Abysmal Conditions in Arkansas Department of Corrections
Whom it may concern,
I’m reaching out asking for help. The conditions here at Tucker Maximum Security Unit are horrifying. I’ve done wrote numerous letters to prison personnel including Director Dexter Payne, Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Internal Affairs, Attorney General’s Office, The Department of Health And Human Service, Channel 7 News, and the FBI in Washington D.C. No one has investigated or corresponded to any of my letters. I don’t know if my letters are arriving at their destinations. Please send me confirmation correspondence. These are some of the horrifying conditions and/or treatment I have persynally encountered.
On 28 April 2023, I received a breakfast tray in East Isolation at approx. 5:57 am without a spoon. I’ve been here since 24 January 2023 and every tray always has a spoon. As I was eating the oatmeal I noticed a chunk of unknown substance under my oatmeal. It was huge with a foul odor. I had been hearing inmates stating that the kitchen supervisors will put harmful things in our food if we made them mad. When I noticed the chunk of unknown substance I was wondering “was that tray meant for me?” Then later that day I received my mail including a grievance I had wrote about the food preparations. In the warden’s response it stated that Building Major Mahoney counsel with the kitchen staff. That’s when I realized that the tray was specifically meant for me in retaliation for the grievances and some rude requests I’ve wrote. I was poisoned and had to see the prison medical staff about some problematic stomach conditions and receive treatment. Then on 16 May 2023 I had to go to St. Jefferson Regional Hospital in Pine Bluff, AR because of some problematic stomach conditions among other issues pertaining to the food process and preparation. Now I’m waiting to go back to St. Jefferson Regional Hospital to undergo a couple different surgeries that were scheduled by a doctor at that hospital. However, I have not been taken back to have the scheduled procedures carried out. Prison personnel are constantly rescheduling and/or refusing to take me back to be diagnosed and treated. Prison Medical Staff stated I was scheduled to undergo surgeries by the end of June, but I was never taken back to receive treatment. The procrastination can cause me a life-changing medical condition.
Another thing is the beverage container has mold, fungus, and slime build up. The orange juice and apple juice is always undergoing fermentation. The tea, kool-aid, and water always has a coffee taste like it’s being mixed with coffee. The water in my cell comes out brown sometimes. I’m assuming it’s lead from the pipes or radium. Maybe it’s sewage.
Then since 13 June 2023 and still continuing in East Isolation there’s a horrific amount of mosquitoes. Before 13 June 2023 there weren’t any mosquitoes, now there’s a horrific amount. There’s no way I should have to live with mosquitoes biting me in my sleep. I have been informed that I can contract a disease via a mosquito bite. That is a danger to my future health and well-being. I have rodents living in my cell door. Every cell in East Isolation has rodents living in their cell door. Along with the insect infestation, I’ve been housed in East Isolation since 24 January 2023 and I haven’t seen anyone deploying repellent. An investigation should be conducted to prove a repellent is being deployed and test the repellent to make sure it is repellent.
With the information here an investigation should be conducted. I will testify to any and all knowledgeable matters. You should see how unsanitary my cell is in East Isolation, it’s horrendous. A similar letter like this was forwarded to the wardens of this unit Warden Shiman, but corrective action was not taken and I’ve experienced retaliation. I’m asking for a surprise inspection and/or investigation into these matters. I will submit to a polygraph test. I request criminal charges be filed for me being poisoned. Sgt. J. Lee and I think the kitchen supervisor that morning was Ms. Relefore. The conditions and/or treatment here is horribly below constitutional standards. Therefore, I pray action will be taken. Prison personnel should be held accountable for their actions. If not then what’s topping them from violating policies, procedures, rules, regulations, and constitutional rights? Please help.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the forgoing is true and correct.
31 July 2023 Tucker Maximum Security Unit 2501 State Farm Rd. Tucker, AR 72168