The Voice of the Anti-Imperialist Movement from

Under Lock & Key

Got legal skills? Help out with writing letters to appeal censorship of MIM Distributors by prison staff. help out
[Rhymes/Poetry] [Censorship] [Education]

Burying Lies

Fund Libraries Not Prisons
Meet me at the library,
that’s where we bury lies.
That’s where we kill CIPWS miseducation;
that’s where we grow wings and fly.
That’s where we find essential self.
Where we turn into suns, and rise
that’s where they hide truths
and keep us mentally colonized.
They kept the slaves from learning to read,
the easiest way to keep them,
They, the CIPWS,
is doing the same to prisoners,
if we don’t open our eyes, and realize,
that fighting CIPWS censorship
is the same as burying lies.
[Rhymes/Poetry] [Palestine] [ULK Issue 86]


The British did it to the Native Americans,
the Zionists are doing it the Palestinians
taking the people’s land.

No one wants to stop the genocide,
because it’s not their people being victimized,
but let it would have been the other way around,
they would be begging the world to sympathize.

To all “Bund” Jews, I love you,
if you’re a “Zionist”, fuck you,
for what you’re doing to the Palestinians,
the new Hitler is Netanyahu.

It ain’t Israel or the Jews, it’s the Zionist government,
doing Amerikkka’s bidding and devilishment,
manipulating the six point star, invaders being decadent.

To Israel, Amerikkka’s giving weapons of every kind,
while sending food and aid to Palestine,
what could be more hypocritical,
people, please read between the lines.

If you vote for any of these hypocrites,
you are worst than them in head and feet.
Before I vote for any plutocrat,
I’ll vote for a dog in the street.

This is no democracy, it is a plutocracy,
the Palestinians are dying by the thousands,
to uphold CIPWS Zionist supremacy.
Your time is coming NetanHITLER,
you will forever be guilty in the eyes of history.
[Rhymes/Poetry] [Palestine] [ULK Issue 86]

Pro Palestinian

Dear pro Palestinian student protesters,
please know that the world is with you,
you own the future.
You are being admired by all,
including prisoners,
but most of us don’t understand,
what’s really going on
because your picture,
is being painted by the CIPWS
(capitalist imperialist patriarchist white supremacist)
Please understand
the masses only know of Israel, and Palestine,
from a biblical perspective and point of view.
Thus, it is easy for the CIPWS,
to turn the miseducated against you.
As was done against the Panthers,
and every other movement,
that came egalitarian and true.
So I request that you paint your own narrative,
tell the politically miseducated,
and myopic,
why you do what you do.

Explain to the miseducated,
that the Arabs are semitic too.
And the Zionists are racist Europeans,
manipulating the word “Jew.”
The first Zionist conference,
was held in 1897,
which made all else post-holocaust,
capable of coming back through.
Expatriation to Israel in 1947,
declared independence on land,
on which they were in 1948,
still foreigner new.
Expelling 700,000 Arabs from Israel,
no telling how many thousands they also slew.
Expelling 250,000 more Arabs from Israel,
in 1967,
giving birth to what is now called,
the West Bank and Gaza,
out of blood the invaded still spew.

Fast forward to the present,
after 70-plus years Israeli occupation,
and oppression,
with nothing but the US to thank.
Wombmen and children in Israeli prisons,
for offenses,
as simple as throwing rocks at tanks.
Amerikkklan drones, rockets, missiles,
lynching Palestinians,
with no regards for age, sex or rank.
Turning Gaza into one big prison with a flag,
surrounded by barbed wire, check points,
facial recognition cameras,
and sadist, racist, fascist,
antisemitic Israeli tyrants,
turning any hope for egalitarianism,
into a ship,
that in 1947 went rogue and sank.

Pro Palestinian student protesters,
everything I’m saying here,
you are all probably already well aware.
But these truths are all unknown,
to the world’s people,
especially here on Turtle Island,
So tell your own story,
because the CIPWS media,
is miseducating the people about ya,
using CIPWS propaganda.
Do not allow the CIPWS media,
to paint your narrative or speak for ya.
This is how they turned the people,
against every egalitarian movement,
threatening the rule, wealth and power.

I am in prison,
and the CIPWS media is the only means,
of knowing in real time what’s happening.
The CIPWS has oppressed prisoners,
identifying with the Israeli invaders,
who did the land grabbing.
Zionist settlers living on blood stolen land,
doing the real antisemitic crabbing.
Show the world the true colors of the Zionists,
their antisemitic parasitic back stabbing.
Apartheid genocide,
all with Amerikkklan economic backing,
and bureaucratic white supremacist trappings.

Can’t fight, kill and die,
for people who do know why,
or for whom you are snapping.
knowing the history of a situation,
is what makes it worth the sacrificing,
and strapping.
Lift your voice, shout it all out,
over-talk and out-talk,
the CIPWS media’s constant capping.
While you are organizing,
educate against the 400 years of lies,
keep the lies from escaping the mouths,
of those doing all the CIPWS rapping.

Make it known to the world,
that the Palestinians,
are the Shemitics(Semitics).
And the Zionists are the true antisemitics.
Living on stolen land, and being parasitic.
The CIPWS media,
is telling lies about you,
that you are being violent,
and antisemitic,
for defending the Ishmaelites,
the Palestinians, the first Semitics,
If they don’t believe you,
tell them,
“do research on the topic”.
“Google it”.
[Rhymes/Poetry] [Palestine] [ULK Issue 86]


Don’t stop the struggle,
the Zionist needs being exposed,
and toppled.

Keep the pressure on,
keep the flags flying, camps open,
don’t stop the struggle.

Our backs are against the wall,
we have no choice,
but to give our brains the muscle.

Students solidarity, students power,
our only hope against Palestine,
being turned to rubble.

Innocent wombmen and children,
are being murdered,
Amerikkka waging proxy war,
funding the trouble.

Benjamin Netanyahu,
is an Amerikkklan puppet,
in the CIPWS huddle.

Israel being the US muscle,
in the Middle East,
the more blood,
the more the price of oil doubles.

The miseducated,
are saying its God’s plan,
what kind of God do they believe in?
I’m puzzled.

The future belongs to the students,
long live the students.
Long live the young,
known for busting any and all,
CIPWS oppressors bubble.

The CIPWS press is against you,
They’re owned by the CIPWS,
concealing truth is their hustle.

Palestinians are semitic too,
Palestinians are humans too.
Whatever you do, keep fighting,
don’t stop the struggle. . .
[Struggle] [United Struggle from Within] [Culture] [Rhymes/Poetry] [Police Brutality]

The Real Criminals

Heru: Why did you become a police overseer?

Pig: To fight crime and criminals.

Heru: So why aren’t you fighting the real criminals?

Pig: Who are the real criminals?

Heru: The plutocrat politicians who create and perpetuate the policies that create and perpetuate the poverty that give rise to crime.

Pig: Are you saying that crime comes from poverty?

Heru: Most crimes are miseducated and reactionary responses to poverty. Even yours included.

Pig: Are you calling me a criminal?

Heru: Yes and of the worst kind, your fear of poverty made you a criminal for the plutocrats and their CIPWS bosses.

Pig: Am I in the streets selling drugs and robbing people?

Heru: Worst, you are protecting and serving, only, the interest and agendas of the upper class CIPWS. You’ve sold your soul to the plutocrats, doing whatever they say, in order to feed your family. You call it, “following orders”.

Pig: I’m just doing my job.

Heru: Yes, your job consists of racial profiling, stuck with the view that the laws apply only to and against Black and poor people. Your job consists of being a criminal.

Pig: I am not a criminal.

Heru: Without so-called crime, you wouldn’t have a job, your family could not be fed, you would still be in the lower class. Thus, it’s in your best interest to never arrest the real criminals, like the ones who just drove by in that Bentley doing 92 in a 65.

Pig: I am only trying to make society safe.

Heru: If you was trying to make society safe, you would attack the problem at the primary cause of crime, the plutocrats, not at the effect, the reactionary responders to plutocrat crimes.

Pig: Anything else? Because you’re only shifting blame here.

Heru: If you wanted to be tough on crime, you would begin by being tough on poverty and CIPWS systematic miseducation, but doing such means being tough on your plutocrat bosses, and ending plutocracy would lead to an end of capitalism, which feeds your family.

Pig: I’m not understanding anything you’re saying

Heru: Of course not, you’re too thoroughly CIPWS miseducated, myopic, and stuck in your uniform privilege to see egalitarianism.

Pig: But how will I feed my family?

Heru: Being a slave patroller is not about feeding your family, it’s about feeding your inculcated CIPWS narcissism and so-called superiority.

Pig: What?

Heru: You get paid to harass, abuse, brutalize, lynch, oppress, and occupy poor and Black people. If that’s how you feed your family, you are no better than a street thug. You should begin by arresting yourself.

Pig: For what…

Heru: For your crimes against the people in the name of capitalism. For being a Plutocrat Imperialist Goon.
[Political Repression] [Digital Mail] [Florida State Prison] [Florida] [ULK Issue 80]

JPay Mishandling Mail in Florida Isolation Units

Prisoner(s) housed at FSP (Florida State Prison) on C.M.-I & II (Close Management) status are being used by FDOC/FSP and JPay as means of robbing our family(s) and friend(s), thus inflicting punishment beyond court ordered separation from society as sole and significant punishment for crime.

In 2021, the Florida Department of Corrections (FDOC) installed new private contracted prison mail system services mandating that all routine mail to prisoner(s) be addressed to Tampa, Florida office to be processed, i.e., scanned for verbal contraband and forwarded via JPay email system service to mail room of intended institution, to then be printed out and delivered to intended prisoner(s). However, such service is not being consistently and timely provided, except only when and where convenient to and for FSP administration, STG (Security Threat Group) personnel and mail room, all in punishment for prisoner(s) being on C.M. status.

  1. Inconsistency and untimeliness in mail delivery to prisoner(s)
  1. Prisoner(s) are not receiving all incoming routing mail and email in timely and consistent manner. Mail is being intentionally delayed, withheld for weeks, in some cases, months after the post mark, constituting violation of mail rule. CH. 33-210.101(6) F.A.C, which clearly states, “Incoming and outgoing routine mail shall be processed within 72 hours, except for inmates in certain housing assignments identified in paragraph (7) below, which pertinently states:”(7) inmates, that as of a result of housing designation or status are not permitted to access kiosk, kiosk services, or tablet services as provided for in Rule. 33-601.900 F.A.C, will have their scanned mail printed and delivered at no cost to the inmate.”
  1. Lack of notification
  1. Prisoner(s) incoming routine mail is being sent back, withheld or thrown away by Tampa private mail contractor office, without issuing notice of any kind to prisoner(s) or sender(s).
  1. Effect on prisoner(s)/loved-one(s) relationship structure and rehabilitation process
  1. Incoming mail being received by FSP mail room via JPay mail system service is not being consistently and/or timely printed out and delivered to intended prisoner(s).
  2. Prisoner(s) have no way of knowing that mail had been sent to them until informed by sender(s), either through argument or worrisome inquiry as to why prisoner(s) are not responding to mail, causing sender(s) to feel ignored.
  3. Prisoner(s) are kept unaware of undelivered, deprived mail, while sender(s) are unaware of fact that prisoner(s) are not responding, not because they don’t want to, but because prisoner(s) are not receiving all mail being sent to them, because;
  4. FSP mail room, and administration are literally and intentionally playing games (not printing and delivering all prisoner(s) incoming mail) resulting in relationship structure conflicts, leading to prisoner(s)/loved-one(s) alienation and isolation.
  1. Objective investigation, review of kiosk of kiosk inbox
  1. Objective review of each FSP, C.M.-I & II status prisoners’ Jpay kiosk account inbox will clearly confirm the truth in this matter, by revealing the scores of undelivered emails and photos, sent to prisoner(s), but never printed out and delivered, as is prescribed by Rule. 33-210.101 (7) F.A.C
  2. Prisoner(s) or their family(s) and friend(s), due to being ignorant of this denied service (robbery) are not realizing that prisoner(s) are being held semi-incommunicado, as punishment for being on administrative segregation (C.M.) status, which is not D.C. (Disciplinary Confinement) status, in fact prisoner(s) on D.C. status, are allowed more privileges than C.M., i.e., non-D.C. status prisoner(s), and this is all intentional.
  1. Conflict in FDOC/FSP Jpay Kios/Tablet Policy
  1. Rule. CH. 33-602.900 (4)(C)3 F.A.C and CH.33-602.900(5)(d)3 F.A.C, which governs Jpay kiosk and tablet clearly states that: “Prisoners on C.M. status are allowed access to JPay kiosk, kiosk services, tablet and tablet services,” stands in polar contrast with CH.33-601.800(11)(b)7 F.A.C and CH.33-601.800(11)8.(c)5. F.A.C, which governs C.M., clearly states the opposite, that “C.M.-I & II status” prisoners (respectively) are not allowed access to kiosk, kiosk services, tablet and/or tablet services.” (to keep prisoners from becoming aware of the scores of emails, letters, and photos listed in their (prisoner(s) inbox, but are not being printed out and delivered to them) while;
  2. C.M.-III status prisoners are allowed access to JPay kiosk, kiosk services, tablets and tablet services, constituting not only administrative disparity in treatment and discrimination against C.M.-I & II status prisoners, but FSP administrative use of JPay email system services as a means of or device of authoritarian intimidation, punishment and control.
  1. Robbery: Family(s)/Friend(s) of Prisoner(s) not receiving JPay services they are paying for.
  1. Family(s)/friend(s) of prisoner(s) purchase digital postage stamps for a promise that their emails to loved-ones in prison will be delivered without hindrance, a service paid for, which is not being delivered/received, due to their sent emails not being printed out and delivered consistently to their prisoner-loved-ones, being punished solely for being on C.M. status.
  2. Hundreds of FSP (all C.M.-I & II status) prisoners are not receiving letters and/or photos sent to them via JPay email system service. Thus, family(s)/friend(s) of prisoner(s) are being bilked, literally robbed for their hard earned money by JPay and FDOC via FSP mail room, STG and administration, constituting the bilking of unknown amounts of money once all prisoners and undelivered emails are tallied up and combined. The results is robbery and false advertising.
  1. Nonexistent FDOC/FSP Grievance Process
  1. Many grievances regarding all issues mentioned above have been repeatedly submitted at every level in the grievance process and are being biasedly rubber stamped “DENIED” or not returning or responded to, or plain and simple being thrown in the trash. FDOC secretary office is very well aware of this fact, but is refusing to intervene or rectify the situation trashing of prisoner(s) grievances. See formal grievance, log #22-6-27139.
  1. Remedy
  1. That FDOC Tampa private contracted mail service provide written notice for impounded or withheld incoming routine mail being withheld for STG surveillance or being returned to sender(s).
  2. That FDOC/FSP kiosk and tablet policy be rectified to uniformity.
  3. That FSP mail room print out and deliver all digital mail, letters/photos entering its system, to intended prisoner(s) in timely and consistent manner, thereby ensuring;
  4. That all Jpay email service and routine mail service paid for by family(s) and friend(s) of prisoner(s) be received without hindrance, i.e., end the bilking/robbery of prisoner(s) family(s) and friend(s) via use of prisoner(s), resulting in incalculable amounts of money being stolen.
  5. That all money for all undelivered emails, letters and/or photos be reimbursed, given back to family(s) and friend(s) if prisoner(s).

Respectfully submitted

P.S. Concerns regarding this issue can be addressed to the:
Better Business Bureau,
JPay Company headquarters,

Stop The JPay Bilking


A few weeks after MIM(Prisons) received a copy of the above complaint we received an update:

“Florida Department of Cruelty has finally rectified ch.33-601.800 (dealing with JPay kiosk and tablets on C.M.: Close Management) to be in uniformity with ch.33-602.900 (which deals with Jpay kiosk and tablet). As of 6 October 2022, every prisoner is allowed access to kiosk and tablets. This was not done out of altruism. However, I believe JPay threw a rod regarding the amount of money their being denied via the thousands of prisoners being denied their service or should I say bilking. I won’t even front with a tablet, I won’t need anyone to transcribe my thoughts and I can get my thoughts out to be published allowing me to raise funds for appealing my criminal case while enlightening others in the bigger cage.”

It remains to be seen how the resolution of this conflict will affect all of the complaint outlined above. But we can say that Under Lock & Key continues to be denied to the majority of prisoners in the Florida DOC, as do publications like our Revolutionary 12 Step Program, which are tools intended to help people rehabilitate and reintegrate into society and to serve their community upon doing so. As the comrade above notes, there is clear bias, both politically and nationally, as far as what communications are allowed in Florida and in most of the prisons across this country.

[International Connections] [Recidivism] [National Oppression] [Education] [ULK Issue 80]

Crime and Revolution

The haves and have nots

Crime is a child of poverty and miseducation, which are both created and perpetuated by Plutocrat Policy(s).

The real criminals are too rich and too big for jail, while the poor are incarcerated for simply living a survivalist existence, for responding and/or reacting to poverty and miseducation in reactionary, economically desperate and miseducated ways.

Prison is mainly based on inflicting punishment and resentment, rather than cultivating genuine healing via essential self-criticism that has historically proven to decrease recidivism. Prisoners’ growth will defeat the purpose of spending or investing 20-plus million dollars building each prison. Genuine rehabilitation is a bad investment to the Plutocrats.

The entire so-called criminal justice system is nothing but a replacement and extension of slavery. A job-generating industry for all government branches and departments between the slave patrollers (street PIGs; Plutocrat Imperialist Goons) and Overseers (D.O.C.; Department of Cruelty) as was the case with post-Bacon’s Rebellion of 1676.

Crime, is all founded upon, and backed up by the exception clause of the 13th Amendment of the United States Constitution: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude except as a punishment for crime…”

Thus, to genuinely heal or rehabilitate prisoners is to end the new slavery; meaning, leading to the shutting down of prison, and mass lay-offs within the entire so-called criminal justice industry system, made up of slave patrollers (street PIGs), judges, state and defense attorneys, counselors, doctors, nurses, canteen vendors, civilian food service and maintenance workers and county jail and prison overseers (DOC). Millions of jobs when tallied up nationally, all off so-called crime, the new cotton, tobacco and/or sugar.

Crime, as an industry, can only end by first and foremostly ending poverty and miseducation. Even rape is a result of miseducation, or psychological defects of miseducation by the system of patriarchy. However, poverty and miseducation will not end without first and foremostly ending and replacing the CIPWS (Capitalist Imperialist Patriarchist White Supremacy) with a Proletarian Internationalist Dictatorship.

Whenever and wherever there is poverty and miseducation, material conditions are ripe for the warrant of crime or revolution. For neither takes place without the desire for and/or the aspiration of better days, or a higher standard of living.

History is proof, that revolutions do not automatically occur and succeed with the collapse of the CIPWS elite and their Plutocrat’s superstructure. Revolution can, and will only occur and succeed when and where the revolt which leads to revolution is culture. When and where the masses are revolutionary conscious and active in every aspect of human life. When and where every human embraces the power to determine the egalitarian destiny of his and/or her own community. Revolution is when and where power changes hands, in our case, from CIPWS to PID (Proletarian Internationalist Dictatorship) ensuring egalitarianism meaning All Power To The People. Revolution begins with education like crime ends with education.

In egalitarian solidarity and struggle.

MIM(Prisons) adds: This is great summary of the connection between the system of mass incarceration in the U.$. and the need to end imperialism. We agree that this criminal injustice system is a replacement for slavery in relation to controlling New Afrikan populations, and that it funds millions of jobs for Amerikans. However, this system is very different from cotton or sugar in that no value is being created, rather the potential value that the oppressed nations could be producing to benefit their people is being squandered by locking them up in unproductive conditions for years and decades.

[Revolutionary History] [Rhymes/Poetry] [ULK Issue 78]

Black Power Black August

When brother Malcolm X died,
I died inside,
When Fred Hampton died,
I became revived,
When George Jackson died,
I blooded in my eyes,
When Huey P. died,
I revolutionized
and realized,
I’m Toussaint, Garvey and Stokely,
Turner, Biko, Prosser and Vessey,
Fanon, Cabral, Lumumba, Sankara,
Ruchell, Jonathan, McClain and Christmas.
My godesses are: Truth Sojourner,
Harriett Tubman, Candos, Kween Nzinga,
Angela, Ericka, Afeni and Assata,
and all the MOVE comrades
Last name Afrika.
I’m MLM to the fullest,
Anti-CIWPS, Anti-misogynist
All the way feminist, egalitarianist,
Lumpen proletarian, street reactionary
Turned radical internationalist
Revolutionary intercommunalist,
My oath is with Mother Earth
Climate Justice.
A prisoner, yeah,
But I’m not the real criminal,
Not the one making the policies,
Which creates poverty for capital
Thus, creating crime and immorality,
which are mostly survivalist, reactionary,
miseducated responses and reactions
to CIPWS miseducation and poverty.
Till we, as a People
Start taking politics personal
We will keep being the victims
of the real criminals, the real parasiticals,
The plutocrats,
Republikkklans and Demoncrats,
Working only in the interest of the tall hats
while their Plutocrat Imperialist Goons
Keep lynching us.
Then they wonder why,
We’re getting politically conscious
Self-defensive and rebellious
All Power to the People, from the soul
Screaming, All Power to the Proles,
Black Power, Black August
Black essential self-determination,
Our number one goal,
Only us could free us,
Black Power as a whole.
Black Power, Black August,
Black essential self control.
Black Power, Black August,
Breaking the mental and physical holds.
Black Power Black August
Black Power Black August.
[Campaigns] [Abuse] [Florida State Prison] [Florida] [ULK Issue 74]

End and Abolish

  1. Abolish FSP (Florida State Prison) use of force (pepper spray and cell-extraction beatings) on prisoners who are only voicing their grievances, while in secured cells, not being violent or destructive, just voicing grievances.

  2. End FSP so-called “no talking” rule. Prisoners are being deprived meals and/or pepper sprayed, and/or even beaten during cell extractions, solely for speaking to each other, our stay on CM (Close Management) being prolonged – yes, just for talking to each other.

  3. Abolish mental health staff being in cahoots with and approving of overseer abuse and brutality of innocent prisoners already suffering from CTSD (Current Traumatic Stress Disorder), being misdiagnosed as ‘disruptive.’

  4. End overseers withholding of prisoners meals as a disciplinary sanction.

  5. Abolish preparing meals with subliminal intent of feeding pigs at neighboring swill farms rather than feeding human prisoners.

  6. End FSP serving prisoners meals on mold, greasy and wet trays. Health risk.

  7. Abolish FSP serving meals cold, which are supposed to be served hot. Another health risk.

  8. End FSP serving of half cooked meals to prisoners. Yet another health risk.

  9. Abolish FSP serving of highly carcinogenic, GMO, processed, fake meat.

  10. End FSP’s blatant and rampant arbitrary deviation from FDOC master menu, and serving meals in exiguous portions, denying prisoners legally required nutritional value and calorie count.

  11. Abolish FSP vertical use of black box on handcuffs and waist chains. Black box and handcuffs are designed to be used horizontally, not vertically. Even while having to carry personal property, placing prisoners at great risk of breaking wrists and/or other life-threatening injuries during falls.

  12. End FSP use of exhaust fans and heaters as control and/or torture devices as collective punishment of prisoners.

  13. Abolish FSP’s blatant and rampant withholding and delaying of prisoners incoming and outgoing mail as a censorship tactic.

  14. End FSP’s blatant and rampant arbitrary and retaliatory impounding and rejection of prisoners’ incoming publications, based solely on prisoners political beliefs, expression, affiliation and advocacy/activism.

  15. Abolish FSP repression, re-education campaign and war on prisoner’s aspiration of genuine essential self-rehabilitation via political studies, application and practices of genuine essential self-criticism and rectification.

  16. End conducting of prisoners medical sick-call at cell doors, depriving prisoners of confidentiality and privacy.

  17. Abolish FSP pepper-spraying and/or beating of mentally ill prisoners.

  18. End CM (Close Management) solitary confinement of mentally ill prisoners.

  19. Abolish the blatant and rampant ignoring the audio/video of prisoners PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) calls on overseers sexual harassment, or declaring mental health (psych) emergencies.

  20. End FSP overseers taking of prisoners personal property and giving it to or leaving it accessible to friendly or favored prisoners.

  21. Abolish FSP discriminatory denying CM I & II prisoners their JPAY purchased tablets and service, while allowing CM III prisoners their JPAY tablets and services, denial of JPAY tablet is based solely on punishment for being on CM I & II status.

  22. End overseer training, indoctrination, instilling mindset that CM is disciplinary confinement rather than administrative or segregated housing. FSP staff and overseers literally believe that CM is for torture of prisoners rather than correction and rehabilitation of prisoners.

  23. Abolish FSP’s blatant and rampant throwing away/trashing of prisoners submitted informal and formal grievances.

  24. End FSP fabrication of disciplinary reports, falsifying documents, solely to prolong prisoners’ stay on CM.

  25. Abolish FSP’s racist/KKK/good-ole-boy code of silence. Prisoners are being beaten in the medical building, off camera, in blind spots – being in blues is the new black.

If you are reading this, please understand that the above listed are only a few of the many injustices occurring here at FSP (Florida State Prison). Please understand that our backs are against the wall, we are voiceless, disenfranchised, isolated, alienated and scared of retaliation. Please understand that we are very well aware of the fact that we are in prison, and many believe that we deserve to be tortured. But what we and many others do not realize is the fact that though we are in prison, technically, we are not the real criminals. The actions that land us in prison are only reactions and responses to the mis-education and poverty created and perpetuated by the real criminals, the plutocrat politicians. Most of us are in prison only and mostly because we are not corporation owners who are too big for jail, instead we are the too poor and mis-educated to defend ourselves against the state and the prosecutors who know full well who the real criminals are, their bosses and friends, state and capital.

Please help us by spreading the word and emailing the above demands to all your friends and family, ask them to email it to friends and family, and post it on social media. The idea is to raise mass awareness, and to also let the real criminals, the plutocrats, know that we, the people, know that they are the real criminals, doing all in their power to perpetuate crime, because crime creates and perpetuates state jobs, nationwide.

Please email ‘End and Abolish’ to

  • Governor Desantis:
  • FDOC Secretary:
  • the Region 2 Director:
  • and the Inspector General using the Complaint Form at

“Real change begins with real awareness.”

18 July 2021, approximate 6:22AM, a prisoner in #1217 cell just got pulled out of his cell and jumped by overseers. Prisoner was already in restraints, two cells away from his cell. He was slammed to the ground, one overseer had his knee planted in the back of the prisoners neck while the prisoner was face down and handcuffed with his hands behind his back, while the other overseer punched him. I’m in the wing next door (J-Wing). Prisoners on windows reported it as it happened.

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