Grievances in Arkansas
Here in Arkansas state prisons we have a terrible grievance procedure. The administration and pigs call it an “informal resolution” and it is a joke. I have enclosed the front page so you can check it out.
In Arkansas we receive no pay for the jobs we perform, but at Christmas time the state places a big $6 on our books, averaging out to about 1 1/2 cents per day. In the mid to late 90s I ran one of the unit’s cabinet shops and would often work 12 hour days, 7 days a week for that $6. Purely slave labor in my opinion.
Here they shut out our lights at 10:30pm and turn them on again as early as 3am, leaving them off only 4 1/2 hour, and this is usually done 7 days a week.
The food we get us usually not fit for human consumption. Very often the hamburger meat and chicken are spoiled, but most of us can’t afford to go to the commissary store and must eat it.
Our grievances often get “lost” or “misplaced” if they have factual info about a staff member, especially if a few individuals write them.
MIM(Prisons) responds: This problem with grievances is not unique to Arkansas. For this reason United Struggle from Within initiated a grievance campaign this year. If you are filing grievances about any issue and they aren’t being handled properly by staff, consider becoming a part of this campaign and spread it to your people inside.