Wake Up
I got a message to all the tweakers, tecatos, potheads and boozers. Wake Up! Can’t you see you’re doing exactly what the oppressors wants you to do? So why are you giving them the satisfaction? With all the cameras rolling 24-7, you think they don’t know what you’re doing? Newsflash: You ain’t that slick, buddy.
“All I had to do is drink a lot of water to flush out my system.” I overheard one drug addict say when he came back from medical, for a drug test. “My piss came back clean even though I just used in the morning.”
It’s a miracle! We must run and tell the others! Now it’s safe to puff puff, cough cough, & slam slam! As long as you hydrate and drink drink (a lotta water), you could pass pass (the ‘drug test’), no problem. Your passing grade might be a D- but at least you didn’t fail, right? Wrong!
Let’s face it, water or no water, your urine is dirty. I know it, you know it, and the porkchop-patrol most definitely knows it. They just don’t care. Besides, lucky for you, there’s never enough room in the “hole.” Five segregation singleman cells for a facility that houses 650 prisoners equals “no vacancy”.
It’s like you have to schedule an appointment, make it onto a guest list, then wait for about a month, in order to make it into the hole. But if the COs really did their job this whole place would be empty. Literally, there would only be about 20 people left in each dorm. That’s how bad this epidemic is. But fear not my drug-addicted friend, the pigs have bigger fish to fry. Or at least that’s what they want us to think.
Extremely violent prisoners get top priority over minor drug offenders. But if you’ve been locked up as long as I have, then you’d know that extreme acts of violence are mostly over a minor drug debt. Common sense tells me, “get rid of the drugs and the violence shall cease.” I have a hunch that the “system” could stop the drug flow at any time. But, looking at it through their eyes, why ruin a good thing?
Figuratively speaking, drugs are the oil that keep the oppression machine running. Sobriety is the monkey-wrench that’ll break this bitch down. So put the word out, we need more wrenches. Staying clean is the worst thing we could do to these puercos.
Think about it for a second. Imagine if we obliterate the drug trade in prison. Most of these facilities would go out of business. Half the staff would start filling out applications at Mickey D’z, and Walmart, at the end of their shifts. But instead, most of us wanna keep on getting shit-faced; letting the enemy win with its foot on our necks. Wake up!
The enemy loves getting us high. Because it leads to a lot of drama, and drama is the safety blanket that keeps the oppressors warm at night. It gives them job security and a fat bank account. Meanwhile, all the users and dealers turn against each other while the pigs kick back and laugh. Don’t worry, though. They’re gonna let you keep using and selling on one condition; as long as y’all keep fighting and snitching, stabbing and pinching.
Don’t get my words twisted. I’m not implying that you could keep on using, and abusing, and not get caught. Because every now and then, like once in a blue moon, they make an example out of somebody. But from what I’ve seen, their victim is usually the most humble junkie on the block. Yeah, this dude gets high but he’s cool. He pays his debts, and doesn’t bother nobody. But for some reason, the puercos got it in for him. He already got a few “dirties,” and has an appointment at the “hole.”
“But what about that trouble-making tweaker?” There’s 1 in every block. “How come he doesn’t ever get called for a random drug test, and go away?” I ask myself.
Lord knows this trouble-making tweaker is not low key. He’s a dead beat and proud of it. His drug debts are stacking up, and on top of that, he’s starting fights in the open; all in front of the cameras. And still, the hooras act like they don’t see him. They treat him like a model inmate.
It’s like the pigs are watching in the wings, waiting for the inevitable to happen. Instead of nipping the problem in the bud, they wait for the problem to get smashed out, stabbed, or removed from the yard. Only then they jump into action.
But don’t think they’re gonna swoop in like some superheroes. No. They take their sweet time, sometimes just stand there looking; waiting for the “victim” to get nicely bruised up. Only then, they bust out the cuffs and add charges.
“Come on, you guys are not even doing nothing!” I once heard a pig say to a boo bop squad while they beat a tweaker. “You gotta hit ’em harder if you want me to stop it!” Then he laughed, I laughed, and half the yard laughed. But it wasn’t funny. And his sick sense of humor cost him his job, cause I didn’t see him after that.
But that’s what he gets for letting things get out of hand. And all that - the beating and the firing - could’ve been avoided if his co-workers would’ve done their job properly in the first place. But why ruin a good thing?
Wake up amigos! It’s time to stop entertaining these hooras. It’s time to put down the needles, and the pookies, and get our minds back.