Fighting Prison Officials' Belief that Prisoner's Have no Rights

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[Censorship] [McCormick Correctional Institution] [South Carolina]

Fighting Prison Officials' Belief that Prisoner's Have no Rights

Comrades, I received the copies of letters that were sent to Director Gary Boyd and McCormick Correctional Institution Warden L. Cartledge concerning censoring of mail from MIM Distributors. I sent Warden Cartledge a detailed request form concerning that issue also.

I think I’ll wait until I receive mail from CRC and then file a grievance claiming discrimination and harassment against this mailroom. From my understanding two prisoners here have filed lawsuits against the mailroom already.

South Carolina Department of Corections (SCDC) officials are quick to tell you that they don’t care about lawsuits. All SCDC officials have qualified immunity. If a lawsuit is successful the state has to pay a monetary settlement.

What makes these matters worse is higher institutional officials tell staff that as prisoners, we don’t have any rights. And that the harder they make it on us the less likely we’ll be to return to prison.

To them our being sent to prison was not punishment. The punishment is to come from them once we get to prison. Imbeciles masquerading as psychologists. To become a warden in SCDC all you’ve got to do is take a prison management class, which is provided by SCDC.

Due to a staffing shortage they’re hiring new recruits who’re in their 50s and 60s. They’re the worst pigs to have as guards, they think they have everything about life figured out and they’re really doing society a favor by working here.

MIM(Prisons) adds: We need our comrades behind bars to follow this prisoner’s example and fight censorship of mail. We have to follow the legal procedures even when we know the officials are not worried about lawsuits if we want to win these battles. If you learn about censorship of mail from MIM(Prisons), let us know and work with us to fight back.
