Pick Your Hand: Oppression or Liberation
I just got done reading Retaliation for Hunger Strikes and New Protest Ideas in ULK 26. My prayers go out to the comrades in the California prisons and every other state’s human warehouses who have to suffer from retaliation when we exercise our rights. Although Missouri isn’t gang affiliated as bad as most states. We still suffer from racist DOC workers who enjoy making our time hard.
I want to touch on what the CA writer said about prisoners running scared. Man this is common here as well. It’s hard to get unity in a place that only wants to divide and conquer. Why would these professional kidnappers want us to unite? They know when we turn against each other, some will eventually turn against themselves. When this happens we as a whole crumble like cookies in a closed fist.
I like to use this metaphor a lot when I am talking through my cell door to other comrades. Picture this, in one hand you have some sugar, in the other hand you have feces (shit). Now there comes a time in everyone’s life to choose what they want so they can push forward in life. You have to pick which hand you want to live with, because sugar and feces do not mix!
Every state human warehouse has it’s own ways of suppressing us. We as a whole should never look at another comrade across this racist country as if we’re better off where we’re at, with comments like, “at least we don’t have to go through what their going through.” No, you’re wrong for saying this or even thinking this way. Each of us are comrades (soldiers) in this struggle and when one comrade hurts we should all feel it. When one comrade falls down after so many battles with these racist pigs, then we all should help him up and protect his mind, because let’s remember they may have our bodies, but they will never get our minds unless we give it to them.
So let’s choose the hand with sugar in it. Stop the cookies from crumbling and unite as a whole. Then enjoy the sweetness of overcoming our oppressors. Keep fighting CA comrades and know you’re supported even though I’m in Missouri. Do what you have to do to let them know. But stay healthy in the process. A soldier, a comrade always stays in training, both mentally and physically. Stay up and always stay real!
MIM(Prisons) adds: This comrade demonstrates in practice how to uphold the Unity principal of the United Front for Peace in Prisons. “WE strive to unite with those facing the same struggles as us for our common interests. To maintain unity we have to keep an open line of networking and communication, and ensure we address any situation with true facts. This is needed because of how the pigs utilize tactics such as rumors, snitches and fake communications to divide and keep division among the oppressed. The pigs see the end of their control within our unity.”
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