Crossword Puzzle December 2018

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[Culture] [ULK Issue 65]

Crossword Puzzle December 2018


Thanks to our comrade inside who made this crossword puzzle! Answers below.


  1. In the language of many northeastern Indigenous Nations, this name is used to refer to both the western hemisphere as a whole, as well as more specifically to refer to the northern land mass of the continent. We generally use the term to mean all of the Americas, which remain dominated by U.$. imperialism today. (2 words)
  2. One must put theories into use to test them. One can only compare practices with?
  3. When we gain information from observation and interaction with the world around us we call that ___ knowledge.
  4. Those whose political views claim to be Marxist yet reverse Marx’s work fundamentally by failing to apply the scientific method of dialectical materialism are called?
  5. The abolition of power of people over people.
  6. The mode of production or economic system in which the bourgeoisie owns the means of production.


  1. The exploiter class most characteristic of the capitalist system. Their wealth is obtained from the labor of others, in particular the proletariat.
  2. The group of people who have nothing to sell but their labor power for their subsistence.
  3. A division put on a society based solely on economic status. These groups of people share a common relation to the means of production. (2 words)
  4. The transition stage in between capitalism and communism where the dictatorship of the proletariat will be in power.
  5. The doctrine which guided the first successful third world peasant revolution that liberated China in 1949.
  6. The scientific process of learning from practice and using those lessons to improve your practice. (2 words)
  7. The theory that all things originate from the idea and that matter is only a reflection of what exists in the mind, as one perceives it.
  8. The philosophy that is the opposite of idealism. Philosophy which sees mater as the basis of reality and material circumstances shaping individual and social consciousness.


1. Revisionists
2. Materialism
3. Socialism
4. Practices
5. Proletariat
6. Turtle Island

1. Bourgeoise
2. Perceptual
3. Idealism
4. Dialectical Materialism
5. Maoism
6. Social Class
7. Capitalism
8. Communism
