MIM(Prisons) is a cell of revolutionaries serving the oppressed masses inside U.$. prisons, guided by the communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
Under Lock & Key is a news service written by and for prisoners with a focus on what is going on behind bars throughout the United States. Under Lock & Key is available to U.S. prisoners for free through MIM(Prisons)'s Free Political Literature to Prisoners Program, by writing:
MIM(Prisons) PO Box 40799 San Francisco, CA 94140.
Recently prisoners in California received the “new” instructional
memorandum for the “pilot program for security threat group
identification, prevention and management plan.”
This is basically the “new” step down program that the California
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) has put together.
According to the memo the term “security threat group” (STG) will
“replace the terms prison gang, disruptive group, and/or street gang
within the CDCR.” On page 3 it states “CDCR manages the most violent and
sophisticated security threat group members and associates in the
nation.” This is bullshit and propaganda, as we know from history the
FBI once called the
Panther Party the highest threat to the national security of
Amerika, when in reality the BPP helped Black people the most in this
According to the memo, 3,150 people are currently validated prison gang
members and associates and, as a result, are in the hole in California.
Meanwhile, 850 prisoners are reviewed for validation each year in
According to this “new” program, STG members will, once validated, go to
a Security Housing Unit (SHU). STG associates will remain in general
population unless staff feel they are involved in STG behavior – which
we know will be abused like the current validation process. It’s the
same old unfettered repression regurgitated. They can still use all the
“violations” as before, even saying “hi” or “good morning” can still be
used as evidence of associating with a STG. Only its now called “staff
information” and is described as getting you 4 points toward STG and
would be considered “STG activity” instead of the old “gang activity.”
So it’s all about semantics here.
Section 400.2, validation procedure, on page 9 states in part that once
someone is validated “CDCR staff shall track their movement, monitor
their conduct, and take interdiction action, as necessary.” Interdiction
action is code talk for getting someone off the mainline by any means
necessary – the set up! They can even still use a birthday card a
prisoner gave you as “STG activity.”
The step down program calls for 5 steps that we are told can lead us to
general population. So-called “self help” classes must be attended, with
names like “victims awareness” which point at oneself as being wrong.
This is classic brainwashing that must occur if you want to go back to
general population, so we were tortured for years and decades in some
cases but now we are told by our torturers we must attend their
brainwash camps and learn that we are responsible and guilty for
bringing our torture upon ourselves. Our oppression is brought on by the
state and no classes will change this reality.
We are also told in the memo that we will be given a course on the book
Purpose Driven Life, which is a religious book. So the state is
coupling their self-help brainwash with religion to cover up repression
that the internal semi-colonies face from Amerika. What we are seeing is
a re-shuffling of the same deck of cards where state officials are given
way too much power over prisoners, with threadbare oversight, and a
sadistic history of abuse. This of course is not a positive thing for
those of us held in these dungeons, it is a continuance of a long rusted
chain of oppression. The reality is we have way more power than we even
know. We must remember that it was our action here in these torture
chambers that forced the director of corrections and other high level
officials to fly out here and beg those they call the “worst of the
worst” into stopping the strike. As a result of our protests they have
made superficial changes to our “privileges.” Many times when dealing
with the imperialists people become demoralized, whether they are
dealing with imperialists at a higher level or via its many apparatuses
on a lower level i.e. with the courts or prisons. But
put it very well when he said: “all reactionaries are paper tigers.
In appearance, the reactionaries are terrifying, but in reality they are
not so powerful. From a long-term point of view, it is not the
reactionaries but the people who are really powerful.”(1)
As in the case with our efforts of 2011 when thousands of prisoners
across the United Snakes went on hunger strikes we found that Mao was
correct that they are paper tigers. The state capitulated, but quickly
devised a way to temporarily slow down our momentum via deception like
lying about what changes would come. Although they stopped the strike
they did not erase the reality that we saw the state as the paper tiger
it really is. Like Mao said they are not so powerful and in the long
term it is the people or in our case the prisoners that are really
powerful. One only needs to look at the last couple of years of prisoner
struggles that the new prison movement has produced, where most strikes
have resulted in better conditions for prisoners across the United
The recent changes to the state’s torturing of prisoners does not change
the torture that me and the other
thousand plus people in California are still held. Many will
continue in this way for many more years, and some for the rest of their
lives. But the people will have many more victories in the years to come
as prisoners begin to really grasp the oppression we face and discover
different paths out of this oppression.
The author Michelle Alexander said “The ‘whites only’ sign may be gone,
but new signs have gone up - notice placed in job applications, rental
agreements, loan applications, forms for welfare benefits, school
applications, and petitions for licenses, informing the general public
that ‘felons’ are not wanted here.”(2)
What Alexander leaves out is that there is also a new sign that says
Brown, Black and Red people are to be swept up and tortured en
masse across the United Snakes of Amerika in order to attempt to
break the back of resistance in our respective nations. And now a newer
sign is going up in the SHUs, saying that after we are tortured for
years and decades that we will also be tortured or brainwashed into
believing that our torture was our own fault. Those who refuse the
brainwashing will remain in these torture chambers for years or decades
Once prisoners decide that not only won’t we accept the torture but that
we will resist until we actually see prisoners walking out of the SHU,
not falling for the state’s lies and pacification program, only then
will we be victorious in our efforts wherever our torture chamber is in
this country.
Humyn rights should be afforded to everyone, even prisoners. Some
believe the state’s propaganda and begin to think we deserve this
treatment or it is normal. But this is unacceptable, and it’s only
normal in a capitalist country where those who do not contribute to the
capitalist system are introduced to genocidal treatment. At some point
people realize that change will only come from our own efforts and if we
wait for our oppressor to bring change we will be waiting the rest of
our lives.
Harry E. Vanden and Mark Becker editors and translators José Carlos
Mariátegui: an Anthology (Monthly Review Press, 2011), 480 pgs, $29.95
The recent growth spurt among the various Latin@ nations here in the
United $tates has begun to turn the spotlight on the various peoples and
movements within these nations. Although the Chican@ nation has long
resisted Amerikan occupation in various ways, the left wing of white
nationalism has, until recently, pretty much neglected any
acknowledgement of the Chican@ nation. Recently, with the help of an
upsurge in the war on Chican@s, with the state of Arizona spearheading
this war, some in the Amerikan left circles have begun to rediscover the
communist theory and struggles that have been coming out of Latin
America for about a hundred years. The new book José Carlos
Mariátegui: An Anthology adds to this budding interest in
revolutionary Latin@s. This book is a compilation of Mariátegui’s
José Carlos Mariátegui’s Life
Mariátegui was a Peruvian communist who upheld revolutionary nationalism
within the context of Marxist theory, but not in a mechanical way. He
developed a line based on the material conditions of Peru, and thus
Latin America, as most of Latin America was feudal or semi-feudal and
developing at roughly the same pace. And like Mao would later come to
say, Mariátegui believed Marxist thought should be undogmatic. In fact,
Mao was known to have read Mariátegui as well.
In a time when Marxists believed the peasantry to be a potential
revolutionary force, before Mao proved this theory to be true,
Mariátegui developed a groundbreaking theory of the role of peasants in
the revolution.
Mariátegui was born in the small town of Moguera, Peru on 14 July 1894.
Born in poverty and crippled as a child, Mariátegui began life in an
uphill battle. Like most people in Latin America, school was a luxury
Mariátegui could not afford and so he had to work with an elementary
school education in order to help contribute financially to his family.
At 15 he began work at La Prensa newspaper. He advanced from
copy boy to writing and editing. He soon learned to make a living as a
journalist while at the same time using this journalistic talent for
propaganda work.
Starting as a teenager, Mariátegui began to develop socialist ideas and
began writing about student rights and labor struggles. He and a friend
even founded two short-lived newspapers as teenagers, one called
Nuestra Epoca (Our Epoch) and La Razón (The Fault).
Although at this time Mariátegui had not developed the deep Marxist
theory he was later known for, it does show his early consciousness and
the beginning of his revolutionary thought in his articles. So much so
that in his early 20s he was sent in exile to Europe by the Peruvian
government and charged by the Peruvian dictator Agusto B. Luguia as an
“information agent.” This reminded me of how, in the United $tates, once
prisoners begin to develop and define their revolutionary thought, they
too are placed in “exile” – Security Housing Units.
It was while Mariátegui was in Europe that his study and thought
deepened and became socialist. His four years in Italy and France were
spent amidst the different communist groups active there at the time.
This was where he met many people who helped shape his growth. By the
time he returned to Peru in 1923 he had developed his political line
One of the things that stands out about Mariátegui in reading his
anthology is that although he had a formal education only up to 8th
grade, he developed into a self-educated intellectual, but an
intellectual in sync with the most oppressed, an intellectual for the
people in contradiction to the bourgeois intellectuals. I thought this
was similar to many prisoners who, like Mariátegui, are often without a
“formal” education. I myself have never attended a high school and
instead educated myself in prison as an adult, seeing the importance of
education, especially in the realm of advancing my nation, as well as
the international communist movement more broadly. So I found this small
but significant aspect of Mariátegui really inspiring and I think other
prisoners will as well.
Mariátegui was confined to a wheelchair most of his adult life due to
illness. This “disability” was a hinderance to his goals of making
socialist revolution in Peru, but he endured; he overcame this burden
and found ways to continue onward. This too relates to the conditions of
the prisoner, as many may see being in prison as a hinderance to those
seeking to transform their nation, to advancing society. In a way it is,
however we must find ways to continue onward despite our challenges.
Back in Peru, Mariátegui launched the theoretical journal
Amauta. He then founded the biweekly periodical Labor
which sought to politicize the Peruvian working class, but was shut down
within a year by the Peruvian government. He also published two books in
his life and published numerous articles in many Peruvian periodicals.
One book, La Escena Contemporánea (The Contemporary Scene), was
a collection of articles he wrote for two Peruvian magazines. These
articles dealt with racism, socialism and events in Peru. While in his
second book, Siete Ensayos de Interpretación (Seven
Interpretive Essays on Peruvian Reality), he applied a Marxist analysis
to the social reality of Peru and thus Latin America.
Mariátegui’s theory and quantitative development soon turned to
qualitative development and practice and in 1928 he formed the Peruvian
Socialist Party (PSP), which was the forerunner of the Peruvian
Communist Party (PCP), which led a heroic people’s war in the 1980s and
1990s. Mariátegui was the first Secretary General of the PSP, which
would form a Marxist trade union and would participate in Communist
International-sponsored meetings. But Mariátegui’s above ground party
building actions were not exclusive to ‘legal organizing,’ he was also
involved in the Peruvian underground movement. Indeed he was a sharp
thorn in the side of the Peruvian government, having organized communist
cells throughout Peru. The government labeled him “subversive” and threw
him in prison many times – often with no charges though each time they
eventually released him. He faced political repression most of his
political life; surveilled and harassed by the state.
Much of his later organizing was in opposition to the U.$.-owned copper
mine at “Cerro de Pasco” where he often agitated strikes around working
conditions. Mariátegui died at age thirty six due to poor health.
Mariátegui’s Political Line
In Mariátegui’s piece “The Land Problem,” he gets at something that is
essential to any struggle, which is getting to the heart of a struggle,
to the kernel of contradiction. He states, in part in reference to the
contradictions surrounding Peru’s indigenous peoples:
“We are not content with demanding the Indian’s right to education,
culture, progress, love and heaven. We start by categorically demanding
their rights to land.”(pg 69)
This demand for land cuts to the heart of a people’s right. This is what
separates those seeking a “reformist approach” from those seeking a more
revolutionary approach. The same lesson can be gleaned by prisoners who,
in many parts of the United $tates, come to this crossroad where in any
struggle for prisoners’ rights those actively pushing the prison
movement forward MUST choose between reforms or real revolutionary
demands. In Mariátegui’s case he chose the more revolutionary approach –
the struggle to free the land.
This demand continues in all parts of the world in contradiction to the
capitalist practices of private ownership, monopolizing the land and
outright stealing of land from oppressed nations. To the people of the
world it is being established that Amerika’s right to colonize and
oppress has expired! The iron hold of capitalist tradition has been
broken in the minds of many of the oppressed and time is running out for
the imperialists!
In “The Land Problem,” Mariátegui describes the error that most people
fell into in analyzing Peru in his time. Most mechanically attempted to
apply methods used in a capitalist society to Peru’s semi-feudal
economy. As he describes, Peru during this time was a “gamonalism”
society, which was a share cropper society where the indigenous of Peru
would work the land of a large land owner in return for a portion of the
harvest. But due to the abuse of the colonizers, the Incan peoples saw
gamonalism as a punishment, and so methods of building the
infrastructure were also seen as forms of gamonalism even though
pre-colonial Incans always have collectively worked on building roads or
waterways. This was once a duty, simply a part of life, but under the
semi-feudal existence these projects were seen by the Incan people as
more abuse brought on by gamonalism and this goes to the heart of
Mariátegui’s line on how Peruvians cannot mechanically apply the Marxist
analysis that paved the way in Europe to Peru or Latin America for that
matter, as social conditions were much different and so a Marxist
analysis had to be created that was specific to Latin America.(pg 115)
Peru experienced the destruction of social forms through the
colonization process. But this colonialism fertilized the birth of a
nation. The development of the new economic relation breathed new life
into the people’s resistance. This new development was behind Peru’s
independence revolution with Spain, it was a natural development that
can be seen worldwide. It simply validates the laws of contradiction.
Mariátegui saw the distinct concrete conditions in Latin America but he
understood that the peoples victory in Latin America was but a step
toward a bigger picture. He wrote:
“In this America of small revolutions, the same word, revolution,
frequently lends itself to misunderstanding. We have to reclaim it
rigorously and intransigently. We have to restore its strict and exact
meaning. The Latin American revolution will be nothing more and nothing
less than a stage, a phase of the world revolution. It will simply and
clearly be a socialist revolution. Add all the adjectives you want to
this word according to a particular case: ‘anti-imperialist’,
‘agrarian’, ‘national-revolutionary,’ socialism supposes, precedes and
includes all of them.”(pg 128)
And so although Mariátegui fought for and developed a line for his
nation he still kept the broader movement for world revolution as his
compass. This is very important for those of us of the internal
semi-colonies to understand that it is not just ok but necessary for us
to struggle for and develop a political line for our distinct conditions
living here in the belly of the beast and under the heel of the
super-parasite. But at the same time we must keep the bigger picture in
mind, the world movement as a compass, and grasp that liberating our
nations is only the first stage in what we are ultimately struggling
On nationalism Mariátegui writes:
“The nationalism of the European nations … is reactionary and
anti-socialist. But the nationalism of the colonial peoples – yes,
economically colonial, although they boast of their political autonomy –
has a totally different origin and impulse. In these people, nationalism
is revolutionary and therefore ends in socialism.”(pg 175)
Mariátegui wrote these words in 1927 so this was even before Mao wrote,
“thus in wars of national liberation patriotism is applied
internationalism”(1) in 1938. And just like Mao, Mariátegui believed
that nationalism from the oppressed nations was revolutionary and true
internationalism. But the Amerikan crypto-Trotskyites today disagree
with Mao and Mariátegui on this, mainly because agreeing with them on
this would undermine the white privilege enjoyed by them and their
Mariátegui was in fact not just aware but correctly analyzed what was
taking place around the world during this time, particularly in China.
Indeed, he criticized the Chinese Kuomingtang and upheld “Chinese
socialism” during this time, which was the budding movement that Mao was
involved with. In a polemic on China he wrote:
“And I will be content with advising him that he direct his gaze to
China where the nationalist movement of the Kuomingtang gets its most
vigorous impulse from Chinese socialism.”(pg 175)
It is refreshing to see Mariátegui, from the Third World and under
intense state repression, was able to grasp the concrete conditions and
political development taking place internationally, especially in China
when he had already seen Mao’s camp as the correct line even before
Mao’s line was victorious in liberating China.
Disagreements with Mariátegui
One problem of line is what Mariátegui calls “Inca socialism.” In his
analysis the ancient Incas lived in what he describes as Inca socialism.
There are many things wrong with this. For one, the Incas, like the
other pre-Columbian societies of what is referred to as “Latin America,”
such as the more widely known societies like the Aztecs and Mayans,
lived in communal societies. But these societies had many facets of
privilege and even caste-like systems with everything from kings,
priests, priestesses, laborers and slaves. Indeed, most of these larger
societies like the Aztec, Mayan and Inca’s operated on tribute systems
where essentially the surrounding tribes that were dominated by these
larger groups basically payed rent to these groups, they were taxed or
they were slaughtered. So this was in no way “socialism.” Sprinkled
throughout his writings Mariátegui refers to a pre-Columbian “Inca
Socialism” and even declares its previous existence in the Peruvian
Socialist Party’s 9 point programs – which he himself drafted. Point 6
“Socialism finds the same elements of a solution to the land question in
the livelihoods of communities, as it does in large agricultural
enterprises. In areas where the presence of the yanaconazco(2)
sharecropping system or small landholdings require keeping individual
management, the solution will be the exploitation of land by small
farmers, while at the same time moving toward the collective management
of agriculture in areas where this type of exploitation prevails. But
this, like the stimulation that freely provides for the resurgence of
indigenous peoples, the creative manifestation of its forces and native
spirit does not mean at all a romantic and anti-historical trend of
reconstructing or resurrecting Inca socialism which corresponded to
historical conditions completely by passed, and which remains only as a
favorable factor in a perfectly scientific production technique, that is
the habits of cooperation and socialism of indigenous peasants.
Socialism presupposes the technique, the science, the capitalist stage.
It cannot permit any setbacks in the realization of the achievements of
modern civilization but on the contrary it must methodically accelerate
the incorporation of these achievements into national life.”
We must be grounded in materialism and approach reality how it is, not
how we wish it to be. To refer to pre-Columbian societies in Latin
America as “socialist” is an ultra-left deviation and thus our line
becomes contaminated along with our potential for victory. The fact that
Mariátegui wrote this in his party’s program reveals how much he
believed this to be true, and so there was some error in his line.
Furthermore, Mariátegui attempts to weld events in Europe with events in
the Americas and says in a university lecture: “A period of revolution
in Europe will be a period of revolution in the Americas.”(pg 297) Of
course world events spark arousal in the international communist
movement, but to assume or claim revolution will mirror Europe or
anywhere else despite material conditions is to succumb to pragmatism.
Anyone interested in the birth of Marxism in Latin America will find
this book fulfilling. It takes you from Peru’s indigenous anti-colonial
uprisings to an analysis of indigenous peoples in Peru, to early
proletarian organizing, the Peruvian pre-party, propaganda work, the
creation of the first socialist party, and the creation of workers
federations. It gives a complete picture of the ideas of Mariátegui, who
declared himself a Marxist-Leninist, and had he lived to see the
advances of Maoism would no doubt have raised its banner in Peru as
Let’s face it, most people coming to prison don’t arrive with people’s
safety at the top of their priority list. Most come to prison with their
homies’ or comrades’ safety in mind, but that is about it. Most come
from an existence where, if you are not sharp-witted, treacherous or a
cold hustler, you don’t eat or you don’t survive.
Being raised in this mind frame is not easily forgotten, so the economic
hurdle is key in a prisoner’s mindset. Many grew up in an environment
where other nationalities are frowned upon or there are open hostilities
between different nations. Then there are the mentally ill prisoners who
may kick off some shit over nonsense and others follow suit. There are
so many factors that make prisons unsafe that one can write a book on
them rather easily. Each factor has many ways in which to approach it
and combat it as well. But at the end of the day safe prisons anywhere
in Amerika will only come from the hands of prisoners ourselves.
In a capitalist society prisons are not created to rehabilitate
prisoners or teach us, they are designed to warehouse and neutralize us.
So the first step in attempting to create safer prisons is understanding
this. There is one key that unlocks the door to getting safer prisons
and that key is education! I am not talking about Amerikan education, I
am talking about revolutionary education. Rev Ed transforms people and
betters people in all areas, including interacting with one’s fellow
prisoners. Take away Rev Ed and one is left with backwards thinking,
reactionary behavior, abuse, set tripping, predatory behavior, religious
nonsense, drug and alcohol addiction – all the tore up tradition that
has self-destructed entire generations.
Ignorance of who you are will always bring out the worst in you. Knowing
where one comes from, the deep tradition of resistance and legacy of
struggle will always propel one in a positive path, a peaceful path,
because when we learn who the real oppressor is we no longer look at
another prisoner as the bad guy. Rev Ed teaches us that prisoners in
general are an oppressed class and when we really grasp this there’s no
way can we walk around trying to pick fights with our fellow prisoners.
Even the thought of this becomes absurd. Instead we are walking around
trying to share revolutionary ideas and exchange revolutionary
literature in our quest to revolutionize these hell holes. This must be
our focus if we want to have the greatest impact that we can to make
prisons safer.
I won’t sugar coat it: this is hard work. When I read about shit popping
off in what amounts to lumpen-on-lumpen crime I feel your pain because I
been there and I still experience bullshit that clings to many of those
who continue to hold on to nonsense or reactionary views. So I know how
it is when violence ensues around you, especially if you have been
working to educate people for a period of time.
These challenges don’t change the fact that if you want a safe
environment in prison you need to educate your fellow prisoners. The
best way to do this is to start with yourself and your cellmate if you
have one. I have always had long exchanges of ideas with a cellie.
Whatever revolutionary publication I had I would read it, or my cellie
would, and we would discuss what we agreed with or disagreed with. Once
me and my cellmate were on the same page we would begin to educate our
neighbors on either side regardless of who it was, passing publications
and eventually books, and eventually involving the whole tier or pod.
Many times this process would begin by just passing a publication to
someone or telling one persyn to read it and pass it down the line.
After a while the questions will begin. This is one way I have
experienced creating more educated prisoners and thus safer conditions.
I have also found prisoners who could not read or write, and the state
usually does not have material or classes for these people, so I would
tell these prisoners I’ll spend the time and effort to teach them to
read on the condition that they must in turn teach someone else once
they are able. One time I taught a prisoner to read out on the mainline
and when I saw he had not found someone to tutor I went around and found
someone for him. I would go to the law library when I was on the
mainline and see someone trying to maneuver in the law and I’d reach out
to help this persyn. These people were all different nationalities but
in order to create “peaceful prisons” I have learned that you can’t
limit yourself to your own nation; someone has to build that bridge of
relations. If I get to a yard where there is no bridge, I will fill the
vacuum because someone has to.
What I have experienced in doing time (and I have spent more time of my
life incarcerated than out in society) is that the majority of violence
that occurs is over a business deal gone bad, either drugs or gambling
debts. So if we have enough discipline to cut this out of the picture
would reduce a lot of the violence. The next issue is predatory behavior
which is just one persyn or group oppressing or attempting to oppress
another, either because of ones nationality or what geographic location
one grew up in. If you refrain from this behavior safer prisons become
even more of a reality.
In California, prisoners in Pelican Bay recently issued a
to end hostilities between all nationalities in California prisons,
county jails and streets. This is unprecedented in California where
lumpen-on-lumpen crime has gone on with deadly consequences for many
years. This is only a step, but it is a necessary step in building any
type of serious change or any transformation in each nation. The days
when the state would pit prisoners on prisoners in California and use us
as gladiators for their amusement are over. Prisoners have finally
identified the real problem we face, i.e. the real oppressor. And if
California can do this and if those in Pelican Bay SHU, who the state
claims control all California “gangs,” can do this then there is no
reason why every prison in Amerika can’t do the same and call for an end
to all hostilities in all prisons, jails and streets! This is a
necessary step if prisoners ever hope to create real safe zones in
We are seeing history play out in California where our future is in our
own hands. If we want to have prisons where we can really rehabilitate
ourselves then we must make it happen and the only way for this to
happen is if we do so collectively and by ending the hostilities between
all nationalities. This knocks down barricades that would otherwise slow
down this process. This is not saying we don’t have differences, there
are many differences, but once you identify your oppressor you realize
that lumpen-on-lumpen crime is not helping to reduce our oppression.
It’s very simple and all groups of all nationalities here in Pelican Bay
SHU have agreed to this agreement. If we can do it so can you!
The real safe prisons will come when prisoners can exercise forms of
people’s power in these concentration camps. People’s power exists when
contradictions are resolved without having to rely on the state. Like
the example I gave of helping my fellow prisoners to read and write or
do legal work. Most prisons do not have programs for this, so rather
than sit around and complain about it I started my own program on the
People’s power can also be solving problems and preventing violence
through mediation which does not involve the state. In Pelican Bay SHU
there is the “Short Corridor Collective” which is a representative from
each group Chicano, Black, white and sub groups, which seeks peaceful
mutual resolutions to problems affecting prisoners. They even have come
out with certain demands to the state. If Pelican Bay SHU can do it why
can’t other prisons across the United $tates form collectives that seek
peaceful resolutions to issues affecting prisoners? The answer is they
can, and they must, if real peace and progress are to be achieved within
Political education is the key. Once someone learns real history and
understands the class contradictions in the United $tates, and how our
oppression can actually be traced directly to capitalism, there is no
way they will want to waste time on nonsense. Instead of sitting around
gossiping about other poor people who are locked up and plotting on how
to hurt other poor people, these educated people will instead study,
educate others, form study groups, share progressive literature and
books, and create independent institutions behind prison walls in order
to advance the prison movement as well as the movement, for humyn rights
more broadly.
The only thing I see in the way of us not having safer prisons is us not
making these prisons safer!
For the past few decades California has been increasingly using control
units in the form of security housing units (SHUs) as a method of
control. These deprivation chambers are a major part of the state’s war
on the Chicano nation. Where prisons are used to enforce a slow genocide
on La Raza, to disrupt the family unit and implement an internment camp
by “legal” means, within prisons also lies the SHU which is equivalent
to the chopping block where rebellious slaves who resisted or escaped
would get limbs amputated as 1) punishment for resisting the oppressor
nation, 2) preventing the slave from making future attempts, and 3) to
inflict a psychological blow terrorizing the larger population to what
will happen to them should they choose the same path of resistance. So
too are the SHUs used in this manner on revolutionary or rebellious
prisoner who resist the state, for this opposition to the state we are
met with SHU which restricts our ability to resist and punishes us for
our refusal to obey our oppressor thus instilling a grave warning to the
prison masses of what will happen to them should they take the path of
resistance. This oppression has gone on for decades and has grown to
horrific proportions in recent years. Here in Pelican Bay SHU over a
thousand are tortured with solitary confinement alone. The living
conditions here have gone past punishment to the most vile cruelty
depriving us of the most basic human rights, it is a place where
sunlight is denied and health care is often used to extort incriminating
information from those being tortured in this house of horrors. It is a
place where prisoners have faced the most horrendous abuses like being
boiled in tubs of scalding water to being stripped down in underwear and
locked in an iron cage outside in the freezing raining winter morning.
These stories would be unbelievable had they not been documented in
court transcripts for all to see.
Chicanos are overwhelmingly the majority of those sent to SHU, it is the
identification of this war on Aztlán, this silent offensive that you
won’t read about in the bourgeois press or see on the corporate news
outlets but which we see, live and have analyzed for all to understand.
These developments led to the formation of the Chicano Prisoners
Revolutionary Committee (CPRC) in late 2011 here in Pelican Bay SHU. The
CPRC was created initially for the efforts taking place surrounding the
hunger strikes that swept U.$. prisons in 2011. It was within this
effort to analyze and lend a revolutionary perspective to the
developments surrounding human rights in prisons that CPRC gave birth to
the Brown Berets - prison chapter (BB-PC) on June 1, 2012.
The BB-PC was inspired by the original Brown Berets that arose in the
1960s and led the Chicano movement in harnessing the people in the
barrios with their many independent institutions from free health
clinics, child care, free food programs, schools, newspapers etc. We
draw from this legacy of serving the people and dig deeper in the
theoretical realm.
We do not answer to any other chapter nor does any other existing
chapter answer to us, we are an autonomous chapter which due to the
extreme repression in Amerikkka’s history operates underground within
U.$. prisons. Currently we are the first and only prison chapter in
Amerika but we expect many more chapters to develop in many other
prisons and states as Chican@s develop politically. We do not publish
the names of the BB-PC cadre; our chapter resides in Pelican Bay State
The BB-PC is the Chicano cadre in U.$. prisons that works to transform
these pintas and our nation from our vantage point. We are taking the
concepts of community organizing and applying them to the pinta, thus
these concrete conditions we experience are very different than they are
for a chapter out in society and although our efforts are mostly prison
based and revolve around contradictions prisoners face on a daily basis
our main thrust of course lies in the Aztlán liberation movement. Our
ten point program guides us in that direction and allows us to remain in
active service of Chicano independence.
We welcome all imprisoned Latinos to partake in the Chicano struggle as
a liberated Aztlán will be a place where all Latinos are welcome to be
free from oppression.
The following is the BB-PC Ten Point Program:
We are Maoists We believe as Mao taught that class
struggle continues even under socialism, as a new bourgeoisie develops
as happened in the USSR after the death of Stalin in 1953 and after
Mao’s death in 1976. Mao advanced communism the furthest thus far in
world history and it will be through a Maoist program that we liberate
We are an autonomous chapter We are a self governing
chapter that practices democratic centralism. We understand that because
of state repression we are more efficient as an autonomous chapter and
that as new chapters arise in other prisons across Amerika that they too
will be autonomous in each individual prison.
We want to build public opinion in prisons At this
stage the only struggle in Amerika is in the realm of ideas, we seek to
politicize the imprisoned Chicano nation through educating our gente on
all aspects of la lucha.
We want Raza unity As the largest Raza population in
Amerikan prisons the Chicano nation understands its responsibility to
maintain Pan-Latino unity and to educate all Raza on the current
repression we face. In the prisons within Aztlán, Raza endure
institutional oppression where Raza are overwhelmingly held in SHUs and
control units far more than any other of the oppressed. This offensive
is meant to neutralize us physically but particularly mentally. We will
stand with imprisoned Latinos and resist the oppressor nation as we have
done for 500 years and support the Boricua in their march toward
independence free from neocolonialism.
We stand in solidarity with all oppressed and Third World
prisoners. Today’s prisons are meant to dehumanize the
people and break our will to resist. The internal semi-colonies that are
captured and held in these concentration camps face much of the same
repression from the state, we understand that to better our living
conditions as prisoners it will depend on a united front of oppressed
prisoners for legal battles and other effort to obtain human rights in
prisons and we will cultivate this collaboration.
We are revolutionary nationalists We understand that
true internationalism is only possible when each nation is fully
liberated. We identify oppression in Amerika revolving around nation,
class and gender which enables imperialism to uphold power and we combat
these forms of oppression in our long march to national liberation.
Close the control units The SHUs and similar models
are designed to unleash population regroupment on the imprisoned Chicano
nation. It is well known that the most revolutionary elements of the
Chicano prison population are plucked from general population prisons
and sent to the SHU or other control units in an effort to isolate the
revolutionary vanguard from the prison masses, this isolation is then
used to torture Chicanos en masse through solitary confinement
and other psychological methods for years and decades.
We understand that this is done primarily to prevent the captive Chicano
revolutionaries from mobilizing our mass prison base. We see the control
units in Amerika as modern day concentration camps as we are sent to
those camps not for physical acts but for thought crimes, beliefs or
supposed beliefs that oppose the state. We work to overturn the use of
control units in every prison in Amerika.
Stop prisoner abuse. We are against oppression in
all it’s forms within prisons. This includes prisoners preying on
prisoners, abuse from the hands of guards, patriarchy or any abuse
physically or psychologically. In Amerika prisons are tools of
imperialism used to inflict terror on the internal semi-colonies out in
society and stifle any resistance to their war on poor people, having
experienced and identified the full onslaught of this offensive we take
it head on to combat all forms of abuse from the state or otherwise and
this includes combatting the state propaganda and tactics of pitting
prisoner against prisoner by political education so that prisoners
understand who the oppressor is.
Free all political prisoners. We not only see
political prisoners as those who were politically conscious out in
society and came to prison for acts of the movement, we go past that in
our analysis and also see SHU prisoners as overwhelmingly political
prisoners who are systematically tortured for their ideas or alleged
thoughts. We also see most prisoners in U.$. prisons as political
prisoners because living in imperialist amerika many of the “Crimes” and
criminal injustice system that we face is nothing more than national
oppression that is exercised in order to uphold the capitalist relations
of production and we work toward freeing the people.
We want a liberated socialist Aztlán. Our aim is
communism but we understand it will take many years for this to become
reality. At this stage we are working for Aztlán independence which will
only occur after the defeat of imperialism. We work toward a socialist
Aztlán where the peoples’ needs are met; things like land, bread,
education, health care and many more needs will be met and peoples’
power will be exercised in order to transform not just society but
prisons as well, to a more vibrant and just environment where all will
have an opportunity to grasp revolution and promote production. We will
transform these prisons ideologically in order to prepare the ground for
these developments as we serve the people.
Occupied America: A History of Chicanos 7th Edition by Rodolfo F
A well read book in its 7th edition, “Occupied America” is a history
book for the Chican@ nation. This book has been a leading text for
Chican@ studies for decades. It is an in depth analysis of Chican@
history. It is also important to note that Occupied America was
one of the books banned in 2012 in Arizona and has since been a hot item
for the libro trafficantes (book traffickers) who have been defying
Arizona and smuggling this book back into Arizona and into the hands of
Chican@ youth.
It’s clear uncut content about Amerika’s treatment of Chican@s along
with accurate history of Chican@s rising up in resistance has Amerika
scrambling to censor this work.
Occupied America was first published in 1972, emerging from a
peak in national liberation struggles in the United $tates. In 1981 the
second edition was released and Acuña wrote in the preface:
The first edition of Occupied America followed the current
of the times, adopting the internal colonial model that was popular
during the late 1960s and early 1970s. The works of Frantz Fanon greatly
influenced the tone and direction of the book. Since then, just like the
Chicano movement itself, I have undergone dramatic changes. I have
reevaluated the internal colonial model and set it aside as a useful
paradigm relevant to the nineteenth century but not to the twentieth. …I
decided to return to the basics and collect historical data.
This quote would lead us to believe that we would have more unity with
the political line put forth in the first edition. Though more recent
editions will have more updated information, and would likely be more
valuable references for that reason. It seems that the changes between
editions 2 through 7 are mostly in factual content, with an attempt to
avoid polemics.
So what gets the white supremacists so disturbed about Occupied
America? I chose to find out and decided to read it again.
Acuña starts the 7th edition of his book in the pre-Columbian times when
civilization first started on this continent going back 50,000 years.
One learns of the Aztecs, Olmecs, Zapotecs, Mayans, Incas and other
natives. This naturally leads to the European invaders and the
beginnings of the forging of the Mexican and then the Chican@ nation.
With the Spanish occupation and genocide that soon followed their
arrival in North America, Acuña takes you through the social relations
of the natives at the hands of the church.
The quest for more gold and silver and thus the mines soon led to a
decimation of the native population and with this process came the
resistance. But there was development as well in the economic arena. In
the states that comprised “northern New Spain” at the time, like
California, the Spaniards had Mestizos and natives working and so these
oppressed peoples were, as Acuña explains on pg 33, the “vaqueros, soap
makers, tanners, shoemakers, carpenters, blacksmiths, bakers, cooks,
servants, pages, fishermen, farmers as well as a host of other
And so on the one hand the people were worked sometimes to death but on
the other hand they developed economically across the region, which is a
precursor to nationhood.
Acuña takes us into the Mexican revolution of 1810 when Mexico won its
independence from Spain which was a great event but didn’t bring
socialism to Mexican@s and so the exploitation would soon return. Acuña
explains the theft of Texas which was spearheaded by the white
supremacist Stephen Austin starting in the 1820s. This is where the 2nd
edition of the book opens up, leaving out the history above.
The myth of the Alamo is cleared up by Acuña on pg 41 where he states:
“Probably the most widely circulated story was that of the last stand of
the aging Davy Crocket, who fell ‘fighting like a tiger’ killing
Mexicans with his bare hands. The truth: seven of the defenders
surrendered, and Crockett was among them. The Mexican force executed
them, and, one man, Louis Rose, escaped.”
This book explains the myth of the oppressor nation propaganda that
consumes the “history books” we read in public schools.
The U.$. war on Mexico of 1848 is explained very well and one sees the
birth of the Chican@ nation in these pages. Along with this birth the
layers of state propaganda are peeled back and Acuña highlights the
resistance in the Chican@ nation, people like Juan “Cheno” Cantina,
Francisco “Chico” Barela and Gregorio Cortez are discussed and one sees
how they rose up in militias as revolutionary groups to fight yankee
Groups like Las Gorras Blancas (the white caps) came together to defend
the people with arms from white supremacy and oppression. In
Occupied America we read of the early Chican@ proletariat and
the militant Chican@-Mexican@ labor struggles. The ‘Plan of San Diego’
is discussed which was the basis of a revolutionary group that fought
the U.$. government in Texas around 1915 with the goal of establishing
an independent Chican@ nation, Black nation and First Nations upon
We also learn of how the Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo was signed and
Amerika stole what is now called the “Southwest.” We learn that “the
depression” for Amerika was normal program for Chican@-Mexican@s. Our conditions did not change
and when the “New Deal” came post-depression and Amerikans were put to
work on public work projects, because Chican@-Mexican@s were not allowed to
participate in the “New Deal.” At the time of the New Deal, the
Communist International was criticizing social democracy in Europe as
social fascism for appealing to the labor aristocracy interests in line
with the rising fascist powers. In North America the fascist forces were
not well developed, but social democracy still served to benefit the
labor aristocracy to the exclusion of the oppressed nations.
The book explains the 1960s and the eruption of a new generation of
Chican@s that brought the Chican@ movement on the scene. All the Chican@
groups are discussed: Masa, Mecha, Brown Berets, Black Berets, Mayo,
Umas, Alianza, Crusade for Justice and many more. These fiery groups
along with the many Chican@ publications that are mentioned show the
times of this period and the heightened political consciousness in
The “teatro campesino,” plays and improvised theater by and for
farmworkers out in the fields, showed that Chican@-Mexican@s taking on agribusiness added
to the times and Chican@ culture.
Although he provides tons of data and information on the entire history
of Chican@s, the colonization process, the early development of Chican@s
as a nation, and Chican@s resistance, where Acuña falls short is in this
book is in failing to point out a correct path forward on how Chican@s
should liberate ourselves. Oddly he only provides a short paragraph on
communism and only to discuss how the state blamed communists for
Chican@ activism. And so Acuña leads Chican@s to the edge of the cliff
but does not tell the people how to proceed and what will liberate us.
Aztlan will only be liberated in a socialist society, when socialist
revolution arrives we will finally taste freedoms. Any struggles short
of this will only lead to a bourgeois revolution and a continuation of
oppression, only under a new management, as happened to Mexico after the
Mexican revolution.
Learning one’s history is a necessary step towards liberation but once
we are conscious we must then grasp how to move forward and Occupied
America leaves this most important element out of the book.
Occupied America has been required reading in Chicano studies college
courses in many schools across the United $tates for many decades and
will continue in most schools for some time, it has a wealth of
information that will continue to awaken and educate Chican@ youth and
as a Chican@ historian Acuña has helped the nation in learning our
history. Anyone else who wants to learn about the development of
Chican@s will also enjoy this book. It is clear why the oppressor nation
is so scared of this book - because it’s truth!
San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro promotes Chicano assimilation into
On September 4, 2012 the Democratic convention was held, almost every TV
channel was broadcasting this. Like the Republican convention, the
Democrats had speakers come out to make a short speech on why you should
vote for their candidate. These conventions are a classic ‘good cop, bad
cop’ game meant to hoodwink the oppressed.
This year’s democratic keynote speaker at the convention was Julian
Castro the mayor of San Antonio, Texas. Castro is running for congress
and is seen as an up and coming Democrat. Although he merely adds to the
rest of the numerous defenders of imperialism, what is different and
thus dangerous about someone like Castro is that he is a Chicano
bourgeois politician who is now being propped up to fool the Brown
masses, just as Obama was used against the Black masses.
Castro’s background is similar to many Chicanos today. His grandmother
migrated to the United $tates in the first wave of migration after the
Mexican Revolution in 1920. His mother was born in Texas and was
actively a part of the Chicano movement of the 60s and 70s. As a first
generation college student she joined the Raza Unida Party (RUP) and
became one of its leaders.
La Raza Unida Party came about from the leadership of Crusade for
Justice another Chicano organization of that time. It was in 1970 that
Corky Gonzalez announced the formation of RUP. The Crusade for Justice
was actively leading many Chicano struggles of this time period. At one
point as Acuña described, “The Crusade for Justice leadership also
wanted to form the ‘Congress de Aztlan’, which would build a Chicano
nation.”(1) The RUP meant to uplift the Raza’s consciousness, take
community control of social services in the Barrios, taking control of
schools and development (building homes, parks, etc.) which all seems
cool and “progressive.” But without completely breaking with the
oppressors politics these efforts were simply spinning wheels, like
trying to ride a bike with no chain; you can turn the pedals all you
want but the bike stays in the same spot.
The RUP had a left wing and a right wing, like all phenomenon there were
internal contradictions that pulled this group in different directions,
and without a clear path for liberation RUP was doomed from the
beginning. The biggest error in RUP’s program was in attempting to work
within the framework of Amerikan bourgeois politics. RUP naively thought
Amerika would stand by and allow a historically oppressed people, an
internal semi-colony, to build a political party in the barrios, even
though it attempted to do so within Amerika’s political system. The
state would not allow this, as organizing the oppressed for any
progressive political activity poses a real potential threat. Once
organized and educated this force can easily make a leap from working
within the current system to working against the system. This is why
people like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were assassinated even
though they were not calling for socialism and pretty much worked within
the confines of the Amerikan laws. They still had influence and the
potential was too much, the threat assessment told the state what must
be done.
RUP was heavily surveilled by the CIA (1) and so all the Cointelpro
tactics were used to destroy this party. And ultimately RUP suffered
from believing Chicanos could be liberated via Amerika’s bourgeois
politics or through reforms. The fault also lies in those more
revolutionary elements within RUP for not steering RUP on a more
revolutionary approach that sought the liberation of the Chicano nation
by building for a socialist revolution on these shores.
So this is where Julian Castro comes from and thus this bourgeois
nationalism is what shaped his ideas and lead him down the road to Brown
capitalism or outright defender of imperialism. His assimilationist
stance shined forth in his speech with statements like “[we need to] do
our part as one community, as one United States of Amerika.” This is
typical language of a comprador who’s job is to bring the other
oppressed into the fold of the oppressor. His/her job is always to quell
or smother the burning embers of resistance in a people and keep things
as they are. The slave of old who lived in the massa’s house would go
out to the slave shacks and talk about how good the massa is, how good
the slaves got it, maybe even given them a piece of bacon or the good
meat with a promise for more so long as they hang on and be content or
say some prayers. This is the approach Castro took in his speech, his
focus - like the rest of the Democrats was on the “middle class,” and at
one point his petit bourgeois colors intensified as he yelled: “The
middle class the engine of our economic growth!” The Brown bourgeoisie
must have soiled themselves with excitement at hearing this parasite
babble on.
Castro’s interests are stripped of the more progressive aspects of 1970s
political line of his mother, Rosie Castro, which he branded as outdated
in an interview on Pacifica Radio. As misguided as the RUP may have been
in their approach, they never spoke of leaving Raza behind, nor were
they reduced to telling Raza to ‘Pull themselves up by the bootstraps.’
Rather they sought to include even the poorest Raza living in shacks and
fought to better their conditions while Julian Castro has aligned with
imperialism as he stated: “we know in our free market economy some
people will prosper more than others.” The idea that in a society there
will be the haves and the have nots is not something we can accept. But
Castro sends the message to the ruling class that he is okay with this
and thus is not intending to threaten or challenge this status quo. This
buys his seat in the imperialist shuttle of Amerikan politics.
The use of Julian Castro is just the latest attempt to get Chicanos and
other Raza to become part of Amerika. But many Raza still remember the
oppression we have faced, it is still too much for many to side with the
enemy. According to the 2010 U.S. Census about 2.3 million businesses
are owned by Latinos. Yet when it comes to voting in bourgeois elections
only 60 percent of adult Latino citizens vote compared to 70 percent of
Black adults who vote and 74 percent of whites who vote. At the same
time approximately 500,000 Latino youth will turn 18 every year for the
next 20 years. So I believe Julian Castro is the tip of the iceberg
where Amerika will begin courting Latinos much more than they ever have
in history, and not just any Latinos but preferably those with family
history of activism as Julian Castro and his mother in an attempt to
paint these parasites as “legitimate” in the eyes of the Chicano nation.
But these Brown faces in high places will never be legitimate so long as
they support the super parasites. Those who we see as legitimate are
those working to liberate our nation, those working to neutralize the
super parasite.
We see Amerika’s open repression reaching fascist proportions in Aztlán,
especially in prisons and on the “border.” Most recently we saw along
the Texas/Mexico “border” the U.$. instillation of a “mini navy” (4)
where speed boats with high powered weapons are guarding the Rio Bravo
and have recently baptized these new boats in Mexicano blood when they
shot and killed a Mexican citizen on the Mexican side who was barbecuing
in a picnic area with his family right on the river. Footage on the
Amerikan corporate media this week shows families and children as the
border patrol speeds off while cries erupt in this park. This open war
on Raza comes without a peep from bourgeois politicians like Julian
Castro, who, rather than condemn this repression in his speech, instead
declares “Amerika will prevail” in his speech to massa.
We must also learn from the lessons of the past. We are not free to
create our own political parties that struggle for our nations, look at
what happened to the RUP and Panthers and others. In Amerika although
parties of the internal semi-colonies are not publicly banned, they are
certainly banned behind closed doors in Langly, in Washington DC, and
their other hideaways. We know this is true when we learn about
Cointelpro and other operations to infiltrate and disrupt peoples
parties or groups. And so we refuse to be fed snake oil from the
imperialists or their allies and hasten the day when Aztlán and the
other internal semi-colonies can be liberated from attacks by Amerika!
Recently, prisoners have begun to rediscover their voice and power power
in some of the most vile dungeons in Amerika. On May 22, 2012, the
latest development has come from Red Onion State Prion in Virginia where
prisoners rose up and defied the oppressor. This refusal to be passive
in the face of brutality seems to occur more and more often these days.
Red Onion shares the same oppression as Pelican Bay SHU prisoners and
others across Amerika who face many of the same forms of abuse, cruelty
and neglect.
There are over 90
thousand people in Amerika being held in solitary or segregation of
some sort. Most of these 90 thousand are Latino or Black, making this
mass imprisonment also a manifestation of national oppression.(1) But
national oppression is also tied to the economic relations as today’s
developments with the world economies and social unrest point to the
exhaustion of capitalism. This exhaustion coupled with the changing
demographic where more than half of all babies born in the U.$. are
non-white(2) is unleashing a mass imprisonment of Latinos and New
Afrikans in unprecedented numbers. These are basically internment camps
for the internal semi-colonies.
This rise in oppression is not simply in imprisonment; there has also
been an economic offensive to go with it. Indeed, states comprising
Aztlán and New Afrika have seen a more than 20% rise in poverty between
2007 and 2010.(3) We should see that it’s not simply a case of a couple
crooked cops, or some faulty prison administrators that cause us to be
held in miserable conditions. It is much bigger and much deeper than
that. What we experience is a long legacy of oppression unleashed on the
people since the first settler stepped foot on this continent. This
legacy can now be traced up to the highest levels of the ruling class,
and sometimes reveals itself. But for the most part, the oppression we
face is drenched in secrecy and washed in legalese to the point that
laymen cannot grasp it even when experiencing it directly.
At the same time many prisoners are beginning to break through the shell
of settler propaganda to see our oppression for what it is. We can see
that when corporate media says prisoners are “gang members” they are
simply attempting to cover up our brutal treatment. When it reports on a
“riot” it is really an uprising. But prisoners, whether in California,
Virginia or even the secret prisons, are all being oppressed with the
same intent by the state: to break our resistance! This was revealed
most recently on a news program where a self-described CIA operative
Jorge Rodriguez described torturing suspected-Al Qaeda prisoners. It was
in this interview where he described psychological torture inflicted to
“instill a sense of hopelessness.”(4)
Such was the intent of the solitary confinement: leaving prisoners
naked, physical abuse, and the use of what he called “dietary
manipulation,” which is starving a prisoner with skimpy trays or rotten
uncooked food – sound familiar? This was all done intentionally to
instill this sense of hopelessness in order to force the prisoner to
cooperate with the state. These methods are not materialized
spontaneously but are designed from years of study in military and
intelligence schools for psy-warfare. What we are experiencing in
Amerika’s superman prisons is a long legacy that is drenched in blood.
Yet we are not victims, but survivors of capitalism. Our survival
baffles the oppressor who cannot grasp that the people don’t need profit
to propel us, to motivate us on our path to freedom. Our drive is
mysterious to the oppressor whose only action is brought on by profit.
Prisons will continue to have uprisings as more and more are now
conscious and aware that things don’t have to be the way they are, and
torture does not have to be tolerated. Marx summed it up when he said
“mankind always sets itself only such tasks as it can solve; since,
looking at the matter more closely it will always be found that the task
itself only arises when the material conditions for its solution already
exist or are at least in the process of formation. At the same time the
productive forces developing in the womb of bourgeois society create the
material conditions for the solution of that antagonism.”(5) What this
is basically saying is once the productive forces develop to a point,
they will naturally enter the next stage in social evolution. I think
prisoners are at the stage in social evolution across Amerika and this
is reflected in the uprisings we are seeing develop as never before.
The folks in Red Onion are a link in a long chain that reaches from
concentration camp to concentration camp and the Brown Berets - Prison
Chapter stands in solidarity with them in our common march towards human
A clenched fist goes up for the New Afrikan youth Trayvon Martin who was
murdered in Sanford, Florida on February 26 2012.
Here we are in this endless cycle of genocide inflicted on the internal
semi-colonies. Hunting season is never over in Amerika; it is merely
covered up with different words to describe it. But those of us in
prisons across Amerikkka understand what is taking place.
It has taken almost two full months for the arrest of George Zimmerman
to be finally carried out. That’s sad, when a Black 17-year-old is
executed in cold blood and the killer is allowed to roam free, but we
are arrested for reckless driving and given a life sentence. U.$.
soldiers slaughter villages, cut off ears, take photos of themselves
urinating on the bodies, without being charged; and when they are
charged they walk free. Migrants are shot and killed by white
supremacist militia groups, and not only does the corporate media not
report it, but bills are currently being pushed through that call for
militia groups to formally work in concert with border patrol.
The truth is the state operates in a way that allows many loopholes and
leeway for white supremacists to survive and continue their terror. This
is seen in the treatment these groups are given from Amerika. If you
look closely at this phenomenon it shows us what kind of a rotten system
we really live under. The problem is we have been born and raised in
this imbalanced existence so we now believe many things are “normal” or
“okay” when in fact they are very wrong.
Case in point: the existence of white supremacist militia groups. If we
were to have a handful of Chicanos with guns in any house we would be
labeled “gang members” and the SWAT team would come in and crush our
existence. If a handful of New Afrikans were at a house with guns and a
flagpole flying their banner, they would be labeled terrorists and
crushed. Yet there are entire compounds of white supremacists with guns
and websites proclaiming their objectives, and for the most part Amerika
leaves them untouched. Why is this? Well because these neo-Nazi or other
white supremacists actually complement the imperialists’ agenda here in
Amerika in many ways.
In one way they help to keep the mass attention off the state itself,
but they also make room for the state to step in and appear as some
savior. As in the Trayvon Martin murder, they allow this vigilante
psychotic maggot to run amok, allowing the people’s anger to boil, and
then step in to arrest him. This way many will think “they did the right
thing” or “the law works.”
These tired old bait-and-switch tactics don’t fool nobody. We know
Amerika is Zimmerman! Zimmerman is only a physical
manifestation of imperialism. Imperialism, like Zimmerman, travels the
world stalking Third World nations and then attacking the oppressed
nation, latching on and sucking the blood, the resources, leaving a
lifeless corpse in its place. They can call Amerika a “colorblind”
society; they can allow the public to be “intermingled”; they can
nominate Obama as president; but any way you slice it there is no
justice to be found here for Brown or Black folks. Our justice will only
come from our own hands through struggle.
Racism is generally understood by revolutionaries first and foremost as
an outgrowth of the ruling class, which nurtures these white
supremacists into fascist foot soldiers. They are imperialism’s reserve
army and are intertwined with the state apparatus. They have a mutual
interest in keeping things “the way they are.”
The most we’ve gotten out of Obama concerning this modern day lynching
was him saying “if I had a son he would look like Trayvon.” Really? He
couldn’t even make a speech denouncing the attack on Black people, the
problem of white supremacy, or the new caste-like system that encourages
these modern day lynchings lest he offend the oppressor nation. But
saying nothing at all would offend the Black nation. His “middle ground”
was “if I had a son he would look like Trayvon.”
These bourgeois politicians serve the ruling class, they serve capital,
they serve Wall Street. Our justice may not come tomorrow but it will
surely come, and until then let us prepare the people for the cold
reality in Amerika.
The recent assault raining down on Brown people in the state of Arizona
smacks of the rise of the Third Reich in Nazi Germany when Hitler’s
Brown shirts began burning books that may have contradicted fascist
ideology. This was not a phenomenon exclusive to Germany, rather the
occupier always attacks an oppressed nation’s culture, history and
language in order to sap a people’s ability to struggle.
What better way to prevent a people from wanting to struggle than to
take away their history of struggle and oppression and brainwash them
with the oppressor’s views and version of history. An act that was
outright “land theft” quickly becomes “an honest purchase” or “genocidal
acts” become an almost spiritual or supernatural concept called
“manifest destiny.” In this way ideas are shaped and a people are
The state of Arizona has dismantled Chicano studies which was obtained
in the first place by courageous struggle. Most remember the 1990s when
UCLA finally obtained their Chicano studies courses via a hunger strike
in 1993. Many schools had to protest and struggle to be able to learn
about our history. For too long we have been told a version of history
from the oppressor nation’s view, twisting real history in an attempt to
brainwash our youth. This is a serious attack on the Chicano nation and
this comes at a time when an increase in repression is unleashed on
migrants by ICE and other government agencies. This is no coincidence
when it is viewed with the criminalization of Raza and the southwest
states’ use of control units to capture Chicanos at a higher rate than
any other nationality. Even those “law abiding” youth who are doing
nothing wrong but attending Amerikan schools thinking that if they
commit no crime and get an “education” they will have a good life are
facing attacks from the imperialists – preying on the most vulnerable –
our youth!
The banning of books was thought to have been a thing of the past, a
fascist way of controlling a people’s thoughts and yet we are
experiencing it in 2012. The book
America: A history of Chicanos by Dr. Rodolfo F. Acuna was recently
one of the books banned in Arizona. This book along with others was
boxed up in classrooms in front of Chicano students, as if their history
is bad, as if Chicanos are bad, a forbidden people. It has been reported
that when this occurred some Chicano youth were crying in class not
understanding or comprehending the vile white supremacist monster they
are up against living as an internal semi-colony in the United $tates.
Occupied America is a book that has been required reading in
Chicano studies courses all over the United $tates for decades! It is a
book of the history of the Chicanos and uncovers U.$. imperialism’s
treatment and oppression of our nation. It does not promote violence or
speak of revenge or retribution, this book merely tells the story of
imperialism’s activity on this continent over the centuries. But as the
Chicano scholar Dr. Carlos Muñoz recently put it in regards to the
banning of these books and studies “They are afraid of the truth. You
know, the truth hurts.” I think that’s a real simple way to put it the
truth does hurt these parasites, their vileness hurts to know or to be
reminded of how they treated human beings.
This recent attack is going to backfire on the oppressor nation. Due to
this and all the other attacks on the Chicano nation it is going to
spark an arousal in Aztlan, a second wind in the Chicano movement is
going to kick in where the youth who have since the 60s begun to get lax
and not appreciate the sacrifices that went into allowing us to gain
things like Chicano studies, all this taking things for granted is now
coming to an end and Raza are awakening and our youth are once more
being politicized and our barrios are once more being revolutionized.
Chicano revolutionaries are organizing and developing new ideology, even
prisons are seeing Chican@s becoming conscious and revolutionary and we
will use the experience of the Chicano movement of decades past to make
a leap in our struggles and push our nation farther than previous
efforts. More youth are wanting answers of why they are suffering state
oppression and jumping into the mix, many want to know why Occupied
America is banned and going out and purchasing the book to see what
all the fuss is about if they have not already read it, I myself am
going to order it to share with others and all Raza should do the same
and purchase this book to learn why the state is targeting this book and
to support our Chicano historians who stand in the line of fire by
imperialism and its apparatus. Purchase it before it is banned even for
When we see these developments occur to our gente we should understand
that the 2010 U.$. census shows the dramatic growth in the Raza
population, when all other folks are decreasing in population Raza are
increasing. Raza will soon be the majority and I have written about this
before, this “majority” in population that we will be in the future is
not being taken lightly by the state, they have think tanks who sit
around thinking of ways to stifle and assimilate Raza and how to break
the Chicano nation’s back via our youth. We must see the seriousness in
the banning of Chicano books, this is a low intensity war on the Chicano
nation, they are using deportations, prisons, three strikes laws and now
schools to force their program onto our nation and so we need to educate
Raza in the barrios and the pintas before it is too late.
When the Spaniards came to the valley of Mexico they burned the Mexica’s
books (codices) and destroyed their written history or most of it along
with other traces of their legacy and filled the void with what they
wanted future generations to know and when we read what they have
written we do not read of genocide and rape because they conveniently
left that out. All oppressors have used this tactic of re-writing
history. Do not stand by and allow Chicano book burning to occur in
2012. Let us make our voice heard in Arizona and support Raza in that
repressive atmosphere who are up against the same world oppressor we
are! This madness in Arizona will not be solved by changing Arizona
because it is U.$. imperialism which unleashes these fascist laws on our
nation so it is with imperialism where the problem lies and so long as
imperialism exists book banning will exist, today it is the Chicano
nation being attacked via its history books and tomorrow the Black
nation’s history books will be banned in schools and then others as well
so let us stand in solidarity against this coming fascist storm and
prepare the people wherever you may be!
The recent article in ULK23 titled
strike strategy: tactical retreat or advance? raised some good ideas
on how to move forward in the struggle for human rights in Amerikan
prisons. We need to propose ideas and theory on the situation with the
strike movement now more than ever. We need to develop a clear path on
how to better strengthen our efforts. This development needs not just
California prisoner’s attention but all prisoners across the United
$tates to lend their voice to this debate no matter where their cage is
at as oppression can be found in every gulag from sea to shining sea.
When prisoners participate in this discussion, many are able to take
from this debate, learn and hopefully add to it in a real way. Some may
use the ideas for their own battles or modify other ideas to work in
their efforts. In this way ULK will serve as a message board or chat
room for the captive masses. All this is of course good and healthy for
any movement to grow, and I look forward to read up on new theory and
add to the mix as well. It is expanding on thought for all and a “win
win” for the people.
One of the things that came out of the article “Tactical Retreat or
Advance” was calling on certain people or LOs to provoke their
participation. Had ULK been a strictly internal document that
only prisoners read then I would think ‘yea right on.’ The problem is
that ULKs are read and heavily scrutinized by prison officials and law
enforcement agencies, thus what may mean to be simple criticism becomes
a serious breach. In California prisons - and I suspect it is the same
everywhere - if prison officials find letters, prison kites, etc., with
prisoners names and affiliations this can be used as “confidential
information,” “proving” what they will call gang association. This will
go into one’s file to be used as a point toward validation. By naming
aliases along with the name of a LO, all investigators need to do is
punch in the alias and the database will list those suspected of
affiliating with a certain LO and connect the dots. So listing names and
LOs of people other than oneself is feeding intel to law enforcement
which will be used to later put people in SHUs for decades or life. To
name names and LOs is harmful being that ULKs go through kops hands
before reaching prisoners. We should find ways to criticize our fellow
prisoners while protecting their identity, it’s not hard to do so.
Someone who may be new to ULK may read the naming names and
wonder, is this writer sabotaging these prisoners ability to remain on
the mainline? Is he trying to get them snatched up? So we don’t want to
give mixed messages to people picking up a ULK of what we’re
I know many people who were validated because their last point was
someone else wrote something about them, that they were affiliated with
this or that group, and so I was surprised this was allowed to take
I read awhile back in a MIM Theory about a comrade who was at a rally or
event, and this comrade spoke about how someone walked up and said
something like “hey you’re from MIM, I knew the founder so and so.” Well
this comrade and MIM wrote something about security and how we shouldn’t
name comrades as this information gets in the hands of agents. Of course
I know the difference between a LO and MIM, yet a LO faces repression in
prison in the form of SHU.
If there is a
question,” I think it begs the question of can there be a “pig
statement”? It’s something we need to look at and see if there really is
a breach in naming prisoners without their knowledge in ULK.
What is the damage that can come out of this? And should MIM(Prisons)
allow it or partake in the same? I don’t think so. I remember another
article a while back where someone did the same and called out people
and identified their LO but I believe it was in NY. I’m not sure how
prisons in NY deal with intel such as this but I am certain of how
California prisons deal with it and I am sitting in SHU for stuff like
I think MIM(Prisons) has an excellent policy of not putting peoples real
names in its publications. MIM(Prisons) says rightly it does not do so
to protect prisoners from more repression by the state. I believe this
should also pertain to prisoners writing about other prisoners as well.
I think there is a way to call out LOs without naming prisoners, and it
is right to call on certain folks to encourage participation, but naming
names is just too harmful. When we write we must always keep in mind it
is being read by not just guards but the larger state as well. I myself
would not want someone to write about me by name if they are putting an
LO beside my name. This is why MIM(Prisons) does not print real names.
It’s a matter of security. The pigs get a lot of intelligence on
prisoners from their snitches who help them out, they shouldn’t get more
help from prison revolutionaries nor revolutionaries out in society.
I think criticism is a good thing for all prisoners and this includes
LOs who are a huge part in what occurs in many prisons. Revolutionary
prisoners need to develop ways to criticize without doing damage.
Writing is not just succumbing to subjectivism no matter how stressful
it becomes. I fully understand the frustration that arises when people
are right at the ledge and all they need to do is make that leap to
freedom and here we are the prison revolutionary nudging and showing the
path and yet it moves at a snails pace and so we put pen to paper to
jump start what seems like a stalled engine. I get this and see where we
need to go but still we must remember ULK is not an internal
cable, it is literally on the world wide web. Let us move forward in our
efforts while staying alert in all areas. People’s Power!
Editor of MIM(Prisons) responds: We thank comrade Cipactli for
calling out this error in Under Lock & Key, and as editor i
fully accept the criticism made. While any potential damage in that
instance has been done, we are printing this publicly to correct any bad
impressions it may have given people and remind all comrades of the
importance of these issues. This was an opportunist error on my part
that risked pushing away people that we hope to ally with, who never
asked to have their names in ULK.
MIM(Prisons) agrees that it is dangerous practice for ULK to
include people’s LO name and affiliation and we will edit articles in
the future to remove this information. While we have never printed
people’s real names, as Cipactli points out, this doesn’t matter if the
prisoncrats can make the connection between a prisoner and their LO
name. We don’t need to be helping the state with their repression, and
feeding them information can have a real impact even when we are
printing common knowledge.
This doesn’t mean people should stop calling out LOs or writing about
them, but ULK writers need to be careful to never use a name that can be
associated with an individual. We can talk about groups without
connecting them to specific names, and we can address lines and practice
without naming groups. As we build the
United Front
for Peace in Prisons this is particularly important: we must build
unity, not divisions, amongst the Lumpen Organizations.