Crazy Making at Michael

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[Mental Health] [Michael Unit] [Texas]

Crazy Making at Michael

I throught it was bad where I was at on the expansion cell block Gib Lewis Unit. I am on a different unit (Michael) where they have 12 buildings that they use to single-house “offenders” that they segregate. I am here to partake in the new program for mental health that’s suppose to transition us from seg back to general population. But I’m STG (security threat group) and will still have to go to another program (GRAD) in order to get out of seg. What I’m saying is this: The way building 12 is set up, if you’re not a psych patient when you get here, it’ll sure test your mental stability.

For one the way it’s set up (built/designed) the pods, in order to get a pig’s attention you have to bang on the door and yell. It’s not me to do that. People do it but others just start fires or flood because these pigs are so lazy that even when you tell them something they just walk off and don’t do nothing. So it’ll really push your mentality. So many have already broken and I have to deal with it all! But I stay occupied by being practive and fighting back the right way. They have my body locked up. But they will never have my mind!!!
