SMU Federal Forced Psychological Treatment Program
Do you realize, it is not wise, your actions are absurd!
You know from history, there is no mystery, haven’t you heard!
It’s been tried again and again, successful it has never been,
you want to change reality!
Only an idiot would believe it, your report concludes the
opposite, but it’s your story!To follow a flawed plan, of a foolish man, is no less idiotic!
Federal SMU, they don’t have a clue, their leader must be
Contractors keep on bribing, congress keeps on buying, greed
takes over the atrocity!
Employees union denying, administration outright lying, sacrifice
integrity for the money!International courts condemn the practice, you must be actors,
lied to congress to get your wish!
You claim it’s beneficial, in actuality it’s detrimental, how do
you explain this!
Community communication, through human isolation, the theory
is ridiculous!
Add antagonization, mental manipulation, makes the hypothesis
where’d you get that data, like indicting a potato, the truth
you will always withhold!
It’s a program, run for the sons of sam, one of the biggest
bullshits ever told!Your stated objective, must be defective, the strategy is
really old!
Institutionalization, of the entire nation, seems to be your goal!
A laboratory experiment, who gives a shit, about some
federal convicts!
Just some lab rats, Stanford’s second act, use them
for your benefits!So what if they go crazy, ignorant and lazy, signed the
consent to make it authorized!
The ones who try to get wise, hasten their demise, to
keep the others terrified!
Keep it on the low, nobody needs to know, the true nature
of your enterprise!
When you get exposed, the doors will be closed, now it’s
you being ostracized!What you don’t understand is any flawed plan, that tortures
your fellow man, must come to an end!
Just as before, those that work the store, shall face
the forgiver of sin via pistol or pen!
Don’t see the danger, that’s the avenging angel, you
must have made a mistake!
Thought he was nice, better think twice, your soul
he comes to take!Now that he is here, no need to shed a tear, your path
is set in stone!
No you can not hide, before the foolish man by your side,
now he has left you alone!
But you knew all along, that it was wrong, yes you
assisted in the deed!
I too cry, because now you lie, soulless, heartless,
fertilizer for planted seed!