Interference with Prisoner Mail in Texas
I’m writing to inform you that I wrote you a few days ago to request 1) map of the world & 2) You, Prison Officials and Contract Law. I sent 6 stamps to cover postage. Today I was notified that I was in violation of B.P.-03-91 Uniform Offender Correspondence Rules, and stamps cannot be used in a monetary value to purchase merchandise. So TDCJ stole the stamps. I’m sending you the contraband form so if you get time you can appeal it. Also, it should be posted on your website.
How is this a security threat? What it is is a human rights violation to not allow someone to educate themselves. I’ve sent out stamps before in the past. They are enforcing this B.P. 3.91 because I wrote a grievance on mail room because 2 of my packages I sent out did not ever make it to its destination. So, since I’ve sent stamps before no problem, this here is exactly that retaliation. They do not care about policy when inmates need respite because of deadly HEAT or when an inmate needs to go to medical because of CHEST PAIN! I could go on & on… the Red Army crossed many bridges during the long march even though there was overwhelming opposition, so I will struggle on. Even though the odds are against me, I will struggle on.
MIM(Prisons) responds: We’ve received a few notices of this problem from Texas recently. Unfortunately, the only way you can send us funds right now is cash, stamps or cryptocurrency. We do appreciate and make good use of any funds comrades can send.
We agree that these petty laws are used to target and discourage people. Sometimes they’re just used randomly with the effect of creating a sense of hopelessness. So we commend this comrade for keeping on and not being discouraged. There are many hard roads ahead, where patience and diligence will be much-needed skills.