Issue 3 (May 07)unknown Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/15/2009 zine/pamphlet Party Bulletin 5 (Sept 2007)unknown Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/15/2009 zine/pamphlet Party Bulletin Issue 1 (Jan 07)unknown Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/08/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)unknown California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/06/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)MIM (Band[sic] publication statewide) [Download Documentation] California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 02/05/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)Unauthorized/unacceptable item Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/05/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)Unacceptable/Unauthorized item Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/05/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)Unauthorized/Unacceptable Item Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/05/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)unauthorized/unacceptable item Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/05/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)Not on approved mailing list at SVSP, Soledad, CA Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/03/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)banned [Download Documentation] California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/03/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)CCR Title 15. 3006(c)-(1) Any matter tending to incite. [Download Documentation] California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/02/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)"Not on approved mailing list at SVSP, SOLEDAD CA" This was overturned Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)Unauthorized Materials West Valley Detention Center permalink
[CA] 02/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)MIM banned California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 02/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)unknown California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)Contents unnacceptable to PVSP-Coalinga Pleasant Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)Not on approved mailing list at SVSP, Soledad, CA Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)unauthorized/unacceptable item Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)not on approved mailing list at SVSP, Soledad, CA Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)none High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)contents unacceptable to PVSP-Coalinga Pleasant Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/01/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)not on approved mailing list at SVSP, Soledad, CA Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 01/31/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)unknown High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 01/29/2009 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 6 (Jan 2009)unknown California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 12/22/2008 letter invitation to join study groupNot Approved California Medical Facility permalink
[CA] 12/15/2008 letter 2nd letter formunknown High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/11/2008 letter MIM Introtending to incite murder, arson, riot... [Download Documentation] Chuckawalla Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/04/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)CCR, Title 15. 3006 (c)-(1) Any matter tending to incite [Download Documentation] California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/02/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Unauthorized/unacceptable item (unopened) Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/01/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)unknown California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/01/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Material unacceptable (unopened) California State Prison, Solano permalink
[CA] 12/01/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Material unacceptable (unopened) California State Prison, Solano permalink
[CA] 12/01/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)unknown Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/01/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Unauthorized/Unacceptable item Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/01/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Material unacceptable (unopened) California Medical Facility permalink
[CA] 12/01/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Material unacceptable California State Prison, Solano permalink
[CA] 11/30/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Contents Unacceptable at CCI(unopened) California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 11/30/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)unauthorized mail (unopened) Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/30/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)disallowed item (unopened) High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/30/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Unauthorized mail Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/30/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)unauthorized mail (unopened) Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/30/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)unknown High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/30/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)unknown-not returned California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 11/30/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)unknown California State Prison, Corcoran permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Disallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Not on Approved Mailing List Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Unauthorized Mail Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Unauthorized/Unacceptable Item Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Disallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Disallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Disallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Unauthorized XXXXXXail Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 letter MIM IntroRefused by Facility United States Penitentiary Atwater permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Disallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 letter MIM IntroDisallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Disallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Disallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Disallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Not on Approved Mailing List Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Unauthorized/Unacceptable Item Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Unauthorized/Unacceptable Item Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Disallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Disallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Disallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Unauthorized Mail Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Unauthorized Mail Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Disallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Disallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Disallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Disallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Disallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Unauthorized/Unacceptable Item Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Unauthorized/Unacceptable Item Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Disallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Disallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Disallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Unauthorized Mail Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 letter MIM IntroRefused by Facility United States Penitentiary Atwater permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Unauthorized Mail Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/27/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Disallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/02/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 5 (Nov. 2008)Disallowed Item High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/30/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 4 (Sept 2008)Delivery not authorized Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/28/2008 letter MIM IntroDelivery to addresse not authorized Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/15/2008 letter MIM Introunknown California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 10/14/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 4 (Sept 2008)notification from prisoner - reason not given California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/02/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 4 (Sept 2008)MIM advocates that inmates come together as a "revolutionary group" words, symbols, and themes of civil disobedience California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/01/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 4 (Sept 2008)unknown California State Prison, Corcoran permalink
[CA] 10/01/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 4 (Sept 2008)none Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/01/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 4 (Sept 2008)unknown California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 10/01/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 2 (Feb 2008)none Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/01/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 2 (Feb 2008)unknown California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/29/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 2 (Feb 2008)incites violence [Download Documentation] California State Prison, Corcoran permalink
[CA] 09/28/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 4 (Sept 2008)Delivery not authorized: not on approved mailing list Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/26/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 4 (Sept 2008)Delivery not authorized: not on approved mailing list Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/26/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 4 (Sept 2008)Delivery not authorized: not on approved mailing list Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/26/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 4 (Sept 2008)publication has been banned at PBSP [Download Documentation] Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/26/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 4 (Sept 2008)Delivery not authorized: not on approved mailing list Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/26/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 4 (Sept 2008)Delivery not authorized: not on approved mailing list Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/24/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 4 (Sept 2008)CCR 3006 C(1) Avenal State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/24/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 4 (Sept 2008)Delivery not authorized: not on approved mailing list Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/24/2008 letter personalizedUnauthorized correspondence (unopened) Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/24/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 4 (Sept 2008)Delivery not authorized: not on approved mailing list Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/24/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 4 (Sept 2008)Delivery not authorized: not on approved mailing list Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/24/2008 letter personalizedUnauthorized correspondence (unopened) Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/20/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 4 (Sept 2008)unknown California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 09/20/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 2 (Feb 2008)unknown California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 09/07/2008 magazine MIM Theory 11: Amerikkkan Prisons on Trial"return to sender Unauthorized Mail" Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/06/2008 letter MIM IntroMIM is disallowed material High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/25/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 4 (Sept 2008)Delivery not authorized: not on approved mailing list Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/20/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 3per ban of MIM California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/19/2008 letter personalized"Makes reference to the Black August Organizational Committee" [Download Documentation] Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/19/2008 letter MIM Intro"Promotes Gang activities", "Banned publication" [was a letter not a publication] Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/15/2008 letter MIM IntroUnauthorized Correspondence (unopened) Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 3 (June 2008)none Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 2 (Feb 2008)none Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/16/2008 magazine MIM Theory 4Magazine must come from a publisher/vendor Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/10/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 3Promotes gang actiities Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/04/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 3Contents unacceptable at CCI- unopened California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 07/04/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 3Contents unacceptable at CCI- unopened California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 07/03/2008 magazine MIM Theory 5: A Spiral Trajectory (Communist Hist)Unauthorized correspondence (unopened) Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/01/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 3MIM banned in California California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/01/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 3MIM banned in California Avenal State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/01/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 3material that incites California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/01/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 3 (June 2008)none High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/29/2008 letter personalized"Need Prison ID# to Identify" (correct number clearly typed on envelope) Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/26/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 3Per ban of MIM California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/25/2008 letter MIM Introper memo banning MIM California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/24/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 3Unauthorized Correspondence (unopened) Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/24/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 3Unauthorized Correspondence (unopened) Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/24/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 3Unauthorized Correspondence (unopened) Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/24/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 3Unauthorized Correspondence (unopened) Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/24/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 3Unauthorized Correspondence (unopened) Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/24/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 3Unauthorized Correspondence (unopened) Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/24/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 3Unauthorized Correspondence (unopened) Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/24/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 3Unauthorized Correspondence (unopened) Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/24/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 3Unauthorized Correspondence (unopened) Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/24/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 3Unauthorized Correspondence (unopened) Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/24/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 3Unauthorized Correspondence (unopened) Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/20/2008 letter MIM IntroMemo to ban MIM from California prisons included Avenal State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/10/2008 letter personalizedInstitutional Security [Download Documentation] permalink
[CA] 05/02/2008 letter personalizedDelivery not authorized: not on approved mailing list [Download Documentation] Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 04/23/2008 magazine MIM Theory 10: Labor AristocracyContents Unacceptable at CCI [Download Documentation] California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 04/12/2008 letter personalizedunauthorized correspondence (unopened) [Download Documentation] Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 04/03/2008 letter personalizedUnauthorized Correspondence (unopened) [Download Documentation] Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/14/2008 magazine MIM Theory 6: Stalin IssueNot an Authorized Vendor [Download Documentation] Wasco State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/07/2008 magazine MIM Theory 6: Stalin IssueMIM correspondence contraband, disallowed per CCR [Download Documentation] Avenal State Prison permalink
[CA] 03/01/2008 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 2 (Feb 2008)none High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/15/2008 magazine MIM Theory 12: Environment and RevolutionContents of the publication contains material that is reasonably deemed to be a threat to legitimate penalogical interest which violates CCR, Title 15, Section 3006 (C), 16 penological interest [Download Documentation] Pleasant Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/04/2008 letter MIM IntroUnauthorized Correspondence [Download Documentation] Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 02/04/2008 letter personalizedCreates security and safety risks within the institution [Download Documentation] High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 01/25/2008 letter personalized - study group assignmentContraband (envelope unopened) [Download Documentation] Avenal State Prison permalink
[CA] 01/18/2008 letter MIM IntroPublication disallowed at CCI [Download Documentation] California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 01/08/2008 letter MIM Intro"per reg" [Download Documentation] Avenal State Prison permalink
[CA] 01/07/2008 letter MIM IntroNot properly addressed. Needs CDC Number and Housing number. (had full address and CDC number) California State Prison, Los Angeles County permalink
[CA] 12/21/2007 book The War of National LiberationNot from an approved vendor [Download Documentation] Mule Creek State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/18/2007 magazine MIM Theory 4Contents Unacceptable at CCI [Download Documentation] California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 12/15/2007 zine/pamphlet Under Lock & Key 1 (Nov. 2007)Must have CDC number and correct PO Box, bed and unit number in order to process California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 12/07/2007 letter MIM IntroCCR 3006 c(5) [Download Documentation] Avenal State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/01/2007 magazine MIM Theory 6: Stalin Issuenone High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/01/2007 magazine MIM Theory 6: Stalin Issuenone Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/26/2007 book Arms and EmpireAll books, magazines and newspapers must come from a publisher/vendor [Download Documentation] Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/08/2007 letter MIM IntroUnauthorized distributor - unopened [Download Documentation] Avenal State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/06/2007 letter MIM IntroUnknown - reported by prisoner Avenal State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/06/2007 magazine MIM Theory 13: Revolutionary Cultureunknown Avenal State Prison permalink
[CA] 11/05/2007 magazine MIM Theory 13: Revolutionary CultureUse Proper Name and Booking Number (envelope was opened and name/number were correct) [Download Documentation] California State Prison, Sacramento permalink
[CA] 10/30/2007 letter Welcome to study group form letterUnauthorized correspondance - unopened [Download Documentation] Avenal State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/26/2007 magazine What is MIM?Material not allowed [Download Documentation] Avenal State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/26/2007 letter personalizedmaterial not allowed Avenal State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/26/2007 letter personalizedmaterial not allowed [Download Documentation] Avenal State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/23/2007 letter personalizedNo reason given - opened and returned [Download Documentation] Avenal State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/18/2007 magazine MIM Theory 13: Revolutionary CulturePublication disallowed at CCI, Contents unacceptable at CCI (unopened) [Download Documentation] Avenal State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/18/2007 magazine MIM Theory 13: Revolutionary CultureContents Unacceptable at CCI, Publication Disallowed [Download Documentation] Avenal State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/10/2007 letter personalizedall MIM material banned per CDC ban [Download Documentation] Avenal State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/05/2007 newspaper MIM Notes (unknown issue)Refused California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/05/2007 newspaper MIM Notes (unknown issue)Refused California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/05/2007 magazine MIM Theory 8: Anarchist IdealContents Unacceptable at CCI [Download Documentation] California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 10/05/2007 newspaper MIM Notes (unknown issue)Refused California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/05/2007 newspaper MIM Notes (unknown issue)Refused California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/05/2007 newspaper MIM Notes (unknown issue)Refused California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/05/2007 newspaper MIM Notes (unknown issue)Refused California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/05/2007 newspaper MIM Notes (unknown issue)Refused California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/05/2007 newspaper MIM Notes (unknown issue)Refused California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/05/2007 newspaper MIM Notes (unknown issue)Refused California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/05/2007 newspaper MIM Notes (unknown issue)Refused California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/05/2007 newspaper MIM Notes (unknown issue)Refused California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/05/2007 newspaper MIM Notes (unknown issue)Refused California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/05/2007 newspaper MIM Notes (unknown issue)Refused California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/05/2007 newspaper MIM Notes (unknown issue)Refused California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison permalink
[CA] 10/03/2007 letter MIM IntroUnauthorized correspondence [Download Documentation] Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/22/2007 letter personalizedUnauthorized correspondence [Download Documentation] Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 09/19/2007 magazine What is MIM?Publication disallowed at CCI [Download Documentation] California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 09/01/2007 newspaper MIM Notes (unknown issue)Ban of MIM literature Pleasant Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/25/2007 magazine MIM Theory 8Disallowed publication, contents unacceptable at CCI [Download Documentation] California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 08/25/2007 letter MIM IntroUnauthorized correspondence [Download Documentation] Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/25/2007 newspaper MIM Notes (unknown issue)Contents of publication is a threat to penological interests [Download Documentation] Pleasant Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/25/2007 letter personalizedBanned MIM material [Download Documentation] Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/25/2007 magazine MIM Theory 13: Revolutionary CultureContents unacceptable at CCI [Download Documentation] California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 08/25/2007 letter personalizedContents unacceptable at Pelican Bay [Download Documentation] Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/18/2007 magazine MIM Theory 2/3"Not Allowed" [Download Documentation] California Correctional Institution permalink
[CA] 08/18/2007 letter censor intro"promotes gang activities" "Banned MIM material" [Download Documentation] Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 08/01/2007 newspaper MIM Notes (unknown issue)none High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/21/2007 letter personalizedUnauthorized Correspondence (opened) [Download Documentation] Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/21/2007 letter personalizedUnauthorized Correspondence (letter unopened) [Download Documentation] Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/30/2007 letter MIM IntroOut to Court Deuel Vocational Institution permalink
[CA] 06/25/2007 magazine MIM Theory 11: Amerikkkan Prisons on Trialprisoner reports he never got it [Download Documentation] Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/24/2007 letter personalized"need prison ID # to identify" (ID number was on envelope clearly) Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/17/2007 magazine What is MIM?'return to sender unauthorized mail' [Download Documentation] Kern Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 06/03/2007 letter censor form"banned at PBSP" [Download Documentation] Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 05/30/2007 letter MIM Intro"banned at PBSP" [Download Documentation] Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 05/30/2007 magazine MIM Theory 11"return to sender publication disallowed" [Download Documentation] California State Prison, Corcoran permalink
[CA] 05/30/2007 letter personalized"Unauthorized Correspondence" [Download Documentation] Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 05/30/2007 letter MIM Intro"Banned at PBSP" [Download Documentation] Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 05/30/2007 letter personalized"unauthorized correspondence" [Download Documentation] Salinas Valley State Prison permalink
[CA] 01/30/2007 zine/pamphlet see documentation"gang related material" Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
[CA] 12/26/2006 book Arms and EmpireLiterature/publications from MIM per Title 15 and HDSP Mailroom Op #605 creates security and safety risks within the institution. [Download Documentation] High Desert State Prison permalink
[CA] 07/01/2006 magazine What is MIM?Deemed to be a threat to legitimate penological interest Pelican Bay State Prison permalink
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