TB outbreak at Texas Wynne Unit not being prevented

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[Medical Care] [Wynne Unit] [Texas]

TB outbreak at Texas Wynne Unit not being prevented

I am incarcerated in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Correctional Institutional Division (TDCJ) at the John M. Wynne Unit. I damaged my left lung because I contracted tuberculosis here at this faculty. I had complained for over a year because I was seriously ill. It is apparent that I contracted the active disease here. Before Feb 26, 2016, all test results were 0.0, until Feb 28, 2016 it was 0.3 and then in March 3, 2017 it read 0.8.

I remain in day to day contact with people with the active disease cough infecting anyone who breathe the germs into their lungs. There are at least three other people in the last twelve months, that I have seen the TB germs multiply and cause illness here at this unit. Each of these individual had been tested, as I prior too and had not tested positive for TB. I was given test upon test and complained many times that I felt I had been exposed to TB and was not properly diagnosed until I went on bench warrant that it was confirmed, certainly.

I possibly exposed many for undoubtedly mine was indeed active. It is not being addressed and my most sincere concern is that this is allowed by the prison failing to properly respond to tuberculosis exposure. Outbreak of the disease is not being prevented. The latest incident was on March 9, 2018 in which a prisoner became so ill from TB he passed out and was brought to medical then taken to the hospital. I told a LWN nurse Latasha D. Franklin that he had TB and he caught it from me a year ago. The next day she thanked me for the info because they didn’t know what was wrong with him.
