The Voice of the Anti-Imperialist Movement from

Under Lock & Key

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[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 84]

Revolutionary Triumph

To revolve is to change,

Transformation is what revolution brings, no face, no place, no name, all is suitable for guerilla tactics, so we study and we study so that we become self made autodidactics.

Nothing comes to a sleeper but a dream, so we must put Theory into practice in order to manifest that thing.

It’s impossible for a persyn to be true to anyone else, without first being true to thyself!

If you should fail, go forth and try again. Mind, body, spirit must be imposed with discipline, with undaunting vigor we shall win.

Keep your mind focused, we shall not fold, nor shall we bend!

Triumph is ours!

[Black Panther Party] [Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 84]

Free Poem

The Black Liberation Armies Our Disciples Be
Our civilians in the streets be the BPP
We not white, not black, it’s you and me
Honor, Trust, Love, Respect, and Loyal-ty
We tie Family ties and combine our mind
Now we on our business shit, black-suits, Black-Ties
Building ties in the street and upgrading communities
An independent movement fuck police immunity
Liberating our people in a fight for equality
Internationally representing from Congo to Albany
Re-educating our people, treat them responsibly
Within the Black Liberation Movement to develop more harmony
Cause wit Black-ties Matter BLO Liberation Unit
And the Bld Brotherhood Revolutionary Army Headquarters, Allegiance of Improvement
We’ll be a professional militia till the day that we die.
Funeral of red white and blue collars, Black-Ties.
[Control Units] [Rhymes/Poetry] [Deaths in Custody] [ULK Issue 83]

If These Wallz Could Talk

If the wallz of prison life could talk I wonder what they’d say.
From overseer to officer, from predator to prey.
Solitary confinement, oppressive and inhuman, involuntary servitude
Psychologically still in chains - Prison Boom! when it rains it pours.
Price gouging and extortion, bleeding our families with inmate store.
A revolving door, crippled from the lack of education
Under Lock & Key, agitated and pacing, hoping and waiting,
Political devil in disguise. Drug-infested prisons, breeds chemical suicide
Pleading for a way out of this bottomless pit,
Another murder covered up. Prison guard orchestrated the hit.
Violent prison stabbings, dry tazed to death
Poor ventilation, heat exhaustion, claimed his last breath.
The ultimate test is to stand firm and bear witness,
Because these wallz are speaking volumes, and if you’re wise,
[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 83]

Guerrillas in Concrete Jungles

guerilla warfare
Rhetorical Rhetoric composed in a symphony
of tactical swears of Infamy,
Musik filling idle Hands of youthful Revolutionaries, inducing
Rebellion and Civil disobedience, against the
Systematic Repression of Authorities,
as we’re defiantly resisting political ploys of distraction
targeting us in silent wars, with Ruses of Fake News,
as the media glorifies Police as Heroes while they Kill the innocent
without consequence or Justice,
they’re the Evil we strive against,
with every ounce of our beings,
they’re straw dogs and paper tigers,
a gang costumed behind authority we don’t recognize,
for the only authority is God, the only one to Judge us,
Enemies of the POLICE State,
who demand allegiance to Arbitrary capricious laws by Riflepoint
for Farcical Freedom that Does Not Exist in Enslaved Minds of Ignorance,
Miss Me with the pitch of Nationalistic Propaganda
for WE THE PEOPLE exist to Resist control tactics
with self-determination and Freewill,
A Resistance Refusing conformity to mainstream idealisms of a Government
that does not represent us, or our constitutional Rights,
we Are P.O.W’s, Prisoner’s of War, waged with law,
which we must wield as Arms we Bear;
fighting for freedom in these Modern-Day Concentration Camps,
for if we Are ignorant of our Rights and laws that govern us
we are powerless and Dead to rights, Authorities rather distract us,
with devices of our own destruction perpetuating intolerance and fueling
fires of prejudice that weaken our resolve of unity to Rise against their system of control,
generating Revenue to keep the cell full in their Monopoly of Incarceration,
while we complacently standby as their Human degradation oppresses our generations
stealing our time, let Rebellion enter our Mind
STATE, since we Are left Dead to Rights without any Alternatives,
we Must beat the Drum of Anarchy, or we will never see freedom,
nor will our children, one word wielded as war weapons at a time,
Empowering the Mind’s of Masses united by common grievances that call us to fight side by side,
putting aside differences, for the enemy of my enemy is my friend,
sedition charismatically spoken by a leader inspires our Movement,
one of counter-culture Activists cutting strings of delusion attached to our souls,
by belief systems that no longer serve our interests,
No longer will we obey as puppets dancing for malevolent puppeteers of Governments we no longer recognize;
ones who rendered us Enemies of The STATE, with usurpation of our inalienable constitutional Rights,
so there’s Nothing left but determined defiance, using their own plots, ploys, contrived Artifice and stratagem tactics as our own against them,
in suits of Individual Capacity to Levy their Assets since their Immunity is an illusion,
one we must mercilessly exploit,
battling the system systemically,
making us all wealthy,
taking back what’s ours,
they illegality makes them easy targets in the court,
with Civil Rights suits,
we hunt the Leviathan of the Prison Industry,
that made us slaves and commodities on the market of Incarceration,
with warrior Minds we can pry open the blinded eyes of injustice;
Lex Talionis, Eye for an Eye, the solution of Revolution Kids,
as Partisans of propaganda by deeds, “Gazavat” our sacred struggle,
against State Entities of Oppression in the color of Law,
we are Freedom Fighters, patriots, Guerrillas in concrete jungles
refreshing the Tree of Liberty with our Blood.

MIM(Prisons) notes: We thought these lyrics fit well with the theme of Under Lock & Key 83. However, we of course measure our correctness through action with the international proletariat as the ultimate judges of how we performed.

[Rhymes/Poetry] [Revolutionary History] [Black August] [ULK Issue 83]

Mi Hermano: Lost But Never Forgotten

The blackest pupils you’ve ever seen
       Es mi hermano
A man who wore his emotions on his sleeve
       Angu ndugu
i’ve only touched his finger tips
& even that violated the policy of no human contact
But it’s mi hermano …
i’ve never seen a grown man cry
That’s how I remember those blackest eyes
i literally sob at the feet of the giant
his mattress rolled up at the front of the cage
& me sitting cross-legged on the tier
it’s how I spent my hour, every hour I was ever allowed
to be out my cell.
Had to beg the officer, almost like saying yesa massah
At least that’s how I felt it to me
But at that moment there’s no place in the world
i’d rather be than with mi hermano
His enemies think they got the last laugh
& you should’ve seen how the
badges danced …
The captive told the captor that’s a captive that’s
better off dead
But it’s mi hermano & this is something i
never will forgive!
[Rhymes/Poetry] [Racism] [Minnesota] [ULK Issue 82]

White in the Mix

I hear white privilege being spoken
of by people,
I’ve never known anyone graced by that
Me and mine came up from the gutters
where it’s dark.
Shunned as no good white trash from the trailer park
Yet supposedly cause of my color I’m a ruler
of this earth,
Never mind the fact that I’ve been dirty and
broke since birth,
Powdered milk and government cheese that don’t melt,
Holes in all my clothes impoverished is all I’ve felt,
People miss the point when they blame race,
Last I checked me and mine are with you in
the same damn place,
It’s about class these days money and property,
The rich on top then us on bottom in poverty,
It ain’t about the color of skin anyone may hold,
It’s about that beautiful equality in communism
to uphold,
Misdirected anger can make a wise man a fool,
Don’t let the rich subtle tactics make you a tool,
I don’t care how you look on the yard my brother,
Raise that communist flag high for that ideal
don’t see no color.

MIM(Prisons) resonds: We agree with the author when ey writes, “People miss the point when they blame race,” but we disagree that therefore it is just about class. The idea of “not seeing color” is common among the conservative bourgeoisie protecting white power, but it is also common among the general population in this country, of all nationalities. That’s why the bourgeoisie uses it, it resonates with many and it sounds righteous. It sounds kind of like opposing racism, and for some it really is.

Yet we challenge the Minnesota prisoner to see beyond eir individual experience to take on a sociological understanding of the world we live in. We do not challenge the facts written in the comrade’s poem about how ey came up, and we agree that in prison, in most cases, prisoners are one class facing the same oppressor. But the poem ignores the reality that there is an historically European-descended nation of people that on the whole are living a privileged life off the backs of the world’s majority who are the exploited. One must put on blinders to the majority of the world to talk about Amerikans as the poor and exploited – and this is a type of blindness that we must combat.

[Rhymes/Poetry] [New Afrika]


Forced to face a foreign decision,
Forced to embrace a foreign religion
Black and white begets a foreign collision
That’s unprecedented destroying our vision

Forced to pledge allegiance
While praising the dead,
Ignoring the living and only free
In the head,
Independent thinking is the
thing that they dread,
Death or freedom is the
Reason they fled.

North Atlantic ocean created
The distance,
Accompanied by an ideology
That made us defenseless,
Proving them wrong
And making the difference
Ancestral pain created resistance.

For removal of chains
Charge them a fee,
Shackle their minds
Convince them they’re free,
Felony conviction
Is slavery for lease,
As the murder of kins
Was the removal of peace.

New rap songs
Spiritual potion
Internal revolution is the only resolution,
Read the constitution and it’s void of a solution,
No black inclusion, so freedom’s a delusion
No black inclusion, so freedom’s a delusion


Wut Good Is A Mind Without Knowledge?
It’z Equivalent To Packin’ An Empty Gun
If We’re Speakin’ In Symbolics.
Glock 40 Filled Wit’ Dummy Roundz.
Been Lied To So Long Don’t Even Kno How
Tha Truth Soundz.
Bein’ Taught To Hate Ourselvez!
Tha Poor Killin’ Tha Poor, But Seem To Ignore
Tha Onez Who Take Our Wealth.
Kan’t Ovastand If You Fall Fa Propaganda.
Quit Chasin’ Easta Bunnies, No Mo Milk And
Kookies Fa Santa.
Spendin’ Our Whole Life Savins On Theze
Pagan Celebrationz.
Then Tha next Year Slavin’ Sufferin Ekonomik
Perplexed By Our Situation, Constrained By
Lack Of Ovastandin’.
And So Easily Pacified By Simplistical
Sayin; All I Eva Wanted Wuz Some Jordanz
And A Gold Chain
Even The Scarecrow Had Enuf Sense To
Try And Find Himself A Brain.
So Who’s To Blame Fa Tha Perpetuation Of
Diz Mental Genocide?
If I Dies We Lose 2 Livez Brotherly Bound
Together Like We Were Geminiz.
From A Nation Of Great Mindz Supreme
Mathmatikz And Masta Buildinz.
But Look At Us Now, Our Math Iz Division
And All We Masta Iz Destruction And Killinz.
And Wut About Our Children We’ve
Entrusted Wit Our Future.
Who Are Afraid To Go To School In Tha
Dayz Of Mass Shootaz.
Stricta Gun Lawz Won’t Help Because
Shootaz Recordz They Are All Clean.
So Fuck Ya Background Check!! Give Me
Dat AR-15.
Wut Hunta Needz An Assault Rifle? You
Shootin’ Deer Or You Huntin’ Man??
Anotha Attempt To Control Tha Population,
When Will Diz Nation Ovastand???
[Rhymes/Poetry] [Black Lives Matter] [ULK Issue 82]

Aftermath Tears

Can equal justice really be counted upon,
or will it be another Black shot dead
on the front lawn?

Police suffocating Blacks with their knees
Is the new hanging,
All this yelling, marching and burning things down
But ain’t nothing changing.
The list of Black youth being killed
by police grew longer,
but the memory of George Floyd in Minneapolis grew stronger.

We need to start recognizing, humanizing,
and see the unrequited injustice,
never forget the Declaration of Independence
ain’t no fate and irony in this,
we need to fight for Dred Scott
And the dead forgot for emancipation,
we should know a universal equality
will never get passed in this nation.

A cry from the heart,
can’t echo through the cracks,
until the litany end
what it do to Blacks.

Let’s put an end to the painfully
gradual process,
If we can shrink the blue foot print,
we can make an actual progress.

We know reform isn’t enough
We need heart and power
in their voices,
because only aftermath tears of justice
will see rejoices.

4P’s Vanguard

Panther Progress
