Colorado Mourns the Killing of a Chicano by a Cop
Fort Collins Colorado - a 25-year old Chicano lumpen was killed by a cop today after what appears to be a robbery gone awry. The details are still unclear and prison censorship interferes with information gathering, but the news has sent shock waves reverberating throughout the Chicano lumpen prison population. One question comes to my mind, if being in prison isn’t enough, since we are under a new brutally authoritative system in Colorado prisons, and now kkkops are killing us, where do we find relief?
And to the fact that Chicanos use violence against one another with the factions of various different lumpen groups, how do we use this new murder to bring revolution to the forefront in Colorado? With the minds and consciences in sadness, how do we really use this situation to unite?
Violence between all Chicano lumpen only justifies violence against us by the cops. My last article revolving around Mike Brown now pushes the genocide both external and internal to the forefront and should be used to remind us that our conditions are our responsibility.
Aztlán and the social responsibility for its liberation begins with peace between all lumpen Chicano groups. However shocking this incident is at the moment, I would like to take this time to express my deep condolences, sadness and solidarity to the homies, family and loved ones of this young comrade in the struggle.
Captive Chicanos: don’t react with focoism, premature acts of violence against any guard will only continue to justify the use of force and violence against us by the state apparatus.
Revolution is our only option. To turn our pain into a force of revolutionary education, that will save our children and our comrades in arms.
Understand how the police state and the overall imperialist class holds an imaginative sway over us, by its use of things like patriotism and calls to social responsibility to our government. This is not our duty, our duty is to smash the internal divisions and unite. If we don’t we all will not be safe. It is time to live for something more. Fight Back!