The Voice of the Anti-Imperialist Movement from

Under Lock & Key

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Our Utopia

I see the Utopia
Beautiful as ancient Ethiopia (Kush)
No classes or nations, just one humanity
No suffering or capitalist insanity
Unity of opposites, the world outlook
Power is in knowledge, but open the right book
If i didn’t struggle for a better world i’d be a crook
The Golden Age, where everyone has mastered the mind
Recognizing there are no races, only one humankind
No sexism or ego to crush
Nature’s Bliss is what We must be in touch
So i solemnly pledge to fight and give my life
Like the Ancestors who made my life right
All the Ancestors that struggled on the path
Who bring us to our feet and make us overstand
Freedom come like an Afrikan drum
Show the whole world that We are One
The taste is sweet like sugar to the tongue



Justice? What justice? There is no such thing as justice. Visit the jails and here’s what you’ll see. “Just us” occupying these modern day concentration camps.

Justice? What justice? Inside the courtroom you think you’ll find justice? Absolutely not. You’ll find just-ice. What do we associate ice with? Cold. Inside the the courtroom empathy is nonexistent, sympathy nonexistent, feelings nonexistent, emotions nonexistent for the jury, the judge & the district attorney.

I can’t find no justice in the courtroom. I’m innocent but they don’t believe me. They want me to pay fines court costs and restitution for something I didn’t do. So I reach into my pockets pull out the lint and tell them my pockets contain “just this.”

Where was justice for Malcolm X, Tupac Shakur, Christopher (Biggie Smalls) Wallace, Oscar Grant, Trayvon Martin, the many Black Panthers and Black Liberation Army members who were hunted & viciously murdered with malice by the police & FBI just for association with those organizations? Hmm what happened to the members of the most vicious organization “Ku Klux Klan”? Nothing!


A Plague in the Community

There is a plague in my community - self hate we call it
A dis-ease of media color programming
Jimmy killed Bobby for walking on Mr. Brown’s street
Bobby’s brother killed Jimmy for killing Bobby
Mr. Brown’s K-9s killed 160,000 in California alone
and the numbers are still rising!
Sistah Susie didn’t like here hair
So she bought some chemicals and dog fur
To make her hair look like Mr. Brown’s daughter’s hair
Sistah Susie didn’t like her eye color
So she bought some plastic eyes from Mr. Brown’s wife’s store
To make her eyes appear the color of Mrs. Brown’s eyes
Sistah Susie didn’t like her skin color,
breasts, stomach, lips, nails, nose, ass, language, culture, attitude
So she bought & changed
bought & changed
bought & changed, until…
Sistah Susie didn’t like me no mo
She said: You talk with double negatives - ebonics
What she talkin bout!! I ain’t got no negatives - ebonics - whatever!
Damn plague! I ain’t hardly got a Sistah no mo
Doctor say them chemicals were “kau-ze-genic” or sumthin
The col-e-jins breasts leaked he say
Damn plague!!

[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 43]

Simple Minded

Orange Walls Abolish the CIJ

The simple minds try to tell me that we are not at war
Had to cover up my mouth with a wet rag cause the chemicals seeped thru the cell door
I know there was a reason behind why it was sprayed
I’m trying to fight for my rights so we won’t get played
But these robots have no brains nor conscience
So they waited for the captain to okay
Cause its fuck me which fucks us cause they got to get payed
Been sprayed too many times that I’ve lost count
Plenty nights I’ve layed with burns all over my body
Orange stains all over these walls, sinks and sheets
Hunger strikes just so we can get something decent to eat

Pushing my mattress towards the door and their battling ram came rattling thru
For what?!?
I ain’t even gon’ lie, been fighting so long at times I forget why
Losing family cause they don’t understand all I got left is my sanity
But they simple minded cause they think I’m fighting cause of my vanity
Immune to their chemicals and their tactics ain’t up to date
Sprayed so many times I don’t even need nothing to cover up my face
Sprayed too many times that the orange colors have become a part of my DNA
Prayed a lot of times but god seemed to look the other way
Muthafuckas screaming telling me the team on their way!!!
Six geared up men against one plus their paint ball gun
But before they enter they throw a bomb in the cell
I’m looking in these soldiers’ eyes and they looking in a warrior’s eyes
And all of us are nervous as hell

Click is the sound of the door
They rush in with shield in hand trying to take me to the floor
Once they get me down they sneak their shots in
But I shouldn’t have it any other way
Cause their cowardly blows keep me fighting for another day

[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 42]

Success Comes with Unity

We are all comrades in this lifelong fight
and the only chance we have is if we unite

Education is key so learn and teach
without frivolous barriers that limit your reach

Brothers without guidance show them the way
those with beautiful speech teach them what to say

We all have a role to play in this movement of life
against this imperialist government that don’t give us no rights

Not everyone is expected to pick up no guns
but no one should neglect to give up no funds

Even if you can only afford to give up a one*
donate it because without money no war can be won

It’s time to stop playing games with what we believe
and start implementing all the things that we read

We can obtain all the things that we need
all we have to do is Unite, Educate, Organize, and Succeed



Thoughts of a Civilized Savage

Think Outside the Box

They get mad at my thoughts
But how can they get mad at the way I think?
When they’ve placed me in this environment to do just this
To think about the choices
To think about the decisions
To think about the past
To think about the mistakes
To think about the consequences
To think about life
To think about death!
My thoughts seem too radical
They seem too harsh
They seem insensitive
But they don’t seem fake
Because they are real
Because my reality is real
I think about the joy
I think about the happiness
I think about the love
I think about the pain
I think about the coldness
I think about the hurt
Because I was left alone to think.
Can’t cry because it hurts too much
Can’t laugh because it ain’t funny
Can’t talk because I don’t trust nobody to listen
So what do I do?
The only thing I’m used to doing, think
Think about the future
Think about the plans
Think about revenge
Don’t be mad because this is what you wanted
You wanted me to think
But it didn’t turn out like you wanted
Because you created a smart, calculating righteous monster
And its all your fault
Because you didn’t think
Of all the possibilities
That came with thinking!


Born from Different Mothers Reppin' Different Colors

LO Unity

They say that da left side is da true side
But I bang da right side with much pride
I don’t knock your struggle, walk it like a real C
Blood or Crip, I respect the life that you live as a real G
I live in da struggle so I recognize da real from da fake
Dat Blood vs. Crip don’t determine our fate
This kind of overstanding produces real niggas
who think like I thought…
A pointless war dat we all fought!
With fragments of unrelated feelings and no logical patterns
Trappin’ in a concrete jungle dat preys
on da mind frames of young savages
I bleed Crip from my bloody heart
You Crip walk blood from a gangsters walk
Stuck in psychological confusion, created by poverty’s conditions
Black pride and New Afrikan revolution destroyed from da impact
of pointless missions
I keep it poppin’ for all niggas drippin’ red and staying true
You keep it crackin’ for all souljahs
Cripp’n Loc and bangin’ blue
So stay true to yourself
cause you’re a real nigga even though
you’re reppin’ dat strange color blue


Against Da Odds

Power 2 Da Proles

During the night of darkness, between da midst of a storm, there stood a warrior, thus a gangster in rare form. Black as soot, skin such a beautiful hue, he lived by da five, da almightly Damu. Constructed by struggles, created in poverty, da soul of realness with my komrades behind me. Standing firm for da cause, fighting through da oppression, 2 hearts, 1 soul. Liberation’s my mission. Understand my position, don’t judge me by my structure, comprehend my motives, it’s filled with more than corruption. I live for my brothers and I’ll die for my family, never slow to take a stand, for my love is my loyalty. To conquer all that’s in my way, to rebuild my broken destiny, too far from reality, my ambition ran empty, such strength that’s unbreakable. I’ll fight to the end, I was born against da odds, da undisputed champion.

[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 41]

Hystory is On Our Side

United Front

I ask that you embrace
the tides of the times
We are no longer confined
with binds on the mind
Once we embrace
united front, scientific thought
and study for line
the long arm of imperialism’s
is no longer strong
When through theory and practice
we arrive at the decision
to take up arms
which is a must
if we are to defeat
imperialism’s parasitic
with too much greed
for that which we don’t need
We fail to heed
even the most basic of humyn
As the Third World suffers
because of our greed
So turn the tides of the
Study for line
and overthrow imperialism…
Hystory is on our side.

[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 39]

To Pigism


Pigism has no color
As we adjust they adapt
So we must remain abreast
by choosing

Pigs are Black! Wearing afros
or hats to the back
yelling KAPTIVES! hands
in the air! as they attack.
Attack! Attack!

Pigs are white
old “Raiders in the night”
Imperialist goons with guns (oink)
Blue and grey uniforms (oink)
forcing kaptives to LIE DOWN!
and conform conform conform.
Imperialism is pigism and has too easily become the
accepted norm.

Somebody Sound the Alarm
as we storm! Storm! Storm!
and tear down the norms
and no longer conform
to pigism
