This is in response to an article from ULK 55 titled
the Trust in the United Front” by a Delaware prisoner. Legion is
United Struggle from Within (USW). Legion used to be ranking general in
a Damu organization here in California. Then life happened and Legion
began to question the line. After consulting his peoples, Legion decided
to become once again a NGE 5%er. In doing so, Legion wound up on a
Special Needs Yard (SNY). Never ever snitching on any former comrade
from the lumpen organization (LO) he was representing.
Legion first began re-educating deaf, dumb and blind members of the
Black Nation by giving them the knowledge of themselves, then using
United Front for Peace in Prison (UFPP) via ULK and other
publications to show and prove to these young Gods the reality of the
material conditions we are living in.
In the article mentioned above, a Delaware prisoner is worried about a
rapist or a snitch when this comrade is compromised. This comrade is
using the state-issued labels to disenfranchise potential comrades. This
comrade must not know how to turn base metal into gold. Every persyn we
built with has become a valuable asset to the movement.
You can’t have a united front without having every class of inmate
represented because in California, SNY is a reality not a myth [having
grown to one third of the prison population - ULK Editor]. And some
counties are requiring gang members to PC up in county jail to get plea
bargains without snitching. There are entire Aztlán hoods SNY because
they refuse to pay taxes to the mob.
As for the “snitch,” I know known snitches who are walking on GP yards
and are protected by policy put in place in the 90s by these pigs to
“keep the peace on yards.” And I know some real revolutionaries, who,
because of a Delaware prisoner’s line of thinking, had to tap out
because of unrealistic politics.
Legion is fed up with PC politics on both sides of the fence. There are
so-called leaders who are further dehumanizing victims of U.$.
imperialism by not letting people prove why they should be in good
standing on the line. Being GP don’t make you active! If you were put in
a cross this is for you. If you kept quiet and wound up SNY this is for
Legion demands a recall of all “leaders” of New Afrikan movements who
adopted white supremacist politics instead of self-determination. Hugo
“Yogi” Pinell (Rest in Paradise) demanded his right to walk the
line head held high because he was innocent of his controlling
charge. There are a number of revolutionaries who caught cases and were
accused of rape/molestation/murder/trafficking/domestic violence, etc.
Yet, some woke up because of such maneuvers and became stalwarts of the
movement. It is part of the setup!
Comrades can be re-educated and most take up revolutionary politics
because they become aware of the injustice system that pits self against
self, fast against slow, wealth against poverty, and male against
female. We have to take a real scientific look at the reality of one’s
incarceration before we discard a ’rad as no good. Let the
measuring stick be his/her/its actions now vs. what a greenwall/pig say.
We can’t limit our resources because a few feel superior over a group of
misguided revolutionaries; that’s class warfare within the prisoner
class, which represents a contradiction in need of resolution.
What if a person was witness to some foul shit and the DA/Judge/PD and
public pretender tried to coerce a solid kat to testify on his brother
at arms but he stayed silent? Took a deal that even though evidence
suggested otherwise, he had to take a deal to secure his release because
a jury of 12 would have killed him off. When told on, he stayed solid.
When framed – solid. When forced to be SNY – solid. How does that make
California Department of Corrections (CDC) is rolling back archaic
policy that says you foul for XYZ. Why? Because real revolutionaries who
have been isolated for years are now running the show again. I hope
every Afrikan dig deep to figure out if he/she/it/they are active or
just want to go home. In the 5 we are told your square is where you live
and where you die. So I would rather die on my feet than live on my
knees. What I speak is the principal contradiction of convict vs. the
system. Class warfare under the most unfavorable conditions.
If you want revolution it’s all or none. It takes time, effort and
resources to build a revolutionary advocate. Real snitches are free men.
Think about that.
MIM(Prisons) adds: Here, Legion echoes what we have been arguing
for years about not writing off whole sections of the prison population,
such as Special Needs Yards (SNY) in California, which still have a
stigma among some comrades. That’s not to say that there are not
prisoners who have snitched or raped. Both are serious crimes against
the people. Snitches, have given us a very good reason not to trust
them. But we need to guard against snitch-jacketing, which the enemy
will use to divide good comrades. Those who have committed rape and
other serious crimes against the people also need to earn our trust and
demonstrate an understanding that what they did was wrong. But again we
can’t just take the injustice system’s labels and convictions at face
Society is quick to condemn the oppressed nation lumpen. But being a hot
target for the criminal injustice system can lead to making compromises
that most Amerikans would never imagine having to make. Organizing the
imprisoned lumpen inherently means organizing people who have committed
anti-people activities, many very serious. As we say in every issue of
ULK, we don’t propose letting all prisoners automatically free.
Under a future dictatorship of the proletariat all people will be given
the opportunity to become productive members of society. We should all
see ourselves as reforming criminals in this country. Whether we’ve been
convicted by the imperialists or not, reforming ourselves requires a
deep commitment to fighting patriarchy and imperialism.