Put down the Drugs that Make you Docile
Here in Missouri we have a dependency problem. Drugs are so frequent and available. We have junkies so-to-say running the yards. Top members and others answer to the drugs. Not to the cause. As recently they tried to organize a strike against them fucking pigs. And again more hit and that’s all anyone really cares for. Especially in here. As this facility has a dark cloud over it. How can you not blame them for trying methods of looking for that utopia and bliss that drugs provide?
Even these people provide drugs, prescriptions to $ profit and experiment. But they provide mood altering drugs to keep us calm and pliable till we gain that true independence from them and that drug. We won’t be able to move on with the cause. And this new drug has got everyone. Even ones who used to have a clear head aren’t anymore. Could it be the man’s way of keeping us docile. Hell the CIA did it, why not the DOC. The old saying: what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. So I ask every comrade put it down for month on call. If you can’t you might be a junkie! Be strong comrades, day by day our cause will prevail.