Government Uses Mental Health Labels to Define Victims
U.$. injustice has found a new victim to satisfy their passions for cruelty. The non-neurotypicals are their current victim of choice, especially autistics and those with aspergers syndrome, although they’ve been preying on schizophrenics for decades. The AS/Austistics are a better target as they can be dismissed as “insolent psychopaths/sociopaths” by the real sociopaths - prison officials. AS/Autistics have “blindness” to nonverbal communication - which uneducated, bully prison nazis call ‘insolence’ - and they beat and/or write shots. Autistics/AS tend to be socially awkward, and tend to prefer to socialize online, where they are targeted by perverted FBI pigs, who lure them into sexual conversations, taking advantage of their loneliness, then pretending to be teens to get their victim falsely accused of being a sexual predator. Autistics/AS must fight back. Defend yourself against U.$. imperialism with Maoism and MIM!
MIM(Prisons) responds: First we want to respond to this article by defining mental health problems. This is something that capitalism defines very broadly, generally to classify all those who do not conform to imperialist values and lifestyle. Over time we have seen all sorts of mental health diagnoses come and go from fashion as they serve the imperialists: diagnoses were used to keep women at home and out of positions of power, diagnoses labeled gay people as diseased, and diagnoses were manipulated to institutionalize Blacks, just to name a few examples.
So we do not just accept labels of mental health disorders without question. Maoists understand that mental health is currently a widely abused system of labels, drugs and interventions that serve to isolate those who are alienated by and/or opposed to imperialism, while providing an excuse to explain away those who suffer conditions caused by the failings of capitalism. What is actually neurotypical, or a “healthy” mind, is not something we can define under capitalism because of the unhealthy and oppressive culture it creates.
We echo this prisoner’s call for those who are suffering from mental health problems to actively fight back against imperialism. The system is not going to help your problems. But many people have found working for something they believe in is a great way to help with conditions like depression.
Ultimately we will address mental health systemically under socialism much the way they did in China under Mao where they focused on helping people become productive members of society, working with individuals, families and communities together.
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