SNY or Violence: Making Choices for the Revolution

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[Organizing] [Security]

SNY or Violence: Making Choices for the Revolution

I would like to comment on the letter written to MIM(Prisons) by Loco1 “Forced into SNY for Political Organizing” that was published in ULK 20.

Most people cannot say or determine how they’ll react in any situation unless they’ve had similar experience under the same pressure and conditions. Most of us can only theorize and examine best options one should take from an objective standpoint and hope to learn valuable lessons from another’s mistake, in attempts to prevent oneself from ever having to face the same problem.

One general fact is that the words “snitch” and “rat” are probably the worst and last label anyone would care to have placed in conjunction with their name, especially in prison where one’s name and respect is the ultimate factor in dividing and determining a “man” from a “boy.” (A “boy” is one step above the label of snitch.) Once labeled a rat, Special Needs Yard (SNY) or Protective Custody (PC) are your only options, because snitching is penitentiary sin number one and the only justice served for this act is punishment upon death - as very painful as possible!

I’ve noticed that MIM(Prisons) made a good-hearted attempt at bringing forth evidence of credibility by producing past letters that reveal Loco1’s anti-SNY sentiments and truth of his commitment to the struggle, but after a complete examination of the full story (never cross-checked), I don’t believe snitching to be the issue nor do I think anyone, after investigation, feels that he snitched. His lumpen organization (LO) members were within listening range and heard the pig loudly read the hidden message found in a medicine bottle. They also allowed him to choose an option. Snitches do not receive options. Snitching is an irredeemable violation that cannot be forgiven no matter how many pigs one is willing to “clean up.” This verifies that snitching was not the reason for group violation.

My judgement is that a major security breach in communications was initiated due to an irresponsible lack of diligence and, as a result, vital information fell into the hands of the enemy that brought harm to others. My discipline methods may have been different, but regardless, every man is responsible for his actions and must face the repercussions that come along no matter how great or how small. If I was presented with options given in his situation I would’ve unhesitatingly chosen the choice of cleaning up a pig (in a clandestine manner). Doing battle with a comrade(s) in defense of my life would’ve never been an option and running from a disciplinary violation would’ve never entered my mind. George Jackson even made the statement that a coward is no good to the cause.

What makes matters worse is that now he’s labeled a snitch and a coward! All benefit of the doubt and creditability was lost when he ran and checked in with the enemy. What’s he going to do when the revolution kicks off? If a person’s max out date is more important than maintaining his dignity, and trust as a true revolutionary – I say fuck a max out date.

As long as the people remain in chains, there is no personal liberation for me. The struggle doesn’t exist in here or out there, it exists in one’s heart, mind, and soul. The only max out date is on the day of freedom or death. Some may call Loco1’s actions a tactical retreat, but I don’t see nothing tactical about completely losing support of allies and comrades. My assessment may seem overly critical but in the war against oppression everything is critical and criticism can never be stressed enough.

There were no excuses for the mistakes Loco1 made. What organization does not teach their members to write and speak in codes especially while operating within enemy territory? It’s also common sense to never use real names or known aliases, especially on the same line with incriminating statements. Developing security awareness and communications is the most important aspect of any revolutionary organization. One wrong word in the right ears can cause whole nations to fall. I wish Loco1 the best of luck and hope he finds the road to recovery. Mao said, “a fall in the pits a gain in the wit.” He never mentioned anything about diving in head first.

MIM(Prisons) responds: This response to Loco1 is a rational analysis of mistakes made and the importance of security. While many people insist that it is not possible to be classified SNY or PC without ratting someone out, we know that conditions vary between prisons and even more between states, so there is no way one person can make this blanket statement with certainty. We printed Loco1’s story as an example that this is not always true. We did not print it to say that one should always choose the route Loco1 did.

Our main disagreement with the above author is in his/her insistence that it’s better to opt to clean up a pig than to go SNY. Most likely, given the current balance of forces, that thinking is putting ego above the movement. You cannot be a revolutionary if you are not ready to sacrifice as an individual, but there is a difference between courage and bravado. And we can tell the difference by putting politics in command. Sometimes appearing selfless is better for the individual but hurts the struggle. The streets are where we need our comrades, and temporary setbacks in the name of long term successes are sometime valuable choices to make. We know each situation is different, and sometimes there are no options besides fighting back, but no successful military strategist engages the enemy every time they attack.
