i can remember first reading about the above policy and practice in the California prison system employed against captives who were identified as “gang” members. After being so identified, captives would be tossed into Administrative Segregation or an SHU [Segregated Housing Units]. Here they would languish until they either “paroled, debriefed, or died.” I recall thinking how diabolical this scheme was. How it could be used - twisted-to be a tool of political repression.
I was still in the fetus stage of my studies when I first read about the situation in California prisons. I hadn’t then realized that the repressive policies and practices were designed form the start to neutralize political activism behind the barbed- wire. The disguise of `fighting “gang” activity’ was used for legitimacy. If exposed to the public, the people would support it. Who doesn’t want an end to the high rate of crime and violence that is commonly associated with “gangs”?
Since my first exposure to STG (“security threat group”) policies and practices in the California prison system, I have learned that it has spread to prisons across the u.s. And as of December 16, 1996, the state in which I am held captive had enacted its own political policy: 04.04.113, “Identification and Management of Security Threat Groups and Members.”
Comrade George [Jackson] taught Us that “Power responds to all threats. The response is repression.” Have We learned from history? COINTELPRO, NEWKILL, etc. If We are not prepared to deal with the Paper Tiger, then it will force its claws deeply into Our efforts at educating to liberate.
STG can be defeated. We ain’t got to be forced into a corner with Our only option being to either debrief, to denounce Our political associations, or fact repression. However, the only chance We got to defeat STG is to end Our isolation. We got to reach outside these kkkoncentration kkkamps into the communities from which We came and of which We represent in our organizing and educating efforts. When the Paper Tigers attempt to attack, We got to have an outside base of support. Do Our people on the outside know Us? Do they know what we care about? Or, will they be left to believe whatever spiel the Paper Tigers wish to say about Us? If because We have no roots on the outside We are left vulnerable to unbridled repression, it is no one’s fault but Our own!
Myself and others in Michigan want to expose the STG Phenomenon. However, We want to do so based on how it has spread across the u.s. We are asking for captives from any state in amerikkka that has some form of STG policy and/or practice to forward information and documentation to Us.