Oregon Long Term Program Expanded
This is a continuation of a letter I wrote you in July about the Long Term (LT) scam here in the Oregon Drpartment of Corrections. Since that letter there have been some changes in here. For starters, these pigs’ schemes worked: they were given authorization to expand the LT program by an additional 24 cells. So they opened up another Intensive Management Unit (IMU) section as LT and are currently using the top tier of that section (12 cells) as LT status. They’ll eventually fill up every cell in that section as LT, then most likely ask for another extension.
One of the counselors also mentioned that they stopped using the custody status “Long Term” and are now calling it “Retain Custody Level 5.” They can call shit by any other name and it’s still gonna smell the same.
Additionally, a not-very-well-thought-out lawsuit was partially won recently against IMU resulting in a 90-day review of all IMU and LT status prisoners. Upon review Inmate Program Committee (IPC) is either supposed to decide to keep us in IMU, release us to mainline, or place us in alternative housing (which will most likely be LT or Ad-Seg). However, very few prisoners were released from IMU and 2 Long Termers got released. That’s nothing to celebrate about when the release of the 2 is weighed against the expansion of 24 cells.
Most prisoners never even get a response about the review, and they’re prime candidates for release due to lack of write-ups or any misconduct while in IMU or LT. The reviews therefore become a convenience for these pigs: when they need the room for more IMU intakes, they’ll release someone to open that cell. It also sets the stage for prejudice and discrimination. If for any reason they don’t like us they can simply deny any change to our status without ever giving a reason why: maybe they don’t like the way we look, our skin art, who we’re accused of associating with, maybe we’ve had confrontations with the piglets and counselors, or maybe even filed grievances and lawsuits. Without ever needing to say why, they can simply deny us, and conveniently declare to have given us our due process.
I will be drafting up a petition to challenge the schemes, but I still don’t feel it’s right for us to individually challenge this after the fact that we’ve been placed in these mental torture chambers. So I will be contacting activist groups to see if they can help to abolish this altogether. I got bigger plans in mind which I’ll share once I get the petitions prepared. It’ll require taking this to the courts, attempting to seek justice in the imperialistic playground of jesters and hypocrites.
MIM(Prisons) adds: We agree with this comrade that reforming any system of control units to allow a few people to get out is not going to change the system. We must demand that all long-term isolation units be shut down. Of course this is still just a small part of the criminal injustice system that we are fighting to dismantle, but it is an important part because it is used to target politically active and conscious comrades, punishing them for their work fighting abuse and isolating them from influencing other prisoners.