Denial of education, failure of grievance system
I am thankful for the petition you sent me on how to create a campaign on this grievance procedure. A fellow prisoner has attached it to his 1983 as an exhibit to show that this institution is destroying and/or intentional misplacing (losing) our grievances. I want to unfold this recent incident that I am going through. I submitted a grievance regarding rehabilitation, but every time the counselor responds by telling me that the grievance sounds familiar but he doesn’t remember receiving it. Here’s what I am grieving:
Pursuant to my individualized efforts for rehabilitation I as a committed offender have submitted a massive amount of request slips to take vocational school of programs and also to the individual department of employment. I’ve put forth the efforts in submitting the said request slips since November (2011) until the above date of grievance. Each individual department of both vocational and employment has failed to acknowledge or reply to my request. Which by this failure I’m deprived of an adequate plan in my rehabilitation in accordance to the “United Code of Corrections.”
By being deprived of such statutes, the prescribed sanctions proportionate to the seriousness of my offense has been violated and compromised by the failure to recognize the different possibilities in rehabilitation upon me as an individual, of restoration to useful and productive citizenship, in society being deprived of vocation and employment programs, only provides me with an oppressive treatment, which also promotes flaws and technicality in the Illinois Unified Code of Corrections. Powers and duties of the Dept which are provided by the law of Illinois, states clearly that the Dept has the power to: accept persons committed to it by the Courts of this State for care, custody, treatment and rehabilitations; and to “develop” and “maintain” programs of rehabilitation and employment to committed persons within its institutions. And to do all other acts necessary to carry out the provisions of the chapter; and to exercise all Rules & Regulations, Powers & Duties vested by law to the Dept. But yet and still I’ve been denied employment, which I am over the age of compulsory school attendance and I am physically capable of employment, and not occupied by any dept programs.
I’ve been deprived of being equipped with marketable skills and habits of work. There isn’t any type of promotion or contribution to a committed person learning responsibility, but yet the dept does promote and contribute oppressive treatment. I personally have obtained this measure of oppressive treatment when I as a committed offender have no obligation, but to sit in my cell 23 and a half hours out of a day. And in comparison to segregation there’s not too much of a difference with the general population.
Example: An individual that’s in segregation has to stay in his cell 24 hours, 7 days a week and not be obligated to come out of the cell period. As the same to an individual in general population he can stay in his cell 24 hours 7 days all week long and not be obligated to come out the cell at all. The committed offender truly isn’t obligated to do anything while he’s incarcerated, but to sit and watch time pass by. The offender isn’t obligated to go to chow, nor is he obligated to go to Chapel, neither commissary, nor yard, nor shower, he isn’t obligated to have electronics, nor any type of books, paper, or pens or pencils, he isn’t obligated to read any books, nor is he upon himself obligated to put in any request slips for any reason. The committed offender by law or any other means has never been compelled or committed to rehabilitate himself, but the Dept of Corrections, is that of obligated to the Unified Code of Corrections, by law, and the Illinois revised statutes, to rehabilitate the offender. To sit or be left in a cell approximately 23.5 hours a day is very much oppressive treatment.
How can I be held responsible for my rehabilitation and have to take an active part when possible, when IDOC doesn’t offer me the necessary tools to do so? I’ve no funds to purchase my education, employment and/or rehabilitation.