Fighting roaches, rodents and dangerous conditions in Texas
I’ve recently been transferred to the AD-Seg section of the Wynne Farm here in beautiful Huntsville, TX. (Whoa hold on a sec, the roaches are trying to carry me off, let me kill a few)- alright that’s better.) Anyway on the conditions here, well, to begin, we have a “small” infestation of roaches (and/or rodents). With the lights on it’s not so bad, they only attempt to carry you off your bunk. But turn the lights off and only the steel cage you live in will keep you in! I’ve never seen so many roaches! The weather here is below 40° and we are limited to 1 sheet to cover ourselves with. It’s beyond cruel and unusual as a punishment.
There are two 14th amendment claims that I wrote the Department of Justice on today, as well as filed a grievance over. The first is the mop closet that has been converted to a shower that we are forced to use if we intended to be hygienic. It’s not equipped with anything beyond a leaky pipe that is supposed to suffice for a shower head. I speak of the constitutional claim because there are many of us that are legally disabled and confined to canes, crutches, etc. There are no handles, seats, etc. It’s beyond a safety hazard. The second is the denial of our recreation/outside of cell time because we are on said disabilities. In my attempt to go utilize my 1 hour out of cell a week this Saturday, I was told I couldn’t go outside and take my cane for worry of offender assault with such! Likewise, another offender was denied at the same time because of his crutches! Like I said, I’ve filed and will bring this claim before the U.S. district court as soon as administrative remedy is exhausted.
I’ve tried to push the “inmates” on my block to band together for a grievance campaign but they just ignored such and went on about their urbane idiocy and mindless chatter! Oh well, fuck ’em and their desire to stay stupid and pre-programmed by the system they claim to hate yet support, if only through inaction.
You know, I’m not sure I’ve mentioned it, but I landed in seg. because I disassociated myself from an STG group, racially bound to a constitution (supposedly), so that I could further my maturity and growth, without being bound to an outside influence of an ideology that amounted to less than the words they used, to lie to themselves, so that they could convince themselves that they were more than they could ever be. I stepped aside because I’m a man and they made me beat one half to death to prove it, as they pulled a knife on me!
I’m white and I’m proud. However, I’m also a revolutionary thinker and a soldier in every sense of the word. I’ll bet they never question that again. I wanted to state that because too often in the ULK publication I see reference to “white imperialism” and I know you speak of the powers that be, but even so it hurts my heart because of the work I put in to further our cause. Anyway, love and respect to all those like minded generals, thinkers, and soldiers of our revolutionary struggle. Below is an update to the law library section of the Texas Rack. In solidarity!
aa) Consular notification and access for immigration services
Directory of Foreign Consular Corps
cc) Texas Sessions Law
dd) Court Structure of Texas Flow Chart
ee) Venue
list for Texas
ff) Intra-law library loan holdings program AD- seg