South Carolina Censors Writing Guide and Other Letters

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[Censorship] [Perry Correctional Institution] [South Carolina]

South Carolina Censors Writing Guide and Other Letters

I just received the latest issue of Under Lock & Key No. 38 May/June 2014, which is a surprise being that recently a copy of the grievance petition and a couple of guides were forwarded to the DOC’s Correspondence Review Committee to see if they will allow me to receive them. The mailroom staff considers the material “questionable & inflammatory.”

This censorship comes as no shock since the hypocrisy that they label as a “democracy” in Amerikan society censors the mass media and many other forms of disseminating knowledge, due to material being labeled “inflammatory.” Although these restrictions clearly are in violation of their own constitutional laws, these imperialistic powers thrive from being able to control & manipulate mass information, therefore they will continue violating laws to maintain and/or advance their position.

Too much trust is placed in the Amerikan government, their structure and system by the Amerikan people/population. Maybe people still believe that Amerika guarantees the “right” to free speech because they don’t have anything relevant to say. Whenever someone has something profound to say that the government may consider to be counter-productive to their message or a “threat,” the message will be suppressed from being propagated on a mass level. Then some people don’t care because they have never felt the need to speak out or say something meaningful, which displays that either they don’t stand for anything or they are cowards. Or maybe people believe they have a “right” of free speech because they are supportive of this system, therefore everything they say is conducive to the message the government wishes to convey. In this way, these people never experience this form of censorship or are too blind to recognize it. Controlling or censoring what the media provides to the public is a main component to controlling the public. The Amerikan public is now experiencing martial law in its subtlest form. Too often “state of emergencies” are called for fabricated or manufactured reasons, only to benefit the Amerikan government.

I will notify you of the outcome concerning the study group guide, grievance petition, and guide to writing articles after the Correspondence Review Committee makes their determining decision.

United We Struggle.

MIM(Prisons) responds: This arbitrary censorship by Perry Correctional Institution officials demonstrates the lack of real reason behind their denial of some mail to prisoners. Included in the list of letters censored is MIM(Prison)’s writing tips, which has information on how to write articles for Under Lock & Key, including various grammar and spelling rules. Only if the prison considers education a risk would this denial make sense.

We do not believe that the Amerikan people are pacified entirely because of the control of their media and information. While this is certainly an important part of the Amerikan government’s control of the country, there are plenty of Third World countries where governments have similar or even stronger hold on the media, and still the people rise up and organize against their own repression. Important to the Amerikan public’s passivity is their material interest in the system. This prisoner gets at this point when s/he accuses Amerikans of having “never felt the need to speak out or say something meaningful”, a state of affairs common in imperialist countries today where the vast majority of the population has been bought off and enjoys comfortable lives at the expense of the exploited peoples of the world.
