The Voice of the Anti-Imperialist Movement from

Under Lock & Key

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[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 68]

Beaten Down But Never Broken

You can put me in the jailhouse
But I’ll look at it as a clubhouse
You can give me a violent shove
But in the end I’ll rise above

You can call me an inmate
But I still won’t show you hate
You can make me wear this ugly green
But when my bid is done and over I’ll burn it with kerosene

You can show me disrespect
But I’ll laugh and still show you respect
You can show me your rage
But I will not engage

You can violate my mail
But I’ll remember I’m in jail
You can restrain me with your chain
But I will stay sane

I may be beaten down
But I’ll never be broken


The Goal

Democracy, Hypocrisy, the lies of the ruling class
Savery, bravery, attributes to the oppressed mass
We challenge what we’re told
Because going hungry is getting old
They label us terrorists, trying to hold us down
But we communists will continue to gain ground
Every day ’til the trumpets sound
Then the continuous revolution will abound!
[Rhymes/Poetry] [Police Brutality] [ULK Issue 73]

Drop Your Weapon

I hear the sirens, see the lights; I still ain’t putting’ down this mic.
No matter what we do we’re fucked, they’re shootin’ while our hands are up.
Our government’s a web of lies that offers no protection;
From these pigs, that’s killin’ kids and claimin’ “Drop Your Weapon”.

Every day its on the news – marches, rallies, different views.
Everybody’s talkin’, but nobody wants to face the truth:
“Protect and Serve”’s become the words that let a man destroy our youth.
No justice from the jury booth, all they do’s just cut em loose.
But kill the pig that shot your kid, they ain’t gon’ do the same for you.
The field we playin’ on ain’t level – you get life, he’ll get a medal.
Your protests ain’t been changin’ nothin’ – time to make them bury somethin’

I hear the sirens, see the light; an unarmed man done died tonight.
No matter what we do we’re fucked, they’re shootin’ while our hands are up.
Our government, a web of lies that offers no protection;
From these cops that’s bustin’ shots and claimin’ “Drop Your Weapon.”

Recognize the lies they spit; now realize the realest shit –
The problem’s not in the city hall, it’s in the things we teach our kids
We kill over bandanas. We’ll die about our banners.
But when the cops come through our block, we disappear like phantoms
Kill brothers over lit, the color of their Fit.
We stand our ground til sirens sound, then we get shook and dip.

I hear the sirens, see the lights; it’s time this dawg got in the fight.
When we come together they’re fucked; soon they’re the ones whose hands is up.
I’ll unravel all these lies, I don’t need protection.
I got my mic aimed at the pigs, I ain’t gon’ “Drop My Weapon.”

Use Your Observation

A revolution
Our only solution
Of freeing us of
Media’s pollution

From teachers
To preachers
To what’s taught
In classes
Are intended
To neutralize the masses

We must be open minded
And not be blinded
By believing
Everything we’re told

Evaluate the situation
Do not rely
On your education
Instead use your observation
[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 64]

The Power of Sound

The days: they pass without a sound
The guards: they come to make their rounds
The food: it comes, but no one eats
The prisoners: they stay within their seats

The warden: he wonders what went wrong
Yet still he thinks “they won’t last long”
They guards still come to make their rounds
But still we wait without a sound

The halls are quiet, the cell doors closed
The corruption conspired is surely exposed
The enemy soon gone to be tried and convicted
The power of sound, with not one finger lifted
[Rhymes/Poetry] [Michael Unit] [Texas]

For That Matter

The free, I see, living and existing, without me
They lock man away in a cage, while the birds fly free & away
In this kennel for days, awaiting my day to escape the chains
a long time coming, awaiting for change
deserted in a dry desert, awaiting the rain
to wash me away, back on my way, where the road is paved
This system can’t feel my pain
This system can’t understand my brain
My soul, my heart, nor my spirit, or mind for that matter

[Rhymes/Poetry] [Michael Unit] [Texas] [ULK Issue 62]


Yesterday, I was a sleeping victim
victimized by class segregation
Yesterday, I was comatose, to
those who inflicted economic degradation
These Imperialist weapon of mass Destruction
is capitalism smoked screened by spiritual materialism
The irony is that of a materialist in prison
Yesterday, I was unconscious, to the drugs
and guns that they sponsored
Yesterday, I was out cold, to the bold
manipulation, out-of-control of my own
Yesterday, I dreamed the Amerikkkan dream
thinking living free, was greed
Today I have awoken, Eyes wide open
Betita, Corky, Che, Zapata, and Poncho have spoken
The spell is broken

[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 60]

For Liberty and Equality

By Us

Men form groups for wealth and power
Waging wars to feed their greed
Countless masses they devour
Causing world-wide misery
Turning free men into slaves
Starving children meet their graves
Yet the world is not amazed
Not many seek to make a change
The ruling class enslaves the masses
Dark-complexion people suffer
Socio-economic madness
All the world chaotic, tragic

Worn the shackles much too long
Too much time locked in the cage
All has turned to hate and rage
No longer will I be a slave
Spent my hours lost in pages
Of the books that educate
Any mind that seeks the answers
And the mind to liberate
The people of the planet suffer
All is in the name of greed
But it’s time to make a difference
No more shall I be deceived

The ruling class are merely men
Like you and I they cry and bleed
They’re also prone to make mistakes
And they can fail like they succeed
The rulers are all small in number
We are their real source of power
Let us liberate ourselves
Unite so all alive are free
Snatch the kingdom from the kings
Throw the tyrants off their thrones
For liberty and equality
[Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 58]

Oppression of My Fathers

Laud and honor the martyrs! Even those who weren’t warriors.
The unconscious brother enjoys a guilty comfort.
Not from inheritance, but rather he lives in a First World
Settled by invaders and tomb raiders, capitalist traders
raping the earth. Governments promise prosperity if only
you kneel. Can Third World tragedies find any appeal?
Or does bourgeois culture supply you with unlimited hope?
Like oppression, crime and dope. Faith in religion tickles
your conscience but that doesn’t make it science.
We struggle together: The People - equal. The chains of
slavery rattle like tambourines to a new upheaval.
So laud and honor the martyrs! Even those who weren’t warriors.
Flies swarm around the dung of capitalism, invoking disgust
at its chauvanisms and material greed.
Don’t be part of the problem.


Revolutionary Soulja

I’m revolutionary,
So in other words
I’m evolutionary.
Molded by Larry Hoover
So that makes me visionary.
To some,
This would actually seem scary.

I’m revolutionary,
So I stress it to my family.
I tell them the time is near
For me to be.
To become the living prodigy
So I must not be weak.

I’m revolutionary,
So it’s the youth whom I guide.
Within closed walls
for that youth,
I cry.
Knowing that to open their eyes
I’ll most likely have to die.
Die so that they
May live free.

Like the Messiah
Is how I shall approach thee.
Fist held high
And it shall stand for
As I march through the fire,
A Revolutionary Soulja I shall be.
