The Experiment

Comrades, I know most of you are aware of the fact that we are a study specimen for experimental purposes but let me give you some details about one of these experiments that most of you are familiar with.
“Behavior Control & Human Experimentation”
These are two names with the same meaning: Behavior Modification & Special Holding Units.
SHU -> These are units that have been specifically designed to control behavior. Here is where human experimentation is legal. The purpose of these experiments is to control rebellious and revolutionary attitudes in the prison system and in society at large. In several instances the control units have been used to “Silence Prison Movement Criticism”. In 1964 at a meeting in Washington between social scientists and prison wardens addressing the topics of “man against man”, brainwashing was said to produce marked changes of behavior in attitudes necessary to weaken, undermine & remove the supports of the old patterns of behavior and old ideologies attitudes. It’s often necessary to break these emotional ties. This can be done by either removing the individual physically, preventing communication with those whom the prisoner cares about, or by proving to him that those whom he respects aren’t worthy of it and should indeed be actively mistrusted.
I will share a few specific examples:
Physical removal of prisoners from those they respect to positively break and seriously weaken close emotional ties
Segregation of natural leaders
Use of cooperative prisoners as “leaders”
Prohibition of group activities not in line with brainwashing objectives
Spying on prisoners & reporting back private material
Tricking prisoners to write statements which are then shown to others
Exploitation of opportunists & informers
Convincing prisoners they can trust no one
Treating those who are willing to collaborate in more lenient ways than those who are not
Punishing those who show an uncooperative attitudes
Systemic withholding of mail
Preventing contact with anyone unsympathetic to the method of treatment & regimen of captive populace
Building a group conviction among the prisoners that they have been abandoned by and totally isolated from their social order
Undermining all emotional supports
Preventing prisoners from writing regarding the conditions of their confinement
Making available and permitting access to only those publications which are neutral or supportive of the desired attitudes
Placing individuals into new and ambiguous situations from which the standards are kept deliberately unclear and then pressuring them to conform to what is desired to win favor and some respite from the pressure
Placing individuals whose willpower has been severely weakened or eroded into a living situation with several others who are more advanced in their thought-reform, whose job it is to further undermine the individual’s emotional support
Using techniques of character invalidation; i.e. humiliations, revilement, and shouting to induce feelings of guilt, fear & suggestibility coupled with sleeplessness, an exacting prison regimen & periodic interrogation-interviews.
Meeting with renewed hostility all the insincere attempts to comply with prisoners’ pressures
Repeatedly pointing out to the prisoner and their cellmates where he has in the past not lived up to his own standards or values
Rewarding of submission and subservience by lifting of the pressures
Providing social & emotional support that reinforces new attitudes
Comrade, if any of these points were used on you then you have been part of the experiment.
U.$. Imperialists have tried to manipulate our environment and culture, in particular those who belong to oppressed minority groups. Reader, you might question “What they mean by Revolutionary attitudes??”
In this experiment it evidently refers to anyone who thinks and behaves as an individual, who they feel must be made to become part of their subservient system. The point is to make people less human and “subject entirely to their will!”
Comrades, we should be truly aware and on guard that the above techniques to condition people are now general practice in most if not all prisons, state and federal throughout the United $tates as well as in workplaces, schools, and other government organizations.
The author of this article has have been in the SHU-EM at a prison in Florida State and I’m a true witness that all this has been in effect for almost forty years, and what is worse is… its working!!
Don’t be part of the experiment, don’t let the system work on you – be strong minded and of impeccable heart as well as relentless spirit. Imperialism might be able to kill a Revolutionary but never the internal Revolution of the soul!