MIM(Prisons) is a cell of revolutionaries serving the oppressed masses inside U.$. prisons, guided by the communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
Under Lock & Key is a news service written by and for prisoners with a focus on what is going on behind bars throughout the United States. Under Lock & Key is available to U.S. prisoners for free through MIM(Prisons)'s Free Political Literature to Prisoners Program, by writing:
MIM(Prisons) PO Box 40799 San Francisco, CA 94140.
Greetings, I am writing in hopes you may be able to help and/or
advise me. It is my intention to file suit against the Texas Department
of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) director and employees concerning TDCJ
failure to address grievance issues such as:
Denial of insulin to insulin dependent diabetic
Transport Officer Mr. Ballew stated in the court hearing on 30
January 2019 that I must provide my own insulin during transport. I
filed grievance #9019034096 on 6 February 2019 concerning this issue and
unit grievance office claims to have closed this grievance on 1 January
2019. I must pay for a copy if I want to see the response given. (How is
it possible to close grievance before it’s filed?)
When I was released from the UTMB hospital and transferred to this
(the Terrell Unit) I requested my property from the Carole Young
infirmary unit be sent to me. I was told it was sent to the Byrd Unit
and to date I have not received any property from the Byrd or Carole
Young Units and my grievances step two, dated 12 April 2019, has been
completely forged including the signing of my name to the document as if
I wrote it.
It is my intentions to bring suit under violation of government code
S.504 rehabilitation act for the following reasons:
I am denied to participate in TDCJ and UTMB programs and services or
the benefit of those services provided to all other prisoners.
UTMB Galveston hospital orders that I take insulin three times a day.
Note: I am not a type one or type two diabetic. I do not have a pancreas
after it was surgically removed leaving me a severe diabetic with an
auto-immune deficiency. My life depends on insulin and when I am not
receiving insulin as ordered I am denied the right to complain through
the TDCJ grievance program.
I request you send me the additional resource application to the
federal courts and a copy of TDCJ grievance codes manual and any
additional advice or information you may provide will be helpful. Also
know that I talked with the Terrell Unit Assistant Warden Mr. Antony
Patrict about these issues and he said “Sue me!” And the grievance
office refused to allow me to complain about the forged grievance from
12 April 2019.
I want to provide y’all with an attorney’s address that is seeking to
help Texas prisoners who have been denied dentures, further causing
irreversible damages, as well as pain and suffering.
Contact them directly: Randall Kallinen 511 Broadway St.
Houston, TX 77027
I know he’s putting together a class action suit. I don’t know if
there’s a deadline in contacting him or if he’s only able to accept so
many people, but if y’all can help bring awareness to Texas comrades I’d
be very appreciative.
MIM(Prisons) adds: In September 2018 the Houston Chronicle
broke a story about TDCJ denying prisoners dentures, and telling them to
eat pureed food instead. In December 2018, it was reported that TDCJ
will begin using 3D printers to make dentures for prisoners. We’re not
sure about the status of this class action suit, but we encourage
readers who fall in this class to contact Attorney Kallinen directly.
While not directly related to our mission of ending oppression through
the complete overthrow of the capitalist economic system, standing up
for our humyn dignity in our present moment helps give us more strength
to take on such a poweful enemy.
MIM(Prisons) distributes a number of resources for activists in Texas
prisons. We ask for donations to cover the cost to print and mail the
materials. We can accept donations in stamps or money orders.
Texas Campaign Pack - $3.50 Sworn Complaint Form - SASE or 2
stamps PD-22 Codes - $5 TDCJ Grievance Manual - $10 (These
materials are also available for free online.)
We heard that TDCJ is changing its practice on the grievance manual and
will start stocking it in the prison law library. Please send
confirmation on this if you know!
The prison’s segregation unit at Calhoun State Prison (CSP) has a
practical policy of delaying an insulin-dependent diabetic’s
finger-stick & insulin injection until several hours after meals
have already been served and the empty meal trays collected back up.
This is even though their medical orders call for them to receive
finger-sticks & insulin before meals, not afterward. This is a
textbook example (or, in this prison setting, a case-law example) of a
prison policy of indifference which exists in violation of both the
contemporary standards recognized by the medical profession (medical
malpractice), and the federal constitution’s 8th Amendment’s
proscription against cruel & unusual punishments.
A factor contributing to this policy is that at CSP’s segregation (seg)
unit breakfast is passed out anytime between 4:30 a.m. & 5 a.m. but
CSP’s administration doesn’t have its medical staff clocking in for work
until 6 a.m. every morning. By that time (1-1.5 hours after breakfast)
the diabetics housed in seg are badly in need of relief from the
dangerously high blood glucose/sugar level resulting from their having
ate breakfast without any insulin. I know from my own experience as an
insulin-dependent diabetic that if I eat without first taking insulin I
develop a dangerously high glucose level in the 300s, 400s, 500s, or
higher. This is a typical insulin-dependent’s reaction to eating without
first receiving the prescribed dosage of insulin he requires for the
particular meal.
When nurses clock in at 6 a.m. all of the diabetics housed in prison
general population have not ate yet. However, instead of first
proceeding to seg to promptly attend to those diabetics who are in acute
distress, nurses are instead choosing to administer insulin to the
diabetics in general population. Next, they are choosing to perform pill
call for the entire non-diabetic general population.
Depending on the efficiency of the particular nurses working on a given
day, by the time it’s all said and done nurses aren’t arriving in seg
with glucose meters & insulin until anywhere from 7-10 a.m. every
morning, sometimes even later. Delays are also occurring at lunchtime
& suppertime, even though nurses are already clocked in and on duty,
and so there is really no explanation apparent to justify these
additional delays. I kept a record of the delays between meals &
insulin, and the nurses responsible for the worst delays are Nurse
Williams, Nurse Deefe, Nurse Gilbert, Nurse Porter, and Nurse Mills.
To clear the air on how dangerous hours-long delays are, I am going to
quote to you from page 54 of Dr. Jorge E. Rodriguez’s book Diabetes
Solution, where he explains the dangers of high blood sugar, also
called hyperglycerin:
“Hyperglycemia, by definition, is a level of sugar in the blood above
the accepted normal range… the normal range for a person’s fasting blood
sugar (”fasting” means after 8 or more hours without eating anything)
level is below 100 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) of blood, and the
normal range at any other time should be below 180 mg/dl)… Elevated
blood sugar in and of itself causes tissue damage but having a blood
sugar that is extremely elevated can cause life-threatening changes in
the body in a matter of hours. An extremely high blood sugar level, and
I mean at least 300 – remember, normal is under 100 (fasting) or 180
(any other time) – can cause an imbalance in the delicate acid-based
structure in the tissues of the body. When the body can no longer use
sugar as an energy source it starts breaking down fat and protein, one
of the by-products of these two alternative sources of energy is
ketones. A high level of circulating ketones not only damages tissues,
but can cause confusion, unconsciousness, and coma.”
The above medical expert’s opinion sufficiently shows how diabetics
housed in CSP’s segregation unit are in imminent danger of serious
physical injury and/or death. Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC)
will try to remedy a prisoner’s medical complaints by transferring him
to another prison. In just 3 years my complaints of improper diabetic
care has caused my transfers to 8 different prisons (there is also a
deficiency in the diabetic care at my present prison, Wheeler
Correctional Facility).
These repeated failures are evidence which supports a civil complaint,
not only against these individual prisons, but against the entire GDC,
under the litigation theory that there’s no prison in the GDC network it
can transfer me to where I won’t be in imminent danger of serious
physical injury or death, due to a lack of adequate diabetic care. I
will keep you informed of all the latest developments.
MIM(Prisons) responds: This is a followup to the articles
Indifference Endangers Prisoners”, and
Insulin Indifference”, which we published in 2017 on this same
insulin problem in Georgia. These medical battles are literally life and
death for some people. Just a further example of the indifference and
negligence of the criminal injustice system.
The enclosed letter is submitted to you for follow-up to
Indifference Disables Prisoners”.(ULK 57, p. 6) The
publishing editor of that letter omitted the solution to that problem.
Does anyone have time to comment on if mine compares to the grievance
guides presently available? Or is my method in conflict with the advice
in other manuals? I want to know how I compare with other grievance
The problem in the article is a policy of no lunchtime
fingersticks/insulin injections. The prison serves lunch so late it is
outside the timeframe that a pre-breakfast shot of 70/30 insulin works
for some diabetics within the prison.
For diabetics having this problem, immediately following lunch they may
have symptoms of extremely elevated glucose, like hunger (even though
they have just ate lunch), blurry vision, dry mouth, thirst, pins and
needles (like tingling nerve pain), and frequent urination. In addition,
at next fingerstick before supper their glucose may be extremely
“Extremely elevated” blood sugar is dangerous because it “can cause life
threatening changes in the body within a matter of hours. An extremely
high blood sugar level… And I am talking at least 300… can cause an
imbalance in the delicate acid-based structure in the tissues of the
So if you take 70/30 insulin (and your prison doesn’t do lunchtime
fingersticks/insulin injections) and you have the above symptoms, and/or
if your suppertime glucose level is still over 300 several hours after
lunch, then you should first try a medical request. Then, if necessary,
a grievance explaining the problem. If filing a grievance (the formal
step), then include the illustration of how extremely elevated glucose
harms the body, located in the last paragraph of “Insulin Indifference
Disables Prisoners.” This way the warden, or other prison officials
signing off on the grievance, cannot claim they were unaware of the
damage that was occurring due to that they “are not medical
professionals.” (This is a popular excuse used by non-medical prison
officials to escape liability in prison medical care cases.)
Two solutions to the problem are: 1. For the prison to start serving
lunch earlier, or 2. For the prison to start providing lunchtime
fingerstick/insulin injection, at which time you should receive a small
dose of regular-type insulin, also called “mealtime insulin.”
Immediately following these two suggested solutions on your grievance,
you should write “To do neither would constitute deliberate
In your medical request or your grievance, you should also explain that
staff should periodically adjust your new lunchtime dose of regular
insulin to determine exactly what amount is required to lower the
residual glucose from lunch so it is at least somewhere between 200 -
300 by suppertime fingerstick. This will keep your glucose out of the
danger zone between lunch and supper.
MIM(Prisons) responds: The problem with timing insulin injections
with mealtimes is not lack of education or medical expertise. The
problem of indifference is built in to the capitalist, white supremacist
power structure. Imprisoned people, and oppressed nations in general,
are not thought to need or deserve to have access to proper medical
care. Prisoners’ right to their eyesight or to keep all their toes is of
absolutely no concern to the imperialist power structure. In fact, from
the imperialist system’s perspective it is probably better for prisoners
and oppressed nation people to continue suffering, and be kept busy
filing grievances. That way it’s even harder to fight back.
We’re glad this author wrote in with more details on what people could
do to resolve the individual problems they are having with
administration’s approach to diabetes management. If we’re talking about
real remedies, though, and about fixing a problem, we need to
acknowledge that capitalism and national oppression are the real cause
of extremely elevated glucose levels. We need to struggle on our
individual problems so we can be stronger for our revolutionary work.
Don’t lose sight of the bigger picture!
On 26 October 2017, U.$. President Trump declared the opioid epidemic a
public health emergency. The declaration should lead to more federal
funding for grants to combat opioid abuse.(1) As we explain below, this
epidemic disproportionately affects euro-Amerikans. Trump linked his
campaign to build a wall along the current Mexican border to the battle
against this epidemic, despite the fact that prescription painkillers
are at the root of it. This is consistent with the Amerikan government’s
solution for drug problems created by imperialism. For the crack
epidemic of the 1980s Amerika responded with mass incarceration of New
Afrikan men as the solution. As opioid addiction continues a steady
rise, Trump offers further militarization of the border.
Opioids have been used by humyns for thousands of years both medicinally
and recreationally, with many periods of epidemic addiction. Use began
with opium from poppies. Morphine was isolated in 1806. By the early
1900s heroin was promoted as a cure for morphine addiction in the United
$tates, before being made illegal in 1924. There was a lull in heroin
use during the 1980s, when cocaine and crack overshadowed it. Various
prescription pain killers began to come back into vogue in the 1990s
after the “Just Say No!” mentality was wearing off. Since then, use and
abuse has been on a steady rise, feeding a new surge in the use of
heroin as a cheaper alternative. This rise, in the economic centers of
both the United $tates and China, is directly linked to capitalism.
The Danger
While K2
is one dangerous substance plaguing U.$. prisons these days, partly
due to its undetectability, opioids are by far the biggest killer in the
United $tates, and we expect that is true in prisons as well. Drug
overdoses surpassed car accidents as the number one cause of accidental
deaths in the United $tates in 2007 and has continued a steady rise ever
since. The majority of these overdoses have been from opioids.(2)
While the increase in deaths from opioids has been strong across the
United $tates, rates are significantly higher among whites, and even
higher among First Nations. One reason that use rates are lower among
New Afrikans and Latin@s is that it has been shown that doctors are more
reluctant to prescribe opioids to them because they are viewed as more
likely to become addicted, and Amerikan doctors see them as having a
greater pain threshold.(3)
We did see some evidence of this trend in the results of
survey on the effects of drugs in U.$. prisons. The most popular
answer to our question of whether certain groups did more drugs in
prison than others was no, it affects everyone. But many clarified that
there was a strong racial divide where New Afrikans preferred weed and
K2, while whites and usually Latin@s went for heroin and/or meth. Some
of these respondents said that New Afrikans did less drugs.(4) A couple
said that New Afrikans used to do less drugs but now that’s changing as
addiction is spreading. In states where K2 has not hit yet (CA, GA, CO)
it was common to hear that whites and “hispanics” (or in California,
“southern” Mexicans) did more drugs. The pattern of New Afrikans
preferring weed and K2 seemed common across the country, and could have
implications for strategies combating drug use among New Afrikans
compared to other groups. In particular, stressing that K2 is completely
different and more dangerous than weed could be part of a harm reduction
strategy focused on New Afrikans.
If prison staff were doing their jobs, then we would expect rates of
both overdoses and use in general to be lower in prisons. But we know,
and our survey confirmed, that this is not the case (78% of respondents
mentioned staff being responsible for bringing in at least some of the
drugs in their prison). In hindsight, it may have been useful to ask our
readers what percentage of prisoners are users and addicts. Some of the
estimates that were offered of the numbers using drugs in general were
20-30%, 90%, 75%, and many saying it had its grips on the whole
Deaths from opioids in the general U.$. population in 2015 was 10.5 per
100,000, double the rate in 2005.(5) This is higher than the rates in
many state prison systems for overdoses from any drug,
including Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Ohio, Texas and Pennsylvania that
all reported average rates of 1 per 100,000 from 2001-2012. California
was closer at 8 per 100,000 and Maryland exceeded the general population
at 17 deaths from overdoses per 100,000 prisoners.(6) At the same time,
prison staff have been known to
up deaths from overdoses, so those 1 per 100,000 rates may be
In our survey of ULK readers, we learned that Suboxone, a drug
used to treat opioid addiction, is quite popular in prisons
(particularly in the northeast/midwestern states). Survey respondents
mentioned it as often as weed as one of the most popular drugs, and more
than heroin. Suboxone is actually used to treat heroin addiction. And
while it is not supposed to be active like other opioids, it can lead to
a high and be addictive. It is relatively safe, and will not generally
lead to overdose until you combine it with other substances, which can
lead to death.
Prescription drugs are not as common as other drugs in most prisons,
according to our survey. Though in some cases they are available. We
received a few responses from prisons where prescription drugs
prescribed by the medical staff seemed to be the only thing going on the
black market. Clearly there is variability by facility.
Two Paths to Recovery
The increases in opioid abuse in the United $tates has been
staggering, and they cause a disproportionate amount of the deaths from
drug overdoses. About 10% of opioid addicts worldwide are in the United
$tates, despite only being less than 5% of the world’s population.(7) At
the same time, only about 1% of people in the United $tates are abusing
opioids.(8) This is not the worst episode in U.$. history, and certainly
not in world history.
Around 1914 there were 200,000 heroin addicts in the United $tates, or
2% of the population. In contrast, some numbers for opium addicts in
China prior to liberation put the addiction rate as high as 20% of the
population around 1900, and 10% by the 1930s. That’s not to dismiss the
seriousness of the problem in the United $tates, but to highlight the
power of proletarian dictatorship, which eliminated drug addiction about
3 years after liberation.
Richard Fortmann did a direct comparison of the United $tates in 1952
(which had 60,000 opioid addicts) and revolutionary China (which started
with millions in 1949).(9) Despite being the richest country in the
world, unscathed by the war, with an unparalleled health-care system,
addicts in the United $tates increased over the following two decades.
Whereas China, a horribly poor country coming out of decades of civil
war, with 100s of years of opium abuse plaguing its people, had
eliminated the problem by 1953.(9) Fortmann pointed to the politics
behind the Chinese success:
“If the average drug addiction expert in the United States were shown a
description of the treatment modalities used by the Chinese after 1949
in their anti-opium campaign, his/her probable response would be to say
that we are already doing these things in the United States, plus much
more. And s/he would be right.”(9)
About one third of addicts went cold turkey after the revolution, with
the more standard detox treatment taking 12 days to complete. How could
they be so successful so fast? What the above comparison is missing is
what happened in China in the greater social context. The Chinese were a
people in the process of liberating themselves, and becoming a new,
socialist people. The struggle to give up opium was just one aspect of a
nationwide movement to destroy remnants of the oppressive past.
Meanwhile the people were being called on and challenged in all sorts of
new ways to engage in building the new society. There was so much that
was more stimulating than opium to be doing with their time. Wimmin, who
took up opium addiction in large numbers after being forced into
prostitution in opium dens, were quickly gaining opportunities to engage
at all levels of society. The poor, isolated peasants were now organized
in collectives, working together to solve all kinds of problems related
to food production, biology and social organization. The successful
struggle against drug addiction in China was merely one impressive side
effect of the revolutionizing of the whole society.
In contrast, in the capitalist countries, despair lurks behind every
corner as someone struggles to stay clean. The approach has ranged from
criminalization to medicalization of drug addiction as a disease. “Once
an addict, always an addict”, as they say. Always an individualist
approach, ignoring the most important, social causes of the problem.
That drug addiction is primarily a social disease was proven by the
practice of the Chinese in the early 1950s, but Western “science”
largely does not acknowledge the unquestionable results from that
massive experiment.
It is also worth pointing out the correlation between drug abuse and
addiction, and capitalist economics specifically. Whether it was
colonial powers forcing opium on the Chinese masses who had nothing, in
order to enslave them to their economic will, or it is modern Amerikan
society indulging its alienation in the over-production of prescription
pills from big pharmaceutical companies marketing medicine for a profit.
China Today
And now, opioid addiction is on the rise again in capitalist China after
decades. A steady rise in drug-related arrests in China since 1990 are
one indicator of the growing problem.(10) As more profits flowed into
the country, so have more drugs, especially since the 1990s. We recently
published a
of Is China an Imperialist Country?, where we lamented the loses
suffered by the Chinese people since the counter-revolution in 1976. It
goes to show that when you imitate the imperialists, and put advancing
the productive forces and profits over serving the people, you invite in
all the social ills of imperialism.
In China drug addiction has now become something that people fear.
Like it did with its economy, China has followed in the imperialists’
footsteps in how it handles drug addiction. Chinese policy has begun
treating addicts as patients that need to be cured to protect society.
Rather than seeing those who give up drugs as having defeated the
oppressor’s ways, they are monitored by the state, lose social
credibility, and have a hard time getting a job.(11) Under socialism,
everyone had a job and no one needed recreational drugs to maintain
themselves mentally. The path to combating drug addiction and abuse is
well-established. Attempts under imperialism that don’t involve
liberatory politics of the oppressed have little to no effect.
6 September 2017 – I am writing this letter to inform you of the recent
adverse reactions of offenders to a new batch of a K2-styled substance.
About a month ago a new batch of “2uece”, “K2” or “tune” arrived on the
unit. I was in the prison chapel and overheard a conversation that 9
people that day had been taken away in an ambulance. A few days later I
saw 2 people fall out at work in the kitchen after smoking it. The user
will experience temporary paralysis, unable to move or even speak. Users
will watch their “friends” pass out, then laugh at their friends and
continue smoking the same K2. Another prisoner bragged to me of his
smoking prowess. He said, “I already had 3 people who smoked this shit
with me get stuck. They think they can smoke like me.” Later that day
after having that conversation, that offender collapsed, unconscious and
was rushed to medical. He may have died for all I know.
Then the next day as I was leaving the shower area, they shut down the
hallway for an emergency and they were carrying 2 paralyzed prisoners to
sickbay (medical). I personally have seen more than 20 people carried
away in stretchers this past month. I would estimate well over a hundred
people have been transported to the hospital due to this new K2. I
further estimate 1/2 the entire unit are users. About 80% of the people
I work with smoke. Unlike other products such as ice cream, that might
get contaminated with listeria and recalled, with this so-called “2uece”
there is no recall. People will continue to sell it and smoke it, and
there will be more adverse reactions. Shame on the local media for not
reporting this! Shame on TDCJ for not locking down the prison, instead
being more concerned with the Estelle Unit textile plant profits!
MIM(Prisons) responds: In our survey of ULK readers about
drugs in prison, K2 (Deuce, 2euce, Spice, or synthetic marijuana) stood
out as the most popular drug. While in the chart below, other drugs
aren’t too far behind in number of mentions, K2 was often highlighted as
the #1 choice, with one Texas prisoner stating that everything else
there is now irrelevant. Suboxone was the other one that really stood
out, because it was less familiar and being reported a lot. Suboxone is
actually used to treat drug addiction to opioids, but has more recently
proven to be addictive itself even though it does not have the same
effects on your body that opioids do.
The states of California, Nevada, Colorado and Georgia differed from the
rest of the states in not really mentioning K2 or Suboxone. Instead in
those states the combination of crystal meth (ice, sk8), heroin and
alcohol were popular.
Many of these drugs are a serious health risk, and we address opioids in
a separate article. However, K2 seems to deserve special attention right
now due to the prevalence and risk. The risk is partially due to the
variability in what you are getting when you purchase “K2”, as the
comrade alludes to above. While it is referred to as “synthetic weed”
because of the receptors in the brain that it acts on, it is very
different from weed with very different effects. In the prisons where it
was reported as easiest to get, our respondents reported death from
drugs at their prison 50% of the time. In contrast, the prisons where K2
was not listed among drugs easiest to get death was only reported 19% of
the time. This difference was statistically significant. While this
correlation does not establish a definitive link with K2 as the cause of
excess deaths, anecdotal responses like the reports above and below seem
to indicate that is the case. In the last two years, news stories about
group overdoses from bad batches of spice have become frequent. Our
correspondents talk about people being “stuck” when they are on K2. This
drug can be completely disabling and can lead directly to death.
The K2 epidemic is not limited to Estelle Unit, but is across the Texas
Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) system, where our respondents
consistently listed it as the most common drug. As the map above shows,
the problem extends to many other states.
A comrade in Larry Gist Unit in Texas reported on 14 September 2017:
“I want to file a lawsuit against the Sr. Warden and American
Correctional Association (ACA) who pass the Unit Larry Gist inspection
because the speaker communication do not work and about 7 to 10
prisoners died smoking K2 from heart attack and other sickness. Speaker
communication is very important and maybe if the speaker communication
had been working 1, 2 or 3 of the prisoners that died could have been
A comrade at Telford Unit in Texas reported on 23 August 2017:
“My brothers in here have fallen victim to K2, which is highly
addictive. They don’t even care about the struggle. The only thing on
their minds is getting high and that sas. I mean this K2 shit is like
crack but worse. You have guys selling all their commissary, radios,
fans, etc. just to get high. And all these pigs do is sit back and
watch; this shit is crazy. But for the few of us who are K2-free I’m
trying to get together a group to help me with the struggle.”
We had a number of surveys filled out in Texas, all of which put the
majority, if not all of the blame for the drugs entering the TDCJ on
staff. Prisoners are a vulnerable population due to the degree of
control that the state has over their lives. The injustice system leads
to a disproportionate number of people in prison with substance abuse
histories. It is completely irresponsible and tragic that people are
then put in conditions where there is an epidemic of dangerous,
unregulated drugs when they enter prison.
Under a socialist society, where we have a system of dictatorship of the
proletariat, with those in power acting in the interests of the formerly
oppressed peoples, individuals responsible for mass deaths through
negligence or intentional actions will be brought to justice. Prison
administrators who help bring in drugs known to kill people need to face
the judgment of the people. These deaths are easily prevented.
In the meantime, we commend the comrades at Telford Unit who are
starting to organize support for people to stay out of this epidemic
that is affecting so many Texas prisoners. It is only by building
independent institutions of the oppressed, which serve the people, that
we can overcome this plague.
On 15 September 2017 my neighbor died smoking K2 and after the pigs saw
I was the last person to speak with him they locked me up under
investigation. The first interrogation was conducted by the Arkansas
state pig and it seemed as if all was well. The next week another death,
same cause. Then my neighbor’s mom appeared on the news saying she was
gonna get to the bottom of his death (apparently they told her he had a
heart attack), and bring a lawsuit before the court.
So when the internal affairs came and conduct their interrogation the
pressure had been put on ADC (Arkansas Department of Corrections) and
the woman resorts to some dirty ass tactics as soon as I walk in. She
starts by telling me she’s been doing her thorough investigation and
listening to my phone calls, and that she knows about my girlfriend that
I tell that I love her and then call my wife and turn around and tell
her the same. I ask her if it was some type of threat she was implying
because what she was talking about had nothing to do with my neighbor’s
death. She then starts her backpedaling and starts questioning me about
$ I had moved in the “free.” That’s where I decided to end our
Right before the time period for investigation ran out I received a
disciplinary for possession of contraband even though I was never in
possession of anything and it was at this point I realized ADC had their
scapegoat in the form of myself. That week topped off with another
death, same cause. That’s 4 deaths from K2 in this prison within 90 days
(there was one about a month before my neighbor).
I was found guilty in kangaroo court, given 30 days punitive and 60 days
restriction on phone, visits, commissary. A few days later, the Arkansas
state pig comes back. The only reason I could see was to fish for some
more circumstantial evidence and bring some type of formal charges to
cover ADC’s ass. I’ve been in the hole for about 40 days now and as far
as that situation, that’s where things stand.
MIM(Prisons) adds: We just completed a survey
of drugs in U.S. prisons, in which we found K2 to be the new
dominant drug across much of the country. See our article on the
epidemic in Texas, where a similar rash of deaths have occurred.
Drugs in prison is a sensitive topic in the convict world. Being that I
live in it and that I am STG’d out here in Arizona, I will refrain from
speaking/writing about the illegal kind as here in solitary they are not
as prevalent as they are out there on the yards. I will not lie though,
and say that they are non-existent here, as all convicts know “where
there is a will, there is a way.” But what I mean is that there is no
one all strung out or in debt and so forth.
The number one drug here is the pills that the contract medical
provider, Corizon Health, Inc., is giving to everyone, i.e. the legal
kind. These prescription drugs that come in the guise of treatment are
what reigns supreme here in SMU. You don’t even have to wait for visit
on the weekends like on the yard. No way not here, here they are passed
out on the daily, twice a day, even three times a day to some. These
drugs are prescribed by so called “clinicians who use an evidence based
approach to treat conditions such as yours which includes maximizing
formulary medication use while providing safe and effective treatment,”
to quote Corizon staff verbatim. This is actually impossible as you
cannot eyeball someone and use that as your evidence. That is just a
guess, and not an educated one.
Now that they have taken actual pain medication, which is only
gabapentin, a pill to treat nerve damage, Corizon staff have been
directed to prescribe psych drugs in replacement. So instead of further
treatment that include MRIs, EMG treatment, physical therapy, or a range
of other options, they are taking away a drug that works, to prescribe
you an anti-depressant for pain management as if the depression from you
being here was causing you pain and not the stenosis in your neck, AC
joint separation, nerve damage, etc. This psych med is like the
commercials that you see on TV where the side effect is diarrhea,
headache, etc.
The system gives you these legal drugs instead of approving further
treatment because MRIs cost money, and outside care visits cost money.
So they want you on psych meds to have you walking around like a zombie
or not so depressed from being STG’d and housed in solitary. Even the
law firms and organizations representing us in Parsons v. Ryan
are aware, yet choose to do nothing. Corizon staff and Arizona
Department of Corrections (ADC) staff actually tell you to seek outside
legal representation, like a dare! But while all we want is to be
treated for our injuries and not drugs, ADC will not step in nor will
our so-called legal team. Instead, our drugs at this unit are more
habit-forming and more highly accessible than the illegal kind, and will
continue to be supplied by our very own med provider Corizon, and all
ADC will just allow this to continue to take place and protect their
mule, Corizon, just like the drug cartels in the motherland. This is
ADC’s “plaza” and Corizon will continue to funnel drugs all over the
state of Arizona, not through tunnels, planes, boats, or on foot but
right through the front gate with a badge and a greeting, service with a
MIM(Prisons) responds: This writer brings up an important point
about drugs in prison. The problem isn’t just illegal drugs numbing
minds and harming bodies, it’s also legal drugs being prescribed by the
prison medical teams to keep the population pacified. This pacification
happens through the action of anti-depressants and anti-psychotics,
which can dull all emotions, and also through addictive drugs like pain
meds. Instead of treating the real problems, both physical and
emotional, that are caused by years of living in the harmful conditions
of Amerikan prisons, prison medical staff just treat the symptoms, if
they offer any treatment at all.
From the capitalist perspective, in the short term providing inadequate
health care and getting people addicted to pacifying drugs is an
effective way to control costs and control the prison population. But in
the long term this makes no sense, even for the capitalists. Health
problems left untreated will only get worse as people age, and become
more expensive to deal with. Further, releasing prisoners addicted to
pain killers or other drugs does not lead to productive life on the
This only makes sense in the context of a criminal injustice system that
wants to maintain a revolving door of an expanding prison population.
One that doesn’t care if prisoners live or die, as long as they stay
passive. While it may be true that cost is part of the reason good
treatment isn’t provided, Amerikans are happy to spend lots of money on
prisons in general. Spending all that money is justified because the
prisons provide an effective tool of social control, targeting oppressed
nations and all who resist the capitalist system. The drugs given to
prisoners behind bars are just one part of that control.
Nowhere is the necessity for the societal advancement to communism more
apparent than in the realm of disability considerations. No segment of
society, imprisoned or otherwise, is in greater need of the guiding
communist ethos proclaimed by Marx: “From each according to their
ability, to each according to their need.” This humynist principle
applies to no demographic more than the disabled.
When communist society is realized, the intrinsic worth of each and
every persyn and their potential to contribute to society will be
realized as well. In return, communist society will reward the disabled
population by adequately providing their essentials and rendering all
aspects of society open and accessible for their full utilization. In a
phrase, communism will respect the disabled persyn’s humyn right to a
humane existence. We communists strive for the elimination of power
structures that allow the oppression of people by people. The disabled
population, as well as all peoples that have hystorically been
subjugated by the oppressive bourgeois system of capitalism/imperialism,
can then work toward the implementation of a truly democratic society.
Considering MIM(Prisons) recognizes only three strands of oppression in
the world today (nation, class and gender), able-bodiedness is a cause
and consequence of class, and in countries with more leisure-time it is
intimately tied up in the gender strand of oppression. This essay
intends to analyze disability as it relates to class, gender, and the
prison environment.
Disability and Class
In the United $tates the greatest source of persynal wealth is
inheritance. It can be said the ability to create and maintain
able-bodiedness may be inherited also. For the most part, class station
is determined by birth. By virtue of to whom and where a persyn is born,
their access, or lack thereof, to material resources is ascribed. The
bourgeoisie and labor aristocracy have access to nutrition and
healthcare the First World lumpen and international proletariat and
peasantry do not. The likelihood of a positive health background renders
the labor aristocracy and other bourgeois classes attractive prospects
to potential employers, lenders, etc. This allows them to continue to
enjoy nutrition and healthcare not common to the lumpen, proletariat,
and peasantry.
It would be extremely uncommon to find a First World lumpen, an
international proletarian, or a peasant with a membership to a health
and fitness club. This privilege is reserved for the bourgeois classes,
including the petty-bourgeoisie and its subclass the labor aristocracy.
This, of course, further enhances the prospect of maintaining good
health, and compounded with employer-supplied healthcare, does act as
prophylaxis against the onset of debilitating and degenerative physical
It would be unreasonable to ignore the possibility that a member of the
bourgeoisie might be genetically infirm, or a labor aristocrat
debilitated by an accident. But, due to their class position, these
classes are better prepared and equipped to minimize the adversities
resulting from such an unfortunate occurrence.
Able-bodiedness may also affect upward class mobility. An able-bodied
First World lumpen that can find employment might enter the ranks of the
labor aristocracy. A blue collar labor aristocrat may be promoted to a
managerial position, and so forth. Of course other factors, such as
national background, do play a role in one’s mobility (or stagnation for
that matter), but disability also plays a significant role.
Disability and Gender
Gender only comes to the fore after life’s essentials are secured,
thereby standing out in relief on its own aside from class/nation. In
the First World leisure-time plays a major role in gender analysis.
MIM(Prisons) defines “gender” as:
“One of three strands of oppression, the other two being class and
nation. Gender can be thought of as socially-defined attributes related
to one’s sex organs and physiology. Patriarchy has led to the splitting
of society into an oppressed (wimmin) and oppressor gender
“Historically reproductive status was very important to gender, but
today the dynamics of leisure-time and humyn biological development are
the material basis of gender. For example, children are the oppressed
gender regardless of genitalia, as they face the bulk of sexual
oppression independent of class and national oppression.
“People of biologically superior health-status are better workers, and
that’s a class thing, but if they have leisure-time, they are also
better sexually privileged. We might think of models or prostitutes, but
professional athletes of any kind also walk this fine line. … Older and
disabled people as well as the very sick are at a disadvantage, not just
at work but in leisure-time. …” - MIM(Prisons) Glossary
This system of gender oppression is commonly referred to as
“patriarchy,” which MIM(Prisons) defines as:
“the manifestation and institutionalization of male dominance over
wimmin and children in the family and the extension of male dominance
over wimmin in society in general; it implies that men hold power in all
the important institutions of society and that wimmin are deprived of
access to such power.”(1)
Professor bell hooks’s description of patriarchy in eir work The
Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love has also contributed to
this author’s understanding of gender oppression:
“Patriarchy is a political-social system that insists that males are
inherently dominating, superior to everything and everyone deemed weak,
especially females, and endowed with the right to dominate and rule over
the weak and to maintain that dominance through various forms of
psychological terrorism and violence.”(2)
Professor hooks’s definition of patriarchy not only recognizes terrorism
as a patriarchal mechanism, but that patriarchal forces do not intend
only to oppress, dominate, and subjugate females or even just females
and children, but patriarchy’s pathology is to hold down anything it
regards as weaker than itself. Patriarchy is a bully.
Children are one of the most stigmatized and oppressed groups of people
in the world. Patriarchal society considers children physically disabled
due to their undeveloped bodies and therefore susceptible to patriarchal
oppression – regardless of the biology of the child. This firmly places
children in the gender oppressed stratum. Due to disabled people’s
diminished bodies (and/or cognizance), disabled people can be
categorized similar to children subjected to patriarchy, ergo,
disability falls into the gender oppression stratum as well as class.
Patriarchy and Prisons
U.$. prisons are, from top to bottom, patriarchal structures. Prisons
are institutions where the police, the judiciary, and militarization
have crystalized as paternalistic enforcer of bureaucracies of
patriarchy; prisons, the system of political, social, cultural and
economic restraint and control, are fundamentally patriarchal
institutions implemented to enforce the status quo – including
patriarchal domination. Disabled prisoners in Texas have long been
labeled “broke dicks,” illustrative of their “less-than-a-man” status in
the prison pecking order.
There are laws mandating disabled prisoners not be precluded from
recreational activities, or any other prison activity for that matter.
Yet enforcement of these laws are prohibitively difficult for disabled
prisoners, especially prisoners with vision or hearing disabilities, or
cognitive impairments. The disabled have few advocates in bourgeois
society; they have virtually none in prison.
The likelihood that prison officials discriminate against and abuse
disabled prisoners is readily apparent. What is most disheartening is
able-bodied prisoners are often the perpetrators of mistreatment against
disabled prisoners, frequently at the behest of prison administrators so
as to procure favorable treatment. In fact, the most telling aspect of
the conditions of confinement imposed on disabled prisoners is the abuse
of the disabled prisoners at the hands of able-bodied prisoners. The
able-bodied prisoners are quick to manhandle and overrun disabled
prisoners in obtaining essential prison services which are commonly
inadequate and limited. When queued up for meals, showers, commissary,
etc. the able-bodied prisoners will shove and elbow aside disabled
prisoners; will threaten to assult disabled prisoners; and have in fact
assaulted disabled prisoners should they complain or protest being
accosted in such a fashion. All this invariably with the knowledge
and/or before the very eyes of prison administrators and personnel.
It is far too common for the victims of sexual harassment and assault in
prisons to be gay, transgendered, and/or disabled. Whether the
perpetrator be prison officials or fellow prisoners, this practice is
condoned by the culture of patriarchy and the hyper-masculine prison
In the Prison Justice League’s (PJL) report to the U.$. Department of
Justice titled “Cruel and Unusual Punishment: The Use of Excessive Force
at Estelle Unit” the PJL outlined the routine and systematic abuse of
disabled prisoners by prison personnel at the Texas Department of
Criminal Justice (TDCJ) Regional Medical Facility for the Southern
Region, Estelle Unit.(3) Prisoners assigned to the Estelle Unit per
their disabilities are regularly and habitually denied medical treatment
for their disabilities, ergo oftentimes exacerbating the causes and
effects of the disabilities which brought them to Estelle initially; are
denied auxiliary aids so as to accommodate their disabilities as
required by law; are physically assaulted by prison administrators and
staff, or their inmate henchmen; and with egregious frequency are
murdered at the hands of state officials.
Since the PJL’s report and subsequent Department of Justice
investigation, there has been a bit of a detente in the abuse visited
upon disabled Estelle prisoners by prison personnel. But the pigz are
barely restrained. Threats of physical violence directed at disabled
prisoners are still a regular daily occurrence, and prison personnel
assaults on disabled prisoners are still far too common.
Another recent example of the persistent difficulties disabled prisoners
face, even with the courts on their side, can be seen in the American
Civil Liberties Union’s (ACLU) recent settlement negotiated with the
Montana Department of Corrections (MDC), after it neglected to fulfill
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements from a 1995
settlement, Langford v. Bullock. In 2005, the ADA requirements
were still not met, and despite the Circuit Court’s order requiring
Montana to comply with the 1995 settlement, it is not until 2017, and
much advocacy later, that negotiations are being finalized between the
ACLU and MDC. We can’t dismantle systems of gender oppression one
quarter-century-long lawsuit at a time. That’s why MIM(Prisons)
advocates for a complete overthrow of patriarchal capitalism-imperialism
as soon as possible.
Another patriarchal aspect to be observed in prisons is ageism. As
children are included in the gender-oppressed stratum, so should the
aged. As the able-bodied prisoners’ ability to work subsides due to age
in the First World, especially in the United $tates where the welfare
state is minuscule and the social safety net set very low, the
propensity for a once able-bodied persyn to be relegated to the ranks of
the lumpen is intensified. As the once able-bodied persyn becomes aged
and disabled, their physical, as well as mental, health becomes more and
more jeopardized, accelerating the degeneration of existing disabilities
as well as increasing the likelihood of creating the onset of new ones
(e.g. the First World lumpen are notorious for developing diabetes due
to poor diet and lifestyle issues).
Disability as a Means of Castration
Holding people in locked cages is an acute form of social control.
Solitary confinement creates long-lasting psychological damage. And
prison conditions in general are designed (by omission) to create
long-lasting physical damage to oppressed populations. Prisons are a
tool of social control, and exacerbating/creating disabilities is a way
prisons carry this through in a long-term and multi-generational
Prisoners, who are a majority lumpen population, are likely to already
have unmet medical needs before entering prison, as described above in
the section on class. Then when in prison, these medical needs are
exacerbated because of the bad environment (toxic water, exposed
asbestos, run down facilities, etc.); brutality from guards and fellow
prisoners; poor medical care including untreated physical traumas,
improper timing for medications (see article on diabetes), and just
straight up neglect.
Mumia Abu-Jamal’s battle to receive treatment for hepatitis C, which ey
contracted from a tainted blood transfusion ey received after being shot
by police in 1981, is a case in point. Mumia belongs to an oppressed
nation, is conscious of this oppression, has fought against this
oppression, and thus is last on the priority list for who the state of
Pennsylvania will give resources to. And medical care under capitalism
is sold to the highest bidder, with new drugs which are 90% effective in
curing hepatitis C coming with a price tag of $1,000 per day. In a
communist society these life-saving drugs will be free to all who need
Disability in the Anti-Imperialist Movement
The fact that people with disabilities will be treated better after we
take down capitalism is obvious. Our stance on discrimination against
people with disabilities in our society today is obvious. What is less
obvious is the question of how we can incorporate people with
disabilities into the anti-imperialist movement today, while we are so
small and relatively weak compared to the enemy that surrounds us. This
is an ongoing question for revolutionaries, who are always pushing
themselves to be stronger, better, and more productive. After all, there
is an urgency to our work.
Our militancy tends to be inherently ableist. With all the distractions
and requirements of living in this bourgeois society, we have precious
little time to devote to revolutionary work. We are always on the
lookout for things and people that are holding us back and wasting our
time, and we work diligently to weed these things and people from our
lives and movement. Often when people aren’t productive enough, due to
mental or physical consequences of capitalism and national oppression,
we can’t do anything to help them – especially through the mail. No
matter how sympathetic people are to our politics, and how much they
want to contribute, we just don’t have the resources to provide care
that would help these folks give more to overthrowing imperialism. Often
times all we can do is use these anecdotes to add fuel to our fire.
Disabilities amongst oppressed people are intentionally created by the
state, and a natural consequence of capitalism. If we don’t take any
time to work with and around our allies’ disabilities, then we are
excluding a population of people who, like the introduction says above,
are in the greatest need of a shift toward communism. We aim to have
independent institutions of the oppressed which can help people overcome
some of these barriers to political work. At this time, however, the
state is doing more to weaken our movement in this regard than we are
able to do to strengthen it.
[Of note, the primary author of this article has devoted eir life to
revolutionary organizing in spite of being imprisoned and with multiple
physical disabilities. Even though it is extremely difficult to
contribute, it is possible!]
Title II The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), codified as Title 42
of the United States Code, Section 12131 (42 USC §12131, herein after
§12131), applies to “any State or local government, any department,
agency, special purpose district, or other instrumentality of a State or
States or local government…” (§12131[1][A][B]). The ADA defines a
“qualified individual with a disability [as] an individual with a
disability who, with or without reasonable modifications to rules,
policies, or practices, the removal or architectural, communication, or
transportation barriers, or the provision of auxiliary aids and
services, meets the essential eligibility requirements for the receipt
of services or the participation in program or activities provided by a
public entity.”(§12131[2]).
Disabled prisoners in state facilities come under the auspices of ADA
“[S]tate prisons fall squarely within definition in 42 USCS
§12131(1)(B), of ‘public entity’ subject to Title II, (2) text of ADA
provides no basis for distinguishing recreational activities, medical
services, and educational and vocational programs provided to prison
inmates from ‘services, programs, or activities’ provided by other
public entities …[.] [T]itle II’s definition of ‘qualified individual
with disability’ […] which refers to ‘disability’ requirements and
‘participation’ in programs, does not exclude prisoners.”(Pennsylvania
Department of Corrections v. Yeskey, 118 S.Ct. 1952)
In the landmark case Ball v. LeBlanc, 792 F.3d 584, the U.S.
Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit held: Under the ADA, Louisiana
state prisoners on Angola’s death row were to be considered disabled if:
“[They have] ‘a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits
one or more major life activities.’ (42 U.S.C. § 12102[1][A]). The
statute defines a major life activity in two ways. First, major life
activities include, but are not limited to: caring for oneself,
performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking,
standing, lifting, bending, speaking, breathing, learning, reading,
thinking, communicating, and working.
“Second, a major life activity includes ‘the operation of a major bodily
function.’ Such functions include, but are not limited to: the immune
system, normal cell growth, digestive, bowel, bladder, neurological,
endocrine, and reproductive functions. The prisoners can prove
themselves disabled if their ailments substantially limit either a major
life activity or the operation of a major bodily function.”(42 U.S.C. §
12102 [2][A][B])
The ADA requires prison officials to reasonably accommodate disabled
prisoners in regard to all activities afforded able-bodied prisoners.
“[D]eliberate refusal of prison officials to accommodate inmate’s
disability-related needs ([in] virtually all [ ] prison programs)
constituted exclusion from participation in or denial of benefits of
prison services, programs, or activities. ‘[P]ublic entity’ under 42
USCS §12131(1) includes prisons.”(United States v. Georgia, 126
S.Ct. 877; Loye v. County of Dakota, 625 F.3d 494)
Though the ADA bestows on disabled state prisoners the right to
reasonably participate in all prison activities, probably of paramount
importance to disabled prisoners is participation in requisite programs
that must be attended per consideration for early release from prison to
limited liberty on parole. The ADA ensures disabled prisoners access to
these activities as well.(United States v. Georgia, supra.;
Yeskey, supra.; Jaros v. Illinois Department of
Corrections, 684 F.3d 667; Gorman v. Bartch, 152 F.3d 907;
Paulone v. City of Frederick, 787 F.2d 360; Raines v.
Florida, 983 F. Supp. 1362)
An organizational tactic that disabled prisoners might employ in
combating discriminatory exclusion from prison programs, activities,
and/or services, could be to pursue litigation as a class, or group, of
plaintiffs pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure (FRCP) Rule #23.
To identify as a class, disabled prisoners must establish “numerosity,
commonality, and typicality.”(Kerrigan v. Philadelphia Board of
Elections, 248 FRD 470; Marcus v. Department of Revenue, 206
FRD 509)
In short, a contingent of disabled prisoners must convince the Federal
court there is a significant number of “similarly situated” prisoners
being denied their rights and entitlements guaranteed by the ADA,
thereby identifying a class the court can certify as such.(Armstrong
v. Schwarzenegger, 261 FRD 173) Once a class has been certified, any
injunctive relief enforcing the ADA encompasses all prisoners identified
as the class of prisoner plaintiffs.(Schwarzenegger, supra;
Benjamin v. Department of Public Welfare, 807 F.Supp.2d 201)
Monetary damage awards can be obtained if the state actors are
deliberately indifferent to prisoners’ disability or if violations of
the ADA are intentional.(United States v. Georgia, supra;
Tennessee v. Lane, 124 S.Ct. 1978; Panzardi-Santiago v.
University of Puerto Rico, 200 F.Supp.2d 1).
The ADA enjoins prison systems to provide disabled prisoners auxiliary
or adaptive aid devices ensuring disabled prisoners are reasonably able
to participate in prison programs, activities, and/or services.
(Robertson v. Las Animas County Sheriff’s Department, 500 F.3d
1185). This means if you are disabled or impaired as recognized per the
provisions of the ADA, the state must provide you with implements and
apparatus so as to assist you in participating in common daily and
required programmatic activities.
In sum, to prevail on an ADA violation claim, a disabled state prisoner
would submit to a Federal district court with jurisdiction a civil
rights violation complaint pursuant to 42 USC §1983 (United States v.
Georgia, supra) (a §1983 form can be obtained from the clerk in the
district in which the civil suit is to be filed) citing §12131 as
statutory provision authorizing the claim. In the complaint a
prospective plaintiff must show they are a qualified person with a
disability, they were excluded from participation in or denied benefits
of a prison system’s programs, activities, and/or services, and the
exclusion and/or denial of benefits was due to the prisoner’s
disabilities.(United States v. Georgia, supra;
Panzardi-Santiago, supra; Constantino v. Madden, 16 FLW
Fed D 321)
Prison administrators are to be trained, and to train or to have trained
prison officials and personnel that are to supervise and have contact
with disabled prisoners.(Gorman, supra) Moreover, it is important
disabled prisoners be aware non-medical prison officials can in no way
supersede any medical directive affecting a prisoner’s disability or
accommodation thereof. (Chisolm v. McManimon, 275 F.3d 328;
Beckford v. Irvin, 49 F. Supp. 2d 170; Saunders v. Horn,
959 F. Supp. 689; Arnold on Behalf of H.B. v. Lewis, 803 F. Supp.
The above is a very brief and truncated overview of the ADA as it
applies to state prisoners and should not be construed as a
comprehensive examination of disability law as it pertains to prisoners.
This article is no more than a primer meant to initiate disabled
prisoners with their legal rights and remedies. If a disabled prisoner
is experiencing abuse and discrimination at the hands of prison
officials, the disabled prisoner should take it upon themselves to
research pertinent precedents and authorities necessary in remedying the
situation and pursue those via the various avenues of relief.
The U.S. Department of Justice provides a free 211 page booklet entitled
“ADA Title II Regulations: Non-discrimination on the Basis of Disability
in State and Local Government Services.” The booklet can be had in large
print, audiotape, Braille, and DVD. The booklet can also be provided in
Cambodian, Chinese, Hmong, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Spanish, Tagalog
and Vietnamese. Or it could be, that is until the Jingoist xenophobe
Trump took the imperialist helm. The DOJ can be contacted at:
U.S. DOJ Civil Rights Division Disability Rights Sec. 950
Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington, DC 20530
There are a number of non-governmental organizations that assist
disabled prisoners on a pro bono basis. The DOJ can provide contact
information for disability rights advocates in your area.
Finally, the law library at your facility may have available for review
the annotated version of §12131. This annotated edition of Title II of
the ADA provides synoptic court rulings of the rights afforded disabled
Very important is to document and keep records of all acts of disability
discrimination and violations of the ADA – incidents, names, dates,
witnesses, etc. This can best be accomplished via the administrative
grievance procedure at your prison, while at the same time executing the
required exhaustion of administrative remedies prior to filing suit.
In closing, it is my sincere desire that this overview proves to be of
effective utility to those disabled prisoners facing the barbarous
conditions of existence imposed on them by the enforcers of the carceral
To any able-bodied prisoners that may read this brief overview, I would
remind you, an injury to one is an injury to all!