Murders at Klinton
I am just checking in with current cowardly acts perpetrated by cowardly Kkklinton (Clinton Correctional Facility in New York). (see ULK 17)
The murder of Mr. Leonard Strickland(see 1,2) last October 3rd 2010 in upper F Block has now been termed “death by natural causes” by channel 5 news media in Vermont.
More recently, corrupt klansmen under disguise of law abiding civil servants jumped on a 5’6” 147lbs man. And get this, one of the cowards, CO Barnaby, is also one of the murderers of Mr. Strickland. The others involved in this particular incident of brutal assault are COs L. Bezio whose family members are numerous here in Kkklinton and CO B. LeClair whose family members are also employees of facilities here in northern New York, including Kkklinton.
The behavior of these corrupt officials is very onerous, especially when their superior acting Deputy Superintendent, Captain of Security Facteau makes statements such as “this is a dictatorship, not a democracy,” a statement that is relayed amongst all employees giving them the green light to violate even the prisoners’ minimum standards.
Maybe one of these days the lumpen will unite as one and focus on our real enemies?