Responses to ULK5
To my loyal solid freedom fighters. ULK5 has reached its destination safe and sound (to my hands). I must say this one really caught my eye. It’s contents are enjoyable and very inspiring to say the least. First, I’d like to extend my thanks and appreciation to MIM for their unending support and dedication. You never fail to teach or elighten me on so many different levels. I can’t wait to be set free and given my opportunitity to help and shine a light on the injustices of this corrupt system.
I’m pending validation right now so I can really identify with what was said in ULK. Obama changes nothing, Amerika can’t see this point of view. I mean are they blind, in denial, or what? Especially when rappers, musicians, go out of their way to show support. I understand the dire need for change. But changing the face is not going to change the system. The comrade who wrote this article couldn’t have said it better: “why is it that if Barrack Obama starts talking about the empowering of oppressed people in this country, he wouldn’t stand a chance of becoming President?” Because that’s the truth and a lot of people can’t handle the truth.
And to CDC’s name change, it’s ridiculous, nothing but a lie. I’m up for parole in a matter of months. I’ve been down 10 years. What are they doing to help me prepare for society? Not a damn thing. Except find a way to oppress me even more by labeling me an active gang member and validating me as a prison gang member. All in an attempt to further hinder my so-called freedom once I depart from these gates.
Now I’d like to take a minute and respond to a New York prisoner’s words. His is a response to ULK4. He sees the great need for struggle, this can’t be stressed enough. We must be patient and humble. Do not let others actions or words disturb our peace and harmony. We need to stay focused on the big picture which would be true liberation. We must educate ourselves and learn rules, laws, and regulations. Even CDC’s appeal system. I know it sounds crazy. The system sets up a system to hear their own grievances against them. I have no faith in it either from personal experience.
There is a way to work it, however, and that is get an outside organization to assist you. Send them copies and have them send them into wardens or overseers. You must have patience, build a paper trail, and document everything pertaining to said incident. My last citizen complaint took 4 months just to hear it on an informal level. The stalling in time is just a tactic CDC uses but don’t be discouraged. Assist one another, teach and guide one another.
And to a Mississippi prisoner’s Combatting Liberalism: very well spoke comrade. I aspire to put words together as you have. They truly inspired me. Reading this whole ULK was inspiring. It’s words such as these that keeps that fire burning within to the fullest. I awake everyday eager to learn or teach somebody something new.