Medical grievances held, denied at Beto I

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[Abuse] [Beto I Unit] [Texas]

Medical grievances held, denied at Beto I

I just finished reading “Texas Pack”, updated January 2016. I found very helpful information and it’s good to know exactly what A.P. 06.08 says. I was charged a copayment last 10/9/17 but didn’t know about it until I received my trust fund statement November 9, 2017. Excuse that was the date that money was taken from my account and the statement I didn’t receive until December 2, 2017. I wrote the senior practice manager, Kevin Moore, explaining what happened. He answered saying he needed to know the date I was charged not the date it was taken from my account. I don’t have access to that information, so I filed an I-127. His reply was that according to A.D. 06.08, I had 90 days to appeal this issue and had run out of time. My grievance was dated December 30, 2017, and my letter was dated December 30, 2017. That was well within the 90-day limit. I filed a Step 2 and will be very surprised if it makes it to Huntsville. He has a habit of holding on to medical grievances. I filed 5 grievances from October 2017 to December 1, 2017 and never received an answer. I filed one after T.D.C.J. sent him to Beto 1 because of all the grievances I was filing at Powledge. The grievances I have filed have vanished until I wrote a Mr. Phillips in Huntsville about it. It quit happening but I think he will stop my Step 2.

Even the grievance coordinator is in on this. Before I knew what A.D. 06.08 said, I had claimed Mr. Moore has no authority to take money from my trust fund account because I came to prison January 16, 1975. That is before there was a copayment of any kind. I believe it violates Art 1 Sec 10 of the United States Constitution. As you know, Art 1 Sect 10 prohibits any state for passing or enforcing any legislation that will burden a man’s sentence once it is legalized.

The problem is I believe, this practice manager used to be a warden. I’m sure we can all agree someone who has been a warden doesn’t decide suddenly they want to be a practice manager unless T.D.C.J told him he could take that job or take a hike. He has a past, that’s for sure.
