The Voice of the Anti-Imperialist Movement from

Under Lock & Key

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[China] [First World Lumpen] [Fascism] [Elections] [ULK Issue 88]

Fascism Rising? Lumpen Must Get Organized

Greetings Revolutionaries, activists, thugs, radical students, pimps, hustlers, players, strippers, sex workers, and all the thoroughbred Runaway Slaves in the First World; this is strictly addressed to the First World Lumpen. Marxism has taught us how to operate and harness the laws of the universe in the interests of those systematically locked out of the production process, those who finance-monopoly capitalism continue to dehumanize in its relentless, dogged, determined pursuit of endless profits.

Fascism is the word of the current movement. Trump’s election represents a certain heightening of contradictions. This is a sign of the imperialists recognizing their need for that strong persyn to move this space into its more authoritarian direction, into its more authoritarian disposition.

We have to be vigilantly on the prowl for the emergence of fascism. Social commentary should center primarily on building public opinion in this direction. Even in its embryonic stages, fascism doesn’t miss out on any opportunities to undermine the working-class revolution and smash working class organizations; First World and Third World.

It is time to crack open the history books and practically apply the dialectical-materialist analysis of history. There is nothing else at the moment that warrants any more attention. Period. 2020, though a moment, a flash point in social development, like I said previously in some past article was not in any way contradictory to the U.$. empire; nor was there any easing of tensions between law enforcement and those of us trapped in the ghettos that pockmark this landscape.

In 2022, actual U.$. military expenditure exceeded $1.52 trillion – more than twice the officially acknowledged level of $766 billion. Overall military spending are not included in the empire’s “defense budget” strategically. To estimate actual U.$. military spending, dialectical materialist methodological approaches must be utilized. I recommend publications like Monthly Review.

Nothing will be gained at the expense of the Third World because of our lack of genuine effort to combat our First Worldist dispositions. We in the ameriKKKan heartland must sit down and focus on studying fascism. We most definitely have the leisure time because of the labor aristocratic essence of the working class demographic in these parts. The class of people in the First World who are excluded from the productive process, by virtue of living in the First World, on average receive more material benefits from imperialism than the global proletariat. This is the First World lumpen. But the radical student movement is now with us, thanks to the gunshots let off on 7 October 2023 in Palestine and its people’s struggle to free their land from i$raeli and ameriKKKan aggression.

We have to have a completely scientific understanding of the concrete reality of our situation. George Jackson once spoke of this. I believe his classic work Blood In My Eye must be resurfaced and consulted for the best, most in-depth theoretical analysis of the current moment. Fascism and its historical significance was the point of his whole philosophy on politics, and its extension, war.

George posited how corporate-fascism’s nature advanced world-wide socialist consciousness after WW2. U.$. imperialism emerged after the Western powers had already divided up most of the most important markets in the world. The aftermath of WW2 left those same Western powers severely weakened, the U.$. became head honcho.

Social development continues to march ahead towards its logical conclusion – via stages of course. All the forces of reaction and counterrevolution have localized themselves and continue to radiate their oppressive energy in the now emerging ameriKKKan corporate-fascist state. Despite the presence of political parties, corporate politics is all that truly matters here. Corporate personhood command all state power.

We hear about the corporate political maneuvering of entities like Amazon, IBM, Facebook, Samsung, Apple, and many more. The modern chip industry speaks to the authority large private corporations have over state bodies. Just as steel a century ago was the essential commodity for economic development, the chip is the 21st century repeat. Chips are central to the technology pivotal to the present order. I say that to say that possibly by 2030, China’s chip industry could rival Silicon Valley’s influence; so this means something, the implications are beyond disruption of U.$. tech firms and trade flows, we are talking about a reset of the balance of military power.

Huawei has been at the center of all sorts of geopolitics in recent years. I think it’s time USW comrades study Huawei, and learn what makes this entity’s political maneuvering such a nightmare for Western imperialists, and sidestep amerikkka’s “Russian threat” distraction with the whole bogus fabricated Uhuru 3 persecution.

The African People’s Socialist Party are posing a very serious question that all revolutionaries active at the moment should sit down and reflect and ponder over: Did the FBI conspire with Russian intelligence to frame up Black activists in the United $tates?

The Uhuru 3 free speech trial has positioned me as an historical singularity, as that historical singularity who sees all angles, all sides, who sees the furthest ahead and who more than anyone at the moment understands the line of march the New Afrikan liberation movement should be taking, as fascism continues to kick its boots at our doors in the First World.

I will be waiting to hear your thoughts soon. In the meantime, all efforts on our boycott campaign should center on Securus. No opportunities to vilify Securus between December 6 and December 13 should be missed.

MIM(Prisons) adds: We have not received any further reports on the outcomes of Jailhouse Lawyers Speak Week of December 6-13, but welcome your reports. As to fascism and the new presidency, we’ve written more extensively on the previous Trump regime to say that it was not fascist, but merely business as usual.(1) Blood In My Eye is an excellent book that we distribute, but we think there is strategic significance to distinguish between fascism and bourgeois democracy, the two faces of imperialism.(2)

We agree with the author that the re-election of Trump indicates that the imperialists are looking to reshape things. In 2019, we wrote about how the absence of a real proletarian threat makes fascism unnecessary and unlikely. The threat that has emerged since then is the Palestine heightening it’s war of national liberation, which has forced all parties involved in the region to make their positions clear. In addition to this shakeup in the Middle East, there has been the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its affects across Europe. What seems likely is the imperialists are seeing cracks in the previous world order and signs of economic crisis that require a shift in strategy.

Trump remains erratic in eir speeches, and we have no great predictions for how this next term will go at this time. What is clear is that the need to build a strong movement against imperialism and fascism is now. There are opportunities on the horizon, and we hope you will join us in preparing for them.

1. MIM(Prisons), April 2019, “Fascism, Imperialism, and Amerika in 2019”, Under Lock & Key 67.
2. Wiawimawo of MIM(Prisons), November 2016, The Strategic Significance of Defining Fascism, Under Lock & Key 53.

[National Liberation] [Black Panther Party] [Palestine] [National Oppression] [New Afrika] [Youth] [ULK Issue 87]

How Mass Imprisonment Connects New Afrikan and Palestinian Youth

I have been trying to follow the Palestinian liberation struggle for some time now, well at least in the best ways I can behind enemy lines: piecing bits and pieces of information together from the various media sources that make it in here.

What strikes me the most at this juncture is the dialectic between New Afrikan youth and Palestinian youth. Over here in the Amerikkkan empire, New Afrikan youth, particularly New Afrikan male youth occupy very unfortunate spaces in the Amerikkkan oppressor nation’s mental. These youth dwell in the danger zone, spaces that are purely a figment of the “white” imagination. This criminal Black youth label. This “hyper-reality” is no more real than the emperor’s new clothes, analogous to the rapist who takes the mentally ill patient back to the scene of the crime, back to the moment of trauma, when the delusions began. It is within the dark interiority of this lived nightmare, the womb of the unforgiving chattel slavery regime enclosed within old style colonialism that the New Afrikan male youth was conceived. This is critical and informative for understanding mass imprisonment in New Afrika.

This process of marking New Afrikan youth as criminal prisoners essential to the functioning of mass incarceration is a mechanism of social control operative under national oppression. For this repressive institution to succeed, New Afrikan youth must be branded as criminal before they are formally subject to this mechanism of control. This is essential, for forms of explicit colonial control are not only prohibited but are widely condemned. Capitalism evolved.

Both New Afrikan and Palestinian people are entrenched beneath the boot of their colonizers without a state that is theirs to foster, nurture, and facilitate their respective national liberation struggles to actualize control over their destiny. Both face the repressive arm of mass imprisonment to undermine and destroy their resistance efforts and thus fine comb their national oppression nightmare.

The I$raeli colonial project is a direct extension of U.$. imperialism. The U.$. penal system being the first and largest experiment in humyn bondage, it is only fitting that this institution of social control finds its way into the Palestinian lived experience under I$raeli occupation.

Palestinian youth are the only youth that are formally subject to a “military” court/detention system. Palestinian youth are not privy to a civil court; that means when they go before a judge they are not entitled to a lawyer, nor a translator even though the entire court proceedings are in Hebrew – a non-Arabic language. And if they remain silent, that means they plead guilty. So no civilian proceedings for any Palestinian youth at all.

Many of these oppressed youth are taken during night raids from their parents or adult supervisors to further facilitate intimidating interrogation techniques. These parallel a lot of New Afrikan juvenile situations as the school-to-prison pipeline. The harsh penalties for simple offenses that are the rule, just the whole criminalization process of entire neighborhoods/locations mirror U.$. law enforcement imposition of gang injunctions/occupational patrolling of predominantly New Afrikan neighborhoods in the United $tates of Amerikkka.

The I$raeli settler occupation project parallels Amerikkkan national oppression of New Afrika with the language and practical application of the tried and tired excuse of blaming the so-called “savages” for provoking the “reasonable” and “peace loving” settlers into defending themselves and the land “God ordained” them to have thus dehumanizing and criminalizing a whole nation. The zionist regime’s actions against Palestinian youth are nothing short of genocidal.

In the current news, it is important to note the essential role played by the Palestinian youth, mostly under 18. The resistance movement there is mobilizing their youth to stand up and struggle forward. This is very important to glean lessons from, particularly within the historical and contemporary social dynamics encircling settler colonialism and national oppression in Occupied Palestine. This is good for an application to the Amerikan empire. As ULK aptly notes: the Black Panthers were mostly teenagers.

[Black August] [Gender] [New Afrika] [ULK Issue 87]

Again on Gender Waged Against New Afrika and Palestine

Dear Top Brass At U.$. Navy (Mr. Omnipotent Administrator),

You guys bicker about sexuality, abortion, gender issues, and whatever non-stop. Let me fill you in on your rape revenge fantasies and myths. Just ask the Florida Department of Corrections for my essay on sexual privilege in amerikkka. They have it in my central file in Tallahassee.

I quote Eldridge Cleaver in Soul on Ice:

“The Omnipotent Administrator conceded to the super-masculine menial all of the attributes of masculinity associated with the body: strength, brute power, muscle, even the beauty of the brute body. Except one. There was this single attribute of masculinity which he was unwilling to relinquish, even though this particular attribute is the essence and seat of masculinity: sex.”

The Omnipotent Administrator said “I will bind your rod with my omnipotent will, and place a limitation on its aspiration which you will violate on pain of death.”

See ULK 85Rape Revenge Fantasies Fuel Genocide in Palestine.”

From the Supermasculine Menial

Black August 2024

[Political Repression] [Organizing] [ULK Issue 87]

Prisoner Solidarity In September

[We print this on September 9th, the anniversary of the Attica rebellion and the Day of Peace and Solidarity for members of the United Front for Peace in Prisons across the United $tates.]

Last year myself and various comrades within the anti-prison movement came under heightened political repression during Black August and Bloody September well into October. The Palestinian National Liberation after Operation Al-Aqsa Flood seemed to keep the war games intact against us prisoners/revolutionaries.

The Stop Cop City activists and myself have been branded as domestic terrorists by the U.$. empire and are facing the new type of political persecution greenlit after September 11, 2001. I quote Obama: “We do not use drone strikes to punish people but to eliminate those who pose a continuing and imminent threat to the American people.” It was said in a cleverly written and well executed speech, and also layered very carefully.

The Supreme Court says the only question to ask to a case like this is whether the speech “transcends the bounds of freedom of speech which the constitution protects.”

How far can the phrase “imminent threat” be stretched? We are the domestic guinea pigs. Security Threat Group (STG) units all over the empire have war plans that move into operation mode in Bloody September, prison activists and deemed leaders will be hid inside the various control units that pockmark the penal landscape. Get ready.

This is that season again. There is no need for Congress or state legislature approval. The authorization for use of military force is a unilateral decision by executive power. Beware the drone strike for rebels and those in their reach. Beware the raid for rebels and those in their reach. Beware the heightened political prosecution/assassination of the Republic of New Afrika. This is a defense of the state’s right to wage war against New Afrika.

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