Snitch Solution
Ears on alert everyone - wherever snitches roam carelessly, claiming that this is their “get down” generation ready to put any prisoner way down.
There’s no doubt that snitching has gotten out of hand in prison, but here in Texas we have found a good solution to this shameful way. If you want to be a “snitch”, go ahead get down, I and other prison reformers have decided to support you all the way. You can declare victory now!
Pick up your pen and paper, if you need more, feel free to ask for more from any of us. No one will try to stop you, as long as you start snitching 24-7 to our state Senators and Representatives about our prison conditions. I truly believe that you, snitches, can get something rolling, and help us bring some kind of change for the betterment of thousands, if not millions. That’s truly getting down, maybe someday others will stop calling you a snitch and honor your efforts because you finally got it right. Other prisoners are not the enemy - for sure.
What are you waiting for, become part of the solution, stop contributing to the problem. If that’s what makes you a snitch, then more power to you, use your mind and your prison time for the struggles of someday fulfilling better prison reform. Go ahead, if you plan to do something, let it be done in prison style, that’ll be the day, I and thousands more, maybe millions of prisoners will shake your hand tight, call you a real brother, never a snitch.
MIM(Prisons) responds: This comrade correctly points out that there is a political line behind snitching. And when it is the imperialists and their pigs committing the worst crimes, we support those who are brave enough to come forth and expose the truth.