The Voice of the Anti-Imperialist Movement from

Under Lock & Key

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My People

Six by twelve food cell feeling like
A freshly dug six foot hole
It’s the sixth suicide since December
And it’s only six twenty-four
I sit and try to forget
When all that’s possible is remember
To bleed with no trace of blood
It’s like a death with no hug
Dying a death minus the roses
Is like living a life with no one
I called your name at midnight
Took an hour for the echo
I saw your face in my sleep crying
Whispering, whispering alone, whispering to no one
I’ll turn twenty-five in two months
But look sixty in the mirror
I’ll never forget the smell of vanilla
Us stoned sweetly contented together
I can do a whole year in only a month
I’ve eaten the same meal five years
The same bologna for dinner, breakfast and lunch
Same curls, shrugs and decline pushups
I can maintain because I know one thing
My life is tied to something larger
I will survive for only one purpose and that’s to see my people suffer
No longer


Uncomfortable Colanders

A solid square where one must breathe only so much
You see
We are given oxygen but only so much
Being fed just enough to feed one’s hunger
Four paces back, four paces forth
Four cinderblock walls and a rusty steel door
If you think too much you will lose your mind
Not think enough and you will lose your mind
If you cry you’ll not be able to stop
Laughing for days
You forgot
Our voices revert to childlike tones
Faces pale as sundried bones
Listening to nothing
Yet hearing everything
Talking to no one
But the faces in the ceiling
Belonging to no one but the struggle against this diseased capitalist state
Silently millions sit sitting
Uneasily, unceasingly – squirming in
Society’s hate

[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 23]


I wake up early in the morning
I look around and ask why
Then I take a few minutes
2 decide if I wanna live or die…

Could da other side be worse
Could it be more drastic
I’m already buried alive
In this concrete casket…

My mind declaring war
My spirit yearning for peace
I got pushed out of the belly
Into the ass of the beast…

Now I’m invisible, like passed gas
Known only by my scent
Digested and turned 2 waste
My captors call me a piece of shit…

They wanna flush me down the toilet
And hope none would be the wiser
’Cause they know if I ever hit the turf
I’m a turn 2 fertilizer…


Understanding the Weak

My father came to prison and got a tattoo
Heart with an arrow through Mom’s name
Hepatitis he’s sick with swollen liver disease
Mama left him because he drinks to ease the pain
An ex-pig-farmer being farmed now by pigs
An ex-junkie who’s made peace within
All the lingering psychotic delusions
An ex-hillbilly progressed into anti-Amerikkkan
Anti-imperialist in an imperialist’s skin
I am hated by my family for hating them
Hated by my fellow white Nazi prisoners
For understanding the weaknesses inside of them
I live to sweat and sweat to live
With a swollen liver like my father
And ex-girls like my mother
Not letting me see my kids
Losing everything I was once taught to love
Loving everything I was once taught to hate
I’ve lost everyone I once thought I loved
In inciting a reactionary’s hate
I’m dying though I’ve just barely begun to live
Hating a family that chooses not to have me
Being destroyed by a country that swears it’s correcting me
Sanity’s mostly solitary in the land of the crazy
“If what you say is right, you need fear no criticism”(1)
“Democracy for the rich – that is the democracy of capitalist society”(2)
If what you are is a revolutionary, say “Fuck Amerikkkanism!”
Democracy for everyone, i.e. death to imperialism

  1. Mao
    2. Lenin

[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 23]

Getto Children

Verse 1] Freedom/ And justice for humanity/ To all my/ Sunburned children of Third World kountries/ All stand together til forever/ Or whenever we receive/ Our given right to human decency/ Cause…

Chorus] There/ No be no other way/ To go about/ It/ If/ We want to better ourselves/ We must confront/ Him. Me’ll/ Be di won in di/ Front from di belly of di beast/ With dem burral of mi/ Pump lying right between him teeth/ Screaming, I/ Will ride for him people/ No matter what/ Then all that dem rightfully deserve/ I/ Will ride for him people/ No matter what/ Comes me way at all

Verse II] This is a special occasion/ For all the strugglin Haitians/ You’ll forever be remembered/ Just like them northern Asians/ Caucasians from Ireland/ And people of Palestine/ Camel riding niggas baring arms for a little/ Land. The struggle to survive/ Is a struggle to survive/ So your vision is my/ Vision, we’ll all struggle to survive/ I grew up in the/ Projects, Third World conscience/ Killin niggas for that mean green mind/ Set. Battle of the rich and poor, I’m posted up with/ The poor, advocating/ For some social justice and the end/ of WAR. On all/ Of my people. Ain’t we all equal? Black/ White, Yellow, Red, Brown, WE all/ Equal! Til we make/ It, catch me at the/ U.S. borders knockin walls/ Down. For my/ Border brotha. Like them northern Brothas, I’m re/ Forming brothas to stop shootin/ Brothas [Chorus]

Verse III] Everyday/ Mi see di struggle/ Of mi poor folks trying to si-vive/ Keeping i’float/ In di sea of destruction/ No progression in site/ Babies killing/ Babies, hostile social attitudes/ Stocking up on/ Human cattle just to get one/ Buck/ Or two. What has/ Our most beautiful world come/ To? Di democratic imperialistic world/ View. Capitalist/ Pile nukes to di stars/ But dey can’t get/ Di equipment to get into di heart/ Of yi hungery/ Citizen cast out by society/ Living in/ Poverty where’s dem democracy [Chorus]

Verse IV] Shot’s been/ Fired. Out goes yo night/ Lights children of di sun bring the flame to di street/ Life – The world/ Starvin but rich people eatin/ Call me Robin/ Hood cause we about to start eatin/ You seen Amerikkkan Gangsta? I’m Frank Locus – Handin/ Chickens to the FOLKS grassroots/ Movement, seven/ Twenty-six Growth and Development/ Three sixty/ Two times we remain relevant/ Power to the/ Who? – I’ma let the people finish/ It, cause you ain’t really/ Shit if you ain’t got support from none/ Of them. Grindin and/ Bustin, shinin and hussalin/ BPP!/ That’s the end of discussion [Chorus]

[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 25]

Something to Say

I just wanna address the distress of the oppressed
All flesh who depend on the rest cuz no food is left
Camouflage-dressed in green and black
Warring in Iraq praying that you live to come back
Distraught from Jihad attacks
Can’t sleep and not moving
Sounds of gunfire in ya head even when they not shooting
The truth is as thin as foil
Severed the head of Osama to sign a deal and get oil
Propaganda is spoil, I can see the ballistics
How you think gunz got into the hands of the children
I get it
Thinking with the teaching they feed us, defeated
Cuz we don’t see hood politics come from politics
Say we all free but free as they want us to be
State prison a new fashion of slavery
Make Obama just a racial distraction
Say he fighting for all
Stop it that awkward like a dog wearing draws
Pause, turn off the TV and open a book
Look and know the truth, be down for the cause
Flow strong like a bear paw, sharp like a bear claw
Quick to sever the head of the united law
And brawl for revolution
Speak the truth that they not producing
Until I achieve the conclusion
The Maoist movement

[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 24]

For the Struggle

Revolution is a must
Without it, we will surely die
It’s time for the oppressed to rise
Locked down there’s no trust
Next man will get ya head bust
Maoist movement will get us liberty
We can’t achieve liberty
If we don’t have unity
I’ll fight til the death of me
Til the last breath that’s left in me
Forever screaming “Revolution!”
This is the new world solution
Fuck Uncle Sam and his pollution
Stand with your brothers in struggle
Stand on top of the rubble
Remember Maoist movements
For the struggle

[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 25]

Shut 'Em Down

Ten years today the towers fell
Since then 150 million children starved to death
Tell us again why the towers fell
Does tragedy count less on child’s breath
We stand around as our nation starves nations
Texting, banging and killing each other
Pigs throw us in prison with brainwashing TV stations
Yet we accept this system unquestioningly
Killing each other
Capitalism created gangsterism, open your eyes
Each time we slang or rob a 7-11
The pigs cheer as our mothers cry
God isn’t waiting on the clouds in heaven
The pigs created God, too, open your eyes
Hell does exist but it’s where the soldiers go
Raping, bombing and Uncle Sam’s favorite, genocide
We the people of the prison industrial complex
Pledge to support the world’s majority
We anti-Amerikkkans and anti-imperialists
Pledge to come together and defeat your authority
We’ve done it before and we’ll do it again
USW comrades grappling line questions
You can pull your triggers on our pseudonyms
But we’ll regroup Hydra-headed again and again
Vanguard party brothers and sisters join up
Maoist study cells and progressive literature
Petty individualism down, the collective up
The captors held captive you have my signature
We create socialism then lock the rich up
Feed the hungry and cure the sick children
Who’s the bad guy? It’s them comrades. Not us.


Do You Feel Me?

These tyrants got me feeling so oblique, as this pen leaks.
I keep my Tims strapped tight, so I move swiftly upon this concrete beast.
Oppression from the police is never stopping me.
I fight, for love, life & liberty.
“Freedom!” is what our people scream.
Crazy how something positive can quickly turn into a murder scene.
The capitalist mentality has made my homies murder men down for anything…
Anything to ease the suffering.
Aren’t you tired of struggling?
I am, so why you still slumbering?
No more talking, time for action!
Elevate your mind, broaden your horizons, rise to the occasion!
Revolution! That’s our vision.
To stop all of these divisions.
Death from these corrupt politicians.
Don’t mean to sound like I’m bitchen,
but I’m tired of these crackers shaken the spoon in the kitchen.
Homicide on oppression that’s what I’m really wishin’.
Inmates tell me that I’m trippin, but I don’t even listen.
Because they blind like bats in daylight, still screaming that they thuggin.
So tell me beloved comrades, who the one that’s really buggin?


Ten Feet Tall

Clicking on the cement nails scrape as I motion
Breezeless and stale marinated between want and need
Letters slip through the cracks in my gated community
Shell shocked and sullen as prisons, asylums and death take their feed
All-nighter with exhaustion, your happy hour’s almost up
Bleed with me comrade beside cesspooled capital
Talk to me friend as mankind’s sun slowly sets
Dead or dying amigo no worse can it get
The worse is over all they can do now is stop the pain
We’ve already made peace with finality and insanity
Embraced her long lost face beneath the pattering rain
No hope for the white nation but hope for our species
Class suicide’s forever hated and chased
No shelter for the homeless nor sleep for the restless
Self-destruct on the construct equals yourself erased
Pain in my twisted back eased by the pain in my knees
Pain in consumer common sense eased by my solitary
Pain is my friend, not heavy, my brother
The pain in your face I’ve not seen in no other
Obsessive compulsive the captive counts the bricks
Bipolar disorder counting up gritted teeth clicks
Manic depressive jump-roping noose’s knots
Lonely humyn male silently, like beads, counting the knots
The beauty in the hurricane matched by the logic of the insane
In the eye of the storm scrubbing windows and storm drains
I sit righting mental wrongs waving goodbye to the gone
Anti-imperialism as my struggle, revolution as my song
