NC Prisoners take 23 to Court over Assaults
Sitting here I thought I would touch base and let you know that the pigs in Raleigh got caught red-handed. I’m in an eight-plaintiff lawsuit against 23 defendants, including the former and present wardens at Central prison.
Last year they put a guy in a wheelchair. Pigs were aware that the cameras didn’t record or even have the capacity to record in certain areas and would put prisoners in restraints and then beat them down. They broke several of my ribs.
We are working on getting new cameras and a video retention policy, which currently they don’t have. I have been working like hell to get a light shown on these corrupt pigs so as the hunger striker said in ULK 24, “Let’s Rock!!”
The case is: Stanley Earl Corbett et al., v Warden GJ Branker et al., U.S.D.C. Eastern District of NC Western Division, No. 5:10-CT-3135
Warden GJ Branker
Warden Kenneth Lassiter
Sgt. James Reed
Sgt. Mildred Prado
Off. Doyle Holloman
Off. Melanie Lancaster
Off. Timmie Hicks
Off. Samuel James
Lt. Michael Norris
Lt. Brent Soucier
Off. Moore
Off. Press
Off. Summerlin
Off. Arthur Marsh Jr.
Off. Oates
Off. Bidwell
Off. Lassiter
Off. Marcel Colleymore
Off. Tyson
Off. Alexander
Off. Jared Welch
Off. Ben
Off. Hunt
MIM(Prisons) adds: We commend the prisoners who came together to organize this suit against difficult odds in a state where law libraries do not exist. Yet, demanding cameras to address this one instance will do nothing to stop the inhumane, physical abuse that is meted out at a conspiratorial level. Abuse like this has led to multiple hunger strikes and other demonstrations in recent years in North Carolina prisons.
Of course, the Department of Public Safety turns around and accuses ULK of promoting violence and lawlessness, having censored every issue we’ve put out since November 2011. As the rampant abuse and corruption of the North Carolina Department of Public Safety comes to light, we have comrades struggling against these abuses on many different fronts including censorship, grievance procedures and physical brutality, as well as education and recruitment on the inside. And despite all the censorship, as one reader points out, it seems interest in Under Lock & Key only continues to grow.
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