The Voice of the Anti-Imperialist Movement from

Under Lock & Key

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Confess Guilty as a White Man

This is my application of resignation.

work is pointless. Hours long, and bad. I sleep like I do
some dirty agenda. And, And after, I tried hard as I could.
Characteristics all shot to Hells. The blood tracked in on my
boots inside this apartment, on my Algerian rug. The after-
work showers I take every night is stung is coated with the
blood-red asphalt. I have to hack away the dried blood-red
crayon plaster out of my fingers nails, toilet.

I would like very much wholeheartedly to be kicked out of the White Race.
A promotion rather, to unbear a historic bloody burden,
I could; after, be in my own mind then.


A Conscious Call

Damn! Did you hear that?
The sound of the ground rumbling
Building breaking
Broken bones moaning
Houses flooded
People drowning
Babies screaming
Families crying
Prison doors slamming
daughters in labor
Broken hearts complaining
Ice storms, rain storms, famished lands, traffic jams, ambulance, and car horns
gun shots
police sirens
courtrooms lying
and the sound of injustice hurting the survivors

Damn! You feel that?
The biting wind of oppression
anxiety and depression
The womb of un-willing virgins
fatherless households
Empty spirits and lonely souls
Capitalism, prison systems, and bourgeoisies in control
Global anger and sadness from U$ military killings and war disasters

[what was that]?
The world shaken by the hard fall of imperialist amerika


Stand Tall

Stand tall, revolution’s what I scream
Dreams shot down, Mr. Martin Luther King
Now look at what I bring to this Houston scene
See I’m the one who’s trying’ to turn the blueprint green
And that white mask red, I’m twice past dead
So I don’t give a fuck what “the white man” says
I’m a G, so I know why the criminals need
to put a bullet in these new age General Lees
Because the only way they listen’s if we enter a plea
We work hard for the money, a minimal fee
Mama girl has to work on a minimum wage
her little kids haven’t even ate dinner in days
Just peanut butter & jelly, Skittles & Lays
How you expect for us to grow in such a pitiful place?
Our streets are planted with crackheads
families who lack beds
Drugs & guns leaving Hispanics & Blacks dead
Shit, with that said…
What’s a brother to do?
Tryin’ to make it on his own with a mother of two
Mr. Officer we don’t want no trouble with you
We’re just trying’ to do, what we gotta do, to survive

[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 17]

Silent Accusation II

Give us rest, give us time
To sort out why our country doesn’t realize
Torture laws and racism exist
And there’s more to life than
Those Seinfield reruns you missed
As long as you have a Mazda Miata
With a full tank and a pack of smokes
You couldn’t care less about 500,000 dead Iraqi children
Less names to intrude on your child’s
Santa Claus naughty or nice list!?! folks?
A dead man hangs from an air vent
As a bunch of cowards laugh at him
But this man’s dying breath
Pleaded for me to seek justice for him
And the justice will multiply a thousand fold
Because my strength is endless
I’ve chosen to pick up a revolutionary cause
And the world’s vendettas
Against my supposed country
I’ll carry the progressive red flag
And your overweight greedy amerikkkans
Will finally understand the meaning of sad
It’s a true emotion that bubbles from within
Totally opposite than your sugar come down
And more human than your bullshit “sin”
Ring around the rosey and pop goes the weasel
Is that spittle on your lip Mr Vegetate?
Dialectics is jet fuel to your racist diesel
Give us rest, give us time
To sort out this mess we’ve made of our lives
Give us a chance to pay for our crimes
You have our bodies, some of our minds
What more do you want?
More pain and some fines!
Take his rigid body and cut it down
Call him worthless, call him clown
I called him friend, his mother’s son
Look at his face, look what you’ve done

[Rhymes/Poetry] [Control Units] [Federal] [ULK Issue 17]

SMU Federal Forced Psychological Treatment Program

Do you realize, it is not wise, your actions are absurd!
You know from history, there is no mystery, haven’t you heard!
It’s been tried again and again, successful it has never been,
you want to change reality!
Only an idiot would believe it, your report concludes the
opposite, but it’s your story!

To follow a flawed plan, of a foolish man, is no less idiotic!
Federal SMU, they don’t have a clue, their leader must be
Contractors keep on bribing, congress keeps on buying, greed
takes over the atrocity!
Employees union denying, administration outright lying, sacrifice
integrity for the money!

International courts condemn the practice, you must be actors,
lied to congress to get your wish!
You claim it’s beneficial, in actuality it’s detrimental, how do
you explain this!
Community communication, through human isolation, the theory
is ridiculous!
Add antagonization, mental manipulation, makes the hypothesis
where’d you get that data, like indicting a potato, the truth
you will always withhold!
It’s a program, run for the sons of sam, one of the biggest
bullshits ever told!

Your stated objective, must be defective, the strategy is
really old!
Institutionalization, of the entire nation, seems to be your goal!
A laboratory experiment, who gives a shit, about some
federal convicts!
Just some lab rats, Stanford’s second act, use them
for your benefits!

So what if they go crazy, ignorant and lazy, signed the
consent to make it authorized!
The ones who try to get wise, hasten their demise, to
keep the others terrified!
Keep it on the low, nobody needs to know, the true nature
of your enterprise!
When you get exposed, the doors will be closed, now it’s
you being ostracized!

What you don’t understand is any flawed plan, that tortures
your fellow man, must come to an end!
Just as before, those that work the store, shall face
the forgiver of sin via pistol or pen!
Don’t see the danger, that’s the avenging angel, you
must have made a mistake!
Thought he was nice, better think twice, your soul
he comes to take!

Now that he is here, no need to shed a tear, your path
is set in stone!
No you can not hide, before the foolish man by your side,
now he has left you alone!
But you knew all along, that it was wrong, yes you
assisted in the deed!
I too cry, because now you lie, soulless, heartless,
fertilizer for planted seed!


Federal Family Destruction Plan

Take you away from family so you can’t provide support
Convict you in the newspaper, call you a demon in court
Fictitious jurors, bribed witnesses, withheld exculpatory evidence
Break your family’s heart and spirit with a ridiculous sentence
Break your bank with attorney fees, fines and court cost
Spin you around in circles to keep you lost
Ship you to Timbuktu knowing it’s a forever ire
Threaten your father and mother away from your side
Tamper with your mail refuse your visit
Intend to destroy my family, what else is it
Listen to your phone, charge an excessive rate
Make you wait years for an appeal date
During that while they harass wife and child
Crush their hope with a one line denial
Supreme court your last chance to file

Lawyer continually asking for more money
I keep paying because of the game he playing
Just a little more you’ll be free for sure

Now he doesn’t answer any of my phone calls
Supreme Court denied read the writing on the walls
Around and around in another circle
wife so frustrated her skin turn purple
Can’t expect her to wait 180 years for her man
Would you? Welcome to the Federal Family Destruction Plan!

The Death of the Federal Family Destruction Plan

To break free we developed our own plan
After a long fought battle victory close at hand
dissected the situation found the root problem
Acquired knowledge so we know how to solve them

We understand how to defeat the prison machine
It’s addicted to the green just like a dope fiend
We about to bring this scheme to a halt
You can’t control the businesses we’ve bought

Everyday we find a way, family must correspond
You tried all you could, can’t break our bond
You’ve abused, tortured, tried to take our breath
We comprehend exposure scares you to death

We’ve come together to sound the alarm
No longer prey, our work, our benefit, our farm
You’ve laughed, played us like fools, loved our misery
You not laughing now, intelligent tools has shown us victory

No more humiliation, slavery nor desolation
Closing the door on your new wave plantation
We educating and employing our people
Teaching our kids to advance beyond being equal

Control your own situation, through education
The way we make sure we reach our destination
Took back our resources, now we own the land
Seven steps to death for the Federal Family Destruction Plan!

[Rhymes/Poetry] [Texas]

Chains of Another Kind

These are chains of another kind
I see locked on a souljah’s mind
Got em killing for no purpose
So he feeling that life’s worthless.
Raised in another struggle
Pray for better days but still trouble
I wonder will he break free from tha enemy
N see that a king is what he can be
We all victims of this white man’s oppression
locked in by his trick words n hard lessons
I see kids grown up with no dads n moms
and in other countries they getting killed by bombs.
Drugs got tha hood on lock, how can we change
Mothers giving birth to babies with dead brains
Fathers living life in these pins
N this is all cuz tha color of our skin.
Browns, Blacks, Yellows, N Reds
No matter what, if ya ain’t white, they wanna see ya dead
Open up ya eyes so you can see tha truth
and never stop trying ta turn seeds to fruit
I shed tears more than what you would think
but I shed em on tha paper with ink
I hope you listen, cuz even thou there’s diamonds that glisten
we still got pictures of kids missin
Now give thought, right now as we speak
there’s a kid in this world who got nothing to eat
People spending mills on cars n claim to be stars
when others dying everyday from tha fact that they starved
This is chains of another kind

[Rhymes/Poetry] [Texas]

Oil in the Wheels of Injustice

Trapped in a jungle of degradation, where my worst enemy is my own people. No one standing for what is right. Stuck in this mass illusion that everything is okay. Content on what is offered by the injustice that is thrown your way. When will you realize that you are a cog on this system of injustice, and without you, it can not run.

Off of your sweat, muscle, tears and knowledge, these wheels of injustice keep turning. You are the oil that keeps it going. Without you it can not run. It would shut down like an engine full of sand. Like a person lost in darkness, reaching for something he can not see. The injustice system would be lost.

What do you fear? Better living conditions. More privileges. Getting paid for the slave labor that you do now. Think! The system in place is not for you but against you. It is for itself. You get no reward from it. It is designed to keep us divided. No unity, and we fall for it. The system is laughing at you and you don’t even know it. Open your eyes. It’s not us against us, but us against them.

Stop living the fantasy life. You call yourself hard, but when it comes to standing against the system, you go soft. Things can change if you want them changed. All it takes is a little sacrifice. It’s not a white and black thing. It’s us against them. In numbers we can be a force that can be heard. It takes sacrifices, but in the long run, it’s for the best. Don’t be a coward, stand up for what is right. Unite! And you can be the future to make these injustices right.

[International Connections] [Rhymes/Poetry] [Utah] [ULK Issue 18]

One Love

Cats and dogs raining down my window
Dust bunnies roaming around my floor
Learned worms crawling around my stomach
Telling me I was taught to want more
These measly maggots at war with science
And what’s before us as real and true
I pump my blood until the skin stretches
Sweat drips onto the concrete like Chinese tea
Searching each repetition the puddle’s reflection
For truth
The same as I do each USW study lesson
For a MC’s guidance into deeper realms
Blood starts to puddle and pool with my sweat
I question from where but continue my pace
Letting the itch of it linger on my face
Three cold meals and denials at mail call
Four cold walls and a solitary cot
One man alone with only one thought
Your punk denials will breed lawsuits
And my stomach turns cold to hot
We, comrades, are part of something larger
More human than “Jesus” dying on a cross
Steering the people through minefields of hate
Aware it’s a privilege we even ate
A species on the sad cusp of extinction
One vanguard, one chance, one reason
As planet Earth spins out the seasons
Survival of the fittest as Amerikkka weakens
One love comrades — Our species


The Cause

I endure draconian conditions with an acrimonious mainframe
surrounded by animals who poorly pose as human with
transparent pious characters
They attempt to sway me with virulent ideologies
Thoroughly adding to the dumb urban inmate stereotype
makeshift cadres are formed, under myopic manifestos
to establish misguided unity among the misguided
who enthusiastically appoint a despot to lead & maneuver
flocks into self destruction
Unconscious & unintelligent most blindly embrace
this way of life in the name of “the cause”… the cause?
an imaginary cause that leaves those dedicated filled
with an undeserving sense of accomplishment
severe daddy issues has them covered in tattoos
hoping to hide or disguise “the little boy inside”
striving to fill their voids with praises of approval
from: perros, comrades and even n’dugus
slip once and its a wrap [full throttle relegation] “exile” SNY
disgraced & disrespected after years of dedication
your position was boss, but in the end it means nothing
Mr. Victim, statistic neo-enemy of “the cause”

MIM(prisons) responds: There are a few points in this which require a response. First, the “daddy issues” which is a psychology term not clearly explained here but which we universally oppose. There is no need to get into psychoanalysis of people to figure out their material interests and to explain their actions. We need to be scientific when we look at our friends and our enemies and understand their political and material motivations. On the SNY question, we have written extensively and published many letters in Under Lock and Key explaining that we do not oppose those in SNY on principal, but rather look at their practice like we look at the practice of all prisoners to determine whose side they are on. While the SNY does house snitches who have sold out their people for some benefits from the pigs, it also houses people looking to escape the violence and political games of mainline.
