Paying for no care in prisons
I think everybody should get health care. I’m talking about immigrants and U.$. citizens with low incomes, because most of the people that work picking oranges, strawberries or any other job are immigrants not from America but from other countries. Without immigrants Amerikans cannot do their own work.
And as for us prisoners, I’m in a county jail in Florida and we are being overcharged when we need medical assistance or medical care. Just for putting in a sick call we have to pay $12 and if we get to see a doctor it’s another $12. But before we see a doctor we have to file 3 times for sick call, which is bullshit because we have to pay $36 before we even see a doctor and then another $12 when we get to see them. The same goes if we need Motrin or Tylenol, just for 3 days of those pills we pay $12 for the sick call and $5 for the pills. That’s $17 for 3 days of Motrin or Tylenol.
MIM(Prisons) adds: This comrade’s view of “everybody” is narrowed by u.$.-imposed borders. This is an incorrect perspective to take on health care within an imperialist economy where one nation’s prosperity is built on others’ demise. Not only is premature death in the Third World a direct result of exploitation by the imperialist nations, but it also plays a role in social control of the oppressed.
To demand health care for prisoners and others in north amerika not considered to be full citizens is a righteous challenge to the dominant debates. But don’t stop there. Particularly in countries where the united $tates can afford to send billions of dollars in military equipment, such demands should be obligatory. Clean water, food and medical care for all are cheap and easy in comparison to military occupations.