Extortion in California Prisons
In California we have 55% of any incoming money taken away, then another 45% taken out under the cloak of obligatory fees. So if your family sends $20 you get $8, minus another 45% and you are left with $5 and some change. This is ridiculous and should be challenged just like the amount of money a prisoner is paid an hour: 10-30 cents. Really if we were on the street we’d get minimum wage. A business owner would be in court if found out to be paying their employees 30 cents an hour.
The citizens have been led to believe prisoners don’t need money because the state pays for everything. To these people I say eat our meals for 4 days and tell me if you don’t want more to eat. Here’s an example: if your lips chap and skin drys and you go to the doctor for an ointment they tell you that you have to buy that at canteen. Well if you don’t have any money to go to canteen you’re shit out of luck. If you’re lactose intolerant there’s no diet for that. They say just don’t eat what you can’t eat. Well you do that and you’re shorting yourself of mandatory calories you’re supposed to receive each day. Same with allergies to fish, peanut butter, etc. The state doesn’t provide deodorant and lotion and hair grease or shampoo. So what’s one to do?
The restitution is supposed to be for the victim. Do they get a check every time the prison deducts money from money sent in? Hell no! People wake up, we need to fight this money hungry place called prison which is making a killing off our sweat and prisoner’s family sweat.
MIM(Prisons) responds: As we’ve written before, prisons across the country are paying prisoners pennies (or nothing at all). This is not just a way to keep prisoners totally dependent on their captors while locked up, but also makes it harder for released prisoners to get on their feet. No one leaves prison with money in their pockets. And we know that finding a job and housing as an ex-con is far from easy. But the prison system is counting on this as the revolving doors of incarceration help keep the prisons full and the criminal injustice system employees earning good wages.
We don’t agree that the prison is “making a killing” off the labor of prisoners and the family money. In reality prisons are a money-losing operation subsidized by the state. The only people benefiting financially are the employees with fat paychecks and the few private enterprises that get to hire prisoners to do work that other Amerikans don’t want or won’t do so cheaply. Prisons themselves don’t make a profit, but lots of individuals and other corporations are benefiting greatly from this huge subsidized humyn warehousing for social control.