MIM(Prisons) is a cell of revolutionaries serving the oppressed masses inside U.$. prisons, guided by the communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
Under Lock & Key is a news service written by and for prisoners with a focus on what is going on behind bars throughout the United States. Under Lock & Key is available to U.S. prisoners for free through MIM(Prisons)'s Free Political Literature to Prisoners Program, by writing:
MIM(Prisons) PO Box 40799 San Francisco, CA 94140.
On February 13th, 2022 it was announced via PA in East Block that
there would be no yard due to holiday feeding. There was no state or
federal holiday. It was just another Super Bowl Sunday. We’re being fed
The deal is for second watch disrespectful sows to get an A.M. 7/11
lucky break before coming back to pass out lunch and dinner. Doing that
might take an hour and the taxpayers eat the rest (comes with
free-loading). Some of the second watch disrespectful sows will then
join third watch and the game kicks off into overtime. The TV is set up
in violation of 15CCR3394 distractions and the potluck tailgate assists
close proximity in defeating the chance of a stable cohort – a violation
of 15 CCR 3271, but no penalty?
As satirical as it may sound, this writing is an excerpt of events
which did occur on San Quentin’s death row in East Block. Similar events
as described above occurred in 2021 on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New
Year’s Day 2022. Deliberate indifference to your right to yard, your
health, or anyone’s safety in general means NOTHING to these
disrespectful sows and the court has acted more like a referee paid off
by the opposing team.
Want your rights back?
A suggestion to those warehoused on San Quentin’s death row:
Preemptively and immediately submit a 602-1 staff misconduct
grievance against AW specialized housing for denying you safe access to
appointments, visits, etc. simply because you refuse to ignore HC
guidelines to practice social distancing – NOT possible in a holding
cage/congregate waiting room AND an ultimatum in violations of 15 CCR
3271 if a valid concern exists.
If response implies no indoor close proximity concern is valid, then
demand normal outdoor daily yards program be reinstated in a 602-2
follow up grievance.
Advise your PCP/MH clinician in writing on CDCR 7362 of your
decision to follow HC guidelines to social distance and that custody
refuses to comply resulting in you being denied safe access to HC/MH
services and programs. Keep the yellow copy of that 7362 form for an
official record.
*Doing this in conjunction with grievances citing other ways your
card is being arbitrarily taken is a from of non-violent protest.
SQ/CDCR’s response (or lack of one) creates an official record for
future use.
Today at Polk Correction Institution the prep-team beat a young man
in full restraints named Mr. Fox as he screamed for help during a
shake-down: video surveillance was not provided.
15 March 2021, a few weeks before the killing of Andrew Brown by
Pasquotank Sheriff’s Department, I was maced, tased, beat, and nearly
killed by almost 20 Pasquotank C.O.s. The beating occurred in 6
different locations in the building including 3 elevators. I received
several life lasting injuries to the head, face, and mouth from being
punched and kicked over a hundred times while laying flat on the ground
on my stomach and/or side. A chunk of meat was ripped out of my shoulder
from being dragged over 50 ft. I was choked while beaten til they
thought and asked one another if I was dead.
Another official cut my thumb with a switch blade and I received
several other injuries that medical refused to treat or document. The
officers said, “they’ll be back to beat me every chance they get and
that I better not eat.”
I was emergency shipped, and 3 hours later pictures were taken of my
injuries when I arrived at Polk Correctional Institution
Pasquotank Prison Officials deny to have ever touched me and claim
their innocence while not even bothering to explain how my injuries were
sustained. The disciplinary officer found that the video footage of the
incident had been tampered with and cut-short.
18 October 2021, all mail for North Carolina prisoners will be
received at TextBehind
in Phoenix, MD with long time promises of iPads in the future. Should
department of public safety provide proper video surveillance for safety
before iPads for profit and entertainment? Surveillance is critical to
maintain and monitor unwanted violence.
Relief in the claim I’ve filed against Pasquotank Correctional
Institution include that the courts enforce a policy with an injunction
ordering hand-held cameras be used when escorting offenders or using
force in blind spots.
Unfortunately, body-cams in prison make it harder for guards to
smuggle contraband or have relations which would decrease the rate of
violence from drug related issues allowing more prisoners to focus on
rehabilitation and money management.
With this we would ask for higher pay rates to support our families
and conjugal visits for married couples.
Prayers out for the family of Andrew Brown and the victims of police
MIM(Prisons) adds: In the last issue of Under Lock
& Key one of our comrades addressed the use of tablets to
pacify and surveil the oppressed in A
Strategic Objective to Disrupt and Surveil the Communication Between
Prisoners and Our Loved Ones. The article above connects this to the
many campaigns prisoners have waged to get cameras in prisons so that
there is documentation of the regular abuse and illegal happenings that
go on inside.
In 2014, comrades in North Carolina won a lawsuit to [require staff
of NCPDS to record with video cameras any use of force
This suit however, left it up to the pigs to determine when cameras need
to be used. As AK47 asks, if the state is to invest more money in
technology, shouldn’t it be on this important task of preventing
physical abuse and drug trafficking, both of which leads to the loss of
humyn lives?
Modern surveillance and communication technology can be used for good
and for bad, for the interests of the oppressed or the interests of the
oppressor. The interests of the oppressed lie in holding the state
accountable for the rampant abuse and drug dealing its employees commit
every day, while being able to maintain connections to society, engaging
in rehabilitation programs where they can speak freely and openly. The
interests of the state lie in pacifying the population with pop culture
media and surveilling the communication of those who cannot be
Sadly far too many people who should know better believe that a sign
of “equal justice” would be if Kyle Rittenhouse was housed in the empty
cell down the tier from me. Additionally far too many people actually
felt and argued that a sign of the system working was the guilty verdict
given to the McMichaels for killing Ahmaud Arbery. However i wonder what
exactly such people believe happens when these people are in fact placed
into prison. Do people believe these people would share the same
experiences as someone from the semi-colonies? Do they believe these
people will be subjected to the same level of brutality from the state
or its representatives? Do they believe this is “rehabilitation”?
i’ve even heard far too many people state that these people should
not even be given bourgeois rights while going through the courts. Such
people obviously believe in amerikkkan “democracy” and only aim to put
and keep their people in power specifically through the Democratic Party
where they can use the levers of bourgeois civil society to dominate*
the Republican Party. This is vengeance against the Amerikan
bourgeoisie’s political party by another - not justice and definitely
not revolutionary. We should condemn this at every turn.
2020 was lost because spontaneity dominated instead of actual
consciousness. Lenin stated in 1900 that the “spontaneity of the masses
demands a high consciousness from us.” Another obvious failure was the
failure of analysis of what amerikkka’s capitalism-imperialism is and
who her citizens are and their relationship to this specific form of
late capitalism-imperialism. Had this been done there would’ve been less
talk of trying to stuff a true history lesson down the settler-colonist
throats as if this would make them see the light and instead teaching
this history to New Afrikans, First Nations, Raza, API and receptive
whites with an emphasis on self-determination struggles, self-reliance,
anti-imperialism and internationalism. A proper class analysis would’ve
concluded there’s no real opposition to capitalism-imperialism (in 2020)
and most amerikans benefit from this system. The people protesting,
thinking pigs would be or should be neutral, while their system was
under attack; that they would not welcome vigilantes and even thank them
were foolish. If any one was surprised at all by how that night played
out, regardless of the Rittenhouse verdict, they need to go back to the
ABC’s of amerikkkan history (maybe Critical Race Theory would’ve helped
Not only should we not root for U$A injustice system even against our
enemies**, we should denounce bourgeois criminal behavior, not just
gangsterism but even in protests. We are not terrorists nor do we
believe in focoism or anarchy. We advocate revolutionary consciousness.
We do not lead the people to slaughter. We gather forces or at least
sympathy for revolution.
What are prisons for? We know all too well about the
school-to-prison-pipeline and who this is designed for. We know we are
considered surplus-population and prison acts as a social tool to keep
idle people idle. We also know that amerikkkans are infatuated with law
and order (and punishment). We know amerikkkans rest assured when its
carceral system locks people away for 40 or 50 years for whatever
crime…we know amerikkka does not bat an eye at such abuses. In fact
immediately after Rittenhouse’s GoFundMe page successfully got him
acquitted Vice President Harris professed her role as top-cop in
California was to make the system more “equitable” and his acquittal
means there’s obviously “more work to be done”. Again, but what are
prisons for? Rittenhouse should go inside a box (for obviously many,
many years), get old and then be judged (by a specific faction of the
bourgeois dictatorship - the democrats**) to see if it’s enough years
gone by. This is the only purpose prison in bourgeois society serves so
what kind of people advocate such a thing?
Even in prison it’s not well known what prison is used for. Not only
that, even in prison bourgeois mentality is prevalent and ubiquitous… We
sit in cages like animals. We are psychologically tortured, sexually
humiliated, manipulated and harassed. We must fight for outside contact,
safety, humanity and freedom but a majority of captives sit around in
their assigned boxes and literally direct their anger and future
violence at other captives. Not just that but rebellion against our
circumstances and capture is far too often shunned. Revolution even in
hell isn’t automatic. Bourgeois society will go down as the most
adaptable. When almost everyone has a price how could it not?
When i hear “lock em up” or that “justice” was served i know for sure
i’m in the midst of enemies. i know such people deep down believe i’m
exactly where i should be. Revolutionaries cannot parrot Jesse
Jackson, Alicia Garza, Amy Goodman or anyone else’s call to “lock em
up.” Let’s leave that to Trump and Clinton and all the other enemies of
the revolution. Instead let’s learn how to protect each other starting
with a proper class analysis. True political consciousness going into
2022 must start from the empire’s utter success in buying off all but a
small percent of its population and the knowledge that this demand and
lame-ass attempt to take over the bourgeois system “from the inside”
with this pro-police imperialism, pro-FBI socialism, anti-revolution
revolutionaries is worse than a joke.
Salutes to TX Team One, FPC, Republic of Aztlán, and the entire
*Obviously if this had the potential to advance anti-imperialism in
any way it is to be considered but we will not first exploit internal
contradictions between the capitalist then as a response to this build
our forces. No, there must first be a revolutionary force to galvanize
otherwise it’s just more imperialism and pro-imperialism.
**It would have to be Democrats because Republicans believe this was
MIM(Prisons) responds: We agree with this comrade’s
focus on building our forces, building anti-imperialism, building
movements for self-determination. As we say on page 2 of every Under
Lock & Key, we have a different solution to the bourgeois
prison system and that is proletarian justice. We distribute the book
Prisoners of Liberation about Amerikan spies in a Chinese
socialist prison that we use as a starting point for how prisons can be
used to serve the people and give everyone the resources to reform and
contribute positively to society.
But implementing pro-people rehabilitation on a mass scale is a ways
off for us in this country. And we agree with our comrade here that
these calls for “justice” are the battlefield of bourgeois politicians.
If Rittenhouse was given a long prison term, that would only increase
the chances of him becoming the Nazi that he has been branded already in
the media; an indication of what these bourgeois prisons actually do.
There are class enemies, and both sides will use force against their
class enemies. But we must first build proletarian institutions, before
we can implement proletarian justice.
In this article I-self will be building with ya’ll in unity,
criticism, unity on the ongoing discussion on organizing strategy that’s
been going on in the last 3 ULKs. But where my focus is going
to be on are the questions that the comrade Wiawimawo stated at the end
of Comrade S. Xanastas’ “An
Ongoing Discussion Organizing Strategy Pt. 2” in ULK
No. 74. Also, a little on the redefining words that are used to
villianize WE from Comrade Triumphant’s article “Forever
Protecting the Community: We Are Our Own Liberators” in ULK
No. 75.
The questions posed by our comrade Wiawimawo are stated below:
“can building the Re-Lease on Life and University of Maoist Thought
programs mobilize and reach the masses in the same way as the campaigns
making demands from the state?
“…Isn’t a campaign exposing the widespread use of torture in U.$.
prisons an undermining of U.$. imperialism regardless of the maneuvers
the various states make to cut back on or hide their use of long-term
isolation? Or should we focus solely on the Third World neo-colonies and
expose U.$. meddling in Ethiopia, Cuba and Haiti?”
To answer the first question: can building the Re-Lease on Life and
University of Maoist Thought programs mobilize and reach the masses in
the same way as the campaigns making demands from the state? I would
have to say yes, and I also think that the Re-Lease on Life and the
University of Maoist Thought Programs will aid and assist with the
campaigns making demands from the state. Reason why is that the
University of Maoist Thought programs and the Re-Lease on Life will give
the de-imperialization study groups, programs, or classes, etc. Plus the
most right and exact educational class WE can bring to the masses so WE
can liberate ourselves. Which will in turn not just promote these
campaigns, but these individuals who “over”take these classes will have
a sense of duty to not just self, but the whole commune to start up
campaigns that are making demands from the state. In turn, this will
open the opportunity to capture the minds of more of the masses from the
imperialist reigns of control to be re-directed to our
de-imperialization study groups and/or classes, and then that situation
repeats until the masses are overwhelmingly pushing S.O.P.s in these
koncentration kamps and communism to the outside free world.
Next question is: Isn’t a campaign exposing the widespread use of
torture in U.$. prisons an undermining of U.$. imperialism regardless of
the maneuvers the various states make to cut back on or widen their use
of long-term isolation? I knowledge that these campaigns that expose
widespread use of torture and long-term isolation, with the many
campaigns to teach the deaf, dumb, and blind of our First World lumpen
class to see, be mindful, and more nationally, internationally,
revolutionarily conscious, and be able to discern the difference from
what is revolutionary and what is not. This will breed the revolutionary
souljas which is needed to topple U.$. imperialism and imperialism as a
whole. Souljas like those in the Ayiti (Haiti) revolution (Aug. 14, 1791
- Dec. 1803) the first and only successful revolution of Afrikans where
General Francois Capois yelled this battle cry at the final battle:
“Grenadye, also! Sa Ki Mouri, Zafe a yo! Nan pwen manman. Nan pwen
papa. Sa ki mouri, zafe a yo! Grenadye, aloso!”
Which translates to:
“Soldiers attack (or to the front and move forward)! Those who die,
so what! There is no mom. There is no dad. Those who die, so what!”
WE have to come with this mindset while in this realm of revolution,
and if WE are not there yet then WE better hop-scotch into a Usane Bolt
sprint to it and lock it in for eternity. For this is the mindset which
is going to get us to the transfer of power from imperialism to
communism. WE gotta be expecting that the imperialists are going to try
to hide their dirty laundry after WE show how filthy their ways are. So
in saying that we ALL have to become counter-attack masters and
specialists just as much as WE ALL ARE to be ready to become future
leaders of the revolutionary struggle.
Which is also answering the following question: or should we focus
soley on the third world neo-colonies and expose U.$. meddling on
Ethiopia, Cuba, and Haiti? Now just stating that WE ALL have to become
counter-attack specialists and be ready to become future leaders, the
comrade with the most knowledge gets to speak on either of the three. If
WE don’t have any of the comrades or leaders who have that knowledge,
then WE gone get into that study hall classroom and get some knowledge,
wisdom, understanding, and elect a cadre to each country.
So the focus that is needed to build campaigns that will undermine
the imperialists here in the U.$. and the world abroad, will be there in
full discretion. WE gotta become the monsters that the beast is scared
to death of. Since everybody has or had a monster that they was afraid
of, why not BE the monster(s) the imperialists shit and piss in their
pants every time they think of WE. Then die of heart attack when WE
manifest in the flesh.
Because WE as revolutionaries and FW lumpen have been villainized by
the imperialists already right? It’s either now that WE redefine these
words or abandon words like “monster,” “demons,” “gang,” “criminal”, and
etc. Just how the comrade Triumphant stated in their article “Forever
Protecting the Community: We Are Our Own Liberators,” I see and
knowledge that this task is going to be a difficult one. First,
redefining these words to the point it’s worldwide spread that even our
opps – the imperialists – knows the redefinition of word that they use
to villainize WE and use the new definition their damn selfs. Example:
How many knows Tupac Amaru Shakur’s redefinition of the word ‘NIGGA’?
Which is “Never Ignorant Getting Goals Accomplished” or does the first
thing a persyn think about is a New Afrikan individual? And this leads
into part two: WE have to remember our leaders and souljas locked away
like Larry Hoover Sr., Iman Jalil Amin, Dr. Mutulu Shakur, Bomani
Shakur, and many others’ lives are dependent on WE and if WE fail to
redefine correctly and get it worldwide recognition; WE’ll do more harm
to WE then forward progression of the movement. This will push us back
like Gang injunctions and R.I.C.O. acts. Just something WE should keep
in mind as we progress forward in these stages of organizing
In 2017, MIM(Prisons) published Under Lock &
Key #59 (ULK) which focused on the impact drugs have on the prison
movement. ULK #59 was particularly significant to our
cause, given the fact that drugs play a central role in preventing the
lumpen from developing into a revolutionary force inside U.$. prisons.
As various comrades attested to in that issue, drugs are poisons that
eat away any potential unity of the oppressed, by fostering violence
amongst the imprisoned lumpen, and the bourgeoisification of those
involved in the trade. Also, discussed in ULK #59 was the
scourge of the synthetic cannibinoid K2 and the rise of opioid use in
prisons at the time. Since then, another opioid has gained popularity
behind prison walls, mostly because of its availability; Suboxone.
In 2020, the California Department of Corrections and
Rehabilitation(CDCR) introduced Suboxone to its 33 prisons as part of
its Integrated Substance Use Disorder Treatment(ISUDT). Suboxone is a
medication used to treat opioid addiction, specifically in the detox and
withdrawal stages of care. According to the San Quentin News,
“ISUDT is touted as the largest in-prison medically assisted treatment
program in the nation.”(1) CDCR credits Suboxone with a sharp decline in
overdose deaths in its prisons since its introduction. But is there more
than meets the eye to this apparent miracle drug?
What is Suboxone?
Suboxone is a combination medication containing buprenorphine and
naloxone.(2) Suboxone is derived from opium, and was supposedly intended
to be a less addictive alternative to methodone, morphine, and
oxycodone.(3) Though viewed as a safe alternative to other drugs,
Suboxone can still be deadly when taken intravenously or in combination
with other drugs and alcohol. Other side effects are:
* cardiac arrhythmia
* irregular blood pressure
* respiratory issues
* liver and kidney problems
* constipation
* urinary retention
* sweating
* short term memory issues
* difficulty thinking clearly and focusing
* impaired coordination
* headache
* nausea and vomiting
* sedation (4)
Where Did Suboxone Come From?
Suboxone was developed in the 1970s by Reckitt Benckiser, a Briti$h
company at the behest of the Amerikan government. At the time, the
United $tates was searching for a “less addictive” alternative for
patients with opioid use disorder. After Suboxone was created, Reckitt
Benckiser shipped the drug to the United $tates narcotic farm in
Lexington, Kentucky to be tested on detoxified addicts. The farm was
also a prison and treatment facility as well as the site of the U.$.
government’s Addiction Research Center.
It was at the Addiction Research Center that the government
discovered just how addictive Suboxone could be, yet it was still
marketed as a useful tool to combat addiction. Originally the doctors
prescribing the drug had to hold special licenses and undergo special
training. However, the government loosened its restrictions in response
to the number of opioid associated deaths. Since then, Suboxone has
raked in billions of dollars for pharmaceutical companies and millions
more for the addiction treatment sector that sprang up in its wake.(5)
Yet, there have been 100,000 overdose deaths attributed to opioids in
the last 12 months.(6) Those same doctors trained by the government have
also been found to be some of the most unscrupulous predators around.(7)
As such, it was perplexing to many that the CDCR would provide such a
highly addictive drug with such potential for abuse at a time when most
prison addicts had already detoxed and gone through withdrawals, thanks
to the statewide prison lockdown in response to the COVID-19
Drugs are Chemical Weapons
The use of drugs as part of a larger strategy of unconventional
warfare dates back to the 16th century when Europeans created the drug
trade to finance the expansion of their empires and the rise of
industrial capitalism.(8) One of the most infamous examples of this was
the Briti$h East India Company’s use of opium to subdue China and bring
it into its sphere of influence by creating a nation of addicts. While
the Portuguese and Dutch were the first to popularize opium smoking in
China, it was the Briti$h who took full advantage of this. When the
Chinese realized what was happening, they attempted to ban all foreign
ships from entry and close their ports. The Briti$h claimed the Chinese
were blocking their access to Chinese markets, and used this as a
pretext to launch the first of two opium wars. By 1900, 27% of all adult
males in China were addicted to smoking opium and China was forced to
cede Hong Kong to the Briti$h.(9) This chapter in Chinese history marked
the beginning of what Mao Zedong called China’s dark night of slavery to
the west.
It was around this same time that alcohol was used by Amerikkkans to
facilitate the genocide of First Nations people and the theft of their
land. This period also marks the first recorded use of biological
weapons, when the U.$. Army used smallpox infected blankets to decimate
natives and clear the land for white settlers. Together, these acts of
savagery resulted in the extermination of 98% of people indigenous to
what is today the United $tates and the worst genocide in humyn
hystory.(10) Events similar to these played out in Africa, Asia, and the
During the 20th century, the Briti$h and Amerikkkan imperialists
developed more sophisticated means with which to subdue the oppressed
nations. Project MK-Ultra is one such example. Project MK-Ultra was
initiated by the CIA in the 1950s along with the Briti$h MI6, their
sometimes collaborators. This top secret project involved using drugs
and the media to attack and discredit Amerika’s political enemies.
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD), or just simply “acid” for short,
became the drug of choice for the CIA at this time. LSD was created by
Albert Hoffman, a Nazi collaborator working for the Swiss IG Farben.
Starting in the 1950s, the CIA began producing their own acid in
“tonnage quantities” after asking pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly to
synthesize Hoffman’s formula. This was part of the CIA’s larger plan to
dose the water supply of the Soviet Union. The CIA knew for themselves
the effects of LSD as they tested the drugs on prisoners at the same
facility in Lexington, Kentucky that Suboxone was tested at twenty years
later! Here, prisoners were kept tripping for 77 days straight as part
of Project Artichoke which was one of many programs under the umbrella
of Project MK-Ultra.(12)
The connection between the development of Suboxone, the CIA and
Acid’s early days are alarming given the fact that Suboxone was
introduced to California prisons at a time of heightened political
consciousness amongst prisoners, an economic recession, a rise in white
nationalism, Black Lives Matter protests, a statewide no visiting
lockdown, and the ten-year anniversary of prison hunger strikes that
rocked CDCR and produced ripple effects across Amerikkka’s gulags. Thus,
it was certainly in the interests of the imperialists to suppress the
germs of any potential organizing amongst the oppressed lumpen.
And although the CIA’s plans with respect to the Soviet Union never
came to fruition, they did use LSD to attack the political enemies of
the Amerikan bourgeoisie. Outspoken college professors critical of the
U.$., political activists, communists, government whistle-blowers and
their families all fell victim to LSD and were publicly
As the anti-imperialist movement gained traction both outside and
inside of U.$. borders, the use of LSD and other chemical weapons was
expanded. Throughout the 1970s heroin became part and parcel to the
fight against New Afrikan, Chican@, and First Nations national
liberation movements. Asian-produced opium also became critical to U.$.
imperialism’s war against Vietnam. Drug money was used to help
facilitate the creation of Taiwan as a U.$. ally against Maoist China
prior to these events.(14) Methadone too was linked to the opioid
problem in New York City in the 1970s. Methadone as “maintenance
treatment” for heroin addicts was funded by the Rockefeller Program.(15)
The Rockefellers have also been implicated in Nazi atrocities, the red
scare media campaigns, and CIA operations.
The 1980s brought us the Iran-Contra scandal responsible for the
introduction of crack-cocaine into the ghettos and barrios of the United
$tates. Again, the CIA was found to be at the heart of these dirty wars
which involved the use of Iranian money to buy Amerikan guns. Money from
the Iranians was then use to buy cocaine from Colombia for sale in the
United $tates. Amerikan drug money was then re-circulated to fund
counter-revolutionaries in Nicaragua fighting the leftist
More recently, Operation Fast and Furious made international
headlines when the CIA was exposed for selling firearms to Mexican
cartels as a means of keeping the Mexican government destabilized and
the Mexican people from fighting their oppressors. The last thing the
U.$. wants is for a neo-colonial country on their doorstep to turn
independent and determine their own destinies.
The Problem as We Understand
If the imperialists really wanted to they could shut down the drug
trade, but that runs counter to their interests. Addiction defines
capitalist society. Addiction lies at the center of supply and demand
economics and is what drives the anarchy of production. From cell
phones, to soap operas, to opioids and methamphetamines, everyone living
in a capitalist society is addicted to something. Addiction in
capitalist society is encouraged as a means to realizing profit; but
also as a way to keep people in general, and the masses in particular,
distracted and unable to rise up against oppression. Nowhere is this
seen better than in the recent hystory of the oppressed nations.
In a critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, Karl Marx
explained how religion had hystorically been urged to drug people much
in the same ways the bourgeois uses actual drugs today:
“Religious suffering is at one and the same time the expression of
real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the
sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the
soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.”(18)
Marx was writing at a time of the industrial revolution when the
“miracle” of capitalism was creating advancements in humyn hystory never
before seen. However, it was also creating grinding oppression and
poverty previously unknown. Capitalism also promoted ideas of
individualism, self-centeredness, greed, and exceptionalism, some of the
worst qualities in humyn behavior, and expanding them to include entire
populations, most pointedly in the labor aristocracy. All this combined
led to lives full of misery and desperation for the masses. Lives in
which the only solace was that of an afterlife. And while religion
continues to act as a smokescreen in the oppression of the masses, the
use of drugs has proved indispensable.
Today the root causes of oppression can be better traced to nation,
class, and gender contradictions which have completely warped the way
people interact on both a macro and micro level. The root causes of
addiction are much the same.
In regards to religious suffering, Marx knew better than to simply
call for the abolition of religion. Instead, he realized that it was the
conditions that led to religious suffering themselves that needed to be
abolished. Otherwise, some other new feel good belief would come to fill
the void left by religion, and the oppressive system itself would remain
in its place:
“The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is
the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their
illusions about their conditions is to call on them to give up a
condition that requires illusion. The criticism of religion is therefore
in embryo the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the
In other words, religion sanctified capitalism and helped make it
tolerable for the oppressed. Drugs play a similar role in today’s
culture. If one is high all the time than ey does not think about the
many years ey have to spend in prison. One does not have to deal with
the fact that ey made a decision that impacted countless lives because
of eir parasitic behavior. The use of drugs allows one to cope with the
impact nation, class, and gender contradictions have had on em through
intergenerational trauma, all the while keeping them unable to
understand how the three strands of oppression manifest through that
We encourage people to get drug free and stay that way, but this
requires more than the status quo in addiction treatment, which only
teaches how to better cope with the trauma of imperialism. We encourage
comrades to go further and destroy the conditions that require
illusions. We encourage comrades to take up revolution.
MIM(Prisons) adds: We will be doing a follow-up on this
article with the results of our second survey on drugs in prisons found
in ULK 75. We are still collecting and aggregating your
responses. It’s not too late if you have not responded yet.
We know the state is opposed to our efforts to expose and combat the
plague of drug addiction among imprisoned lumpen. Branchville
Correctional Facility in Indiana censored ULK 75 citing:
“denied based on the article about Suboxone, and the common drug
slang terms and sale information used in one of the articles. The items
in the article violate IDOC/BCF policies.”
Notes: [1] San Quentin News, September 2021, Pg. 8. [2]
5 Myths About Using Suboxone, Peter Greenspan MD, October 7, 2021
[3] Extended Suboxone Treatment Substantially Improves Outcomes for
Opioid Addicted Youth, November 4, 2008 [4] Suboxone vs Methodone:
Positives and Negatives, Avatar, May 21, 2021 [5] Addiction
Treatment with a Dark Side, New York Times, 2013 [6] Amanpour &
Co, PBS, December 7, 2021 [7] Addiction Treatment with a Dark Side,
New York Times, 2013 [8] Drugs As Weapons Against Us: The CIA’s
Murderous Targeting of SDS, Panthers, Hendrix, Lennon, Cobain, Tupac,
and Other Activists, John L. Potash, Trine Day LLC, 2015, Pg 7-9 [9]
Ibid, pg 10 [10] J. Sakai, 1989, Settlers: Mythology of the White
Proletariat, 3rd Edition, Morningstar Press, p. 7. Sakai cites
200-300,000 native people remaining by 1900, of an estimated 10 million
people before colonization. [11] Drugs as Weapons Against Us, Pg
10 [12] Ibid, Pg 29-30 [13] Ibid, Pg 31-36 [14] Ibid, Pg
45-51 [15] Under Lock & Key, Issue 59, Pg 5, 2017 [16] Drugs
as Weapons Against Us, Pg 13-14 [17] Ibid, Pg 279-285 [18] Karl
Marx, 1843, Introduction to “A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s
Philosophy of Right.” [19] A Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of
Right, Karl Marx
I recently paroled from C.D.C.R. into the B.O.P. Observation and
inquiry reveals a downward trend in the cut, caliber, and clarity of the
general population.
General Mao Zedong tells us we have to become the change we want to
see. Legion in the past has built at length under Unity-Criticism-Unity
on the people’s struggle for self-determination who are entangled in the
underground commercial sex industry. Observation within the C.D.C.R.
revealed that there was no incentive for a person, male or female and
regardless of sexual bent, to “program” at first, it’s shocking to
However, when you are sent to prison you get a 841. It used to be a
long green sheet of paper – now it’s all electronic. They have “P” codes
for violent offenders, arsonists, and anyone convicted of any “sex”
crime. “P” coded individuals include (but is not limited to) domestic
abusers, indecent exposure, child-touchers, rapists, pimps, prostitutes,
Johns, etc. In California alone, a large part of the population has a
“P” code.
“P”-coded people at first were ineligible for milestones and relief
under Prop 47, Prop 35, Prop 57, SB260 and SB261. The “People” of
California always exclude rather than include under the guise of public
safety. They always combine “murderers & rapists” in their cry for
tough on crime policy. And will give a murderer the opportunity to
procreate but not the rapist. In turn, a lot of persons flock to
alternative living because they have no hope.
My duty is to build people’s brains. And under the guidance of
MIM(Prisons) to build public opinion and independent institutions of the
oppressed. To quote “ULK” we support the self-determination of ALL
nations and peoples. That said Legion is calling on all ESP (Erotic
Service Providers) in the confines of U.$. prisons under the thick net
of oppression to ADOPT, RATIFY, GROW, and INSTITUTE the 3P
The safety factor, there is always safety in numbers.
Education of revolutionary thought & practice, ignorance of the
knowledge around you is NO EXCUSE.
You aren’t alone, you are not the anomaly.
These are the reasons to adopt, grow, and institute.
Legion is well aware of the hardship people face when subjected to
the “P” code. This label is akin to the Jewish persecution in Nazi
Germany during Hitler’s reign of terror. This is what is meant when you
get your 128-G printout and people see your “P” code in these “people’s”
mind its a green-light for extortion, violence, and sexual assault. UFPP
is against these parasitic practices in prisons and abroad. ESPs are not
just the vessels but the senders and the users. And everyone has a seat
at the table. The 3P initiative is a work of Legion ergo it is rooted in
UFPP and USW. DLS (Dirty Little Secrets) and the WWC (White Wolf
Collective) are some of the initiates of 3P and are apart of the cell
– Peace
– Accept yourself and be your own
MIM(Prisons) adds: In Under Lock & Key
61 we addressed in depth the question of sex offenders and their
role in the prison movement. One article in that issue concluded
“Maoists believe that problems amongst the people should be handled
peacefully among the people and thru the methods of discussion and
debate. Most prisoners are locked up exactly because they engaged in
some type of anti-people activity at one point or another of their
lives. Should these actions define prisoners? According to MIM Thought,
all U.$. citizens will be viewed as reforming criminals by the Third
World socialist movement under the Joint Dictatorship of the Proletariat
of the Oppressed Nations (JDPON). The First World lumpen will be no
exception regardless of crime of choice.”(1)
We do not put any special conditions on “sex offenses,” but recognize
some crimes as more serious than others. We do think we all need to
undergo transformation, guided by criticism/self-criticism, as we create
a world free of oppression. We believe all people can be redeemed and
will have the ability to in the future. Unfortunately, today that is not
the case. But we welcome with open arms all who are ready for redemption
through revolution to begin with our new Revolutionary 12 Step
Regarding Prop. 57, there was a California state Supreme Court
decision on 2 January 2022 that CDCR shall not allow early parole to
people who have any sentence terms that are violent felonies
(In re Mohammad, No. S259999). Similarly the original law was
implemented by CDCR to exclude anyone with a required sex offender
registration under Penal Code subsection 290. However, this was
overturned on 28 December 2020 (In re Gadlin, No. S254599).
Such people should be “referred to the Board by July 1, 2021 and must be
scheduled for a hearing by no later than December 2022.” (see CCR title
15, § 2449.32)
The Prison Law Office should be able to provide you with additional
details if you are uncertain how this affects your parole eligibility:
PRISON LAW OFFICE General Delivery, San Quentin, CA 94964-0001
In ULK #73, MIM (Prisons) published one of my articles
entitled: Da
Struggle Continues: We Still Charge Genocide. In said article i
announced the coming of the international tribunal 2021, which took
place October 22-25, and has now passed. In this article we will look to
a few of the events that have taken place since that previous article,
and how it pertains to Our plans going forward.
For those who do not know, the verdict given by the International
Jurists was an emphatic GUILTY of all charges. These
charges include:
Police racism and violence
Mass incarceration
Political prisoners and prisoners of war
Environmental racism
Health inequalities
In the wake of the hystoric verdict leaders of this campaign
announced the next step forward being the establishment of what they’ve
coined a ‘People’s Senate’. This infrastructure is a key stepping stone
for New Afrikan, Indigenous, and Chican@ nation citizens to formulate
the common unity needed to eventually conduct a U.N. supervised
plebiscite, which will finally legitimize Our quest for
Ultimately, that is the reason the tribunal was so important. With
the advent of the guilty verdict the political line that seeks
revolutionary nationalism for internal semi-colonies in north amerika
has been legitimized within the eyes of the international community, and
the United Nations (U.N.).
While Our struggle(s) have long been legitimate in Our own eyes, when
establishing an independent nation it is prerequisite that a nation gain
international diplomatic support. In the past New Afrikans have had such
support. However in recent decades such support has waned as New
Afrikans have become increasingly more bourgeoisified, and more and more
assimilated. As a result other countries have been hesitant to step out
on a limb in support of amerikanized ‘negroes’.
Now with the advent of the People’s Senate We will possess the
infrastructure to properly seek out reparations, and independent
nationhood. Up until this point the reparation push in this present
landscape has been one which revolutionary nationalists would be
hard-pressed to support. This was because the institutions and
hand-picked persyns chosen as the voice for reparations movement were
amerikanized negroes, seeking further assimilation into amerika,
utilizing the economic plight of segments of New Afrika to advance their
own agendas. With the People’s Senate, We will guarantee a people’s
voice, and a people’s control of the direction of Our collective
movement. Incarcerated persyns may also take part in this People’s
Senate. You should contact the Jericho Movement for further details on
how to participate. # Power Moves
The above-mentioned international tribunal took place in Harlem, at
the Malcolm X and Betty Shabazz center, which is the exact location Bro.
Malcolm X. was assassinated.
Now, 56ADM (56 years After the Death of Malcolm), those men who’ve
languished behind bars falsely framed by the U.S. government for Bro.
Malcolm’s murder were officially exonerated 18 November 2021. This long
overdue exoneration came about after a February 2020 Netflix
documentary, Who Killed Malcolm X aired, and its startling
conclusion initiated calls from the Shabazz family to re-open the case
of Bro. Malcolm’s assassination. The basic conclusion is that the actual
shooter, along with others present were working on behalf of the FBI,
when they murdered Malcolm X on the orders of their masters.
Of course to many this is not ‘news’, but merely a confirmation of a
long-held belief. What is outrageous to this writer is that with the
government basically admitting to assassinating one of the greatest and
best leaders We’ve had for the New Afrikan liberation cause, the level
of outrage is basically zero. Brother Malcolm once said that We have
gone from a race of warriors and untamed runaways, to a race of
complicit house n___ers. Sad, but true. When the U.S. can for all
intents and purposes admit to assassinating Malcolm X, a liberatory
leader, when Kyle Rittenhouse can be found not guilty (more on this
later) and there is no outrage or sustained resistance, when Ahmaud
Arbery’s murderers begin trial and not ONE New Afrikan persyn is
selected on their jury in a county that is 25% New Afrikan (more on this
later) and there is no outrage nor sustained resistance, We’ve become
complicit in Our own oppression. We’ve capitulated to the will of Our
AS if Our case for Black secession, and a socialist Republic of New
Afrika weren’t clearly justified, events like Kyle Rittenhouse’s
acquittal, and the lack of Black jurors in the case of Ahmaud Arbery
underscore grievances issued by generations of neo-colonized Afrikans in
amerika. What We as a people must overstand is that these issues do not
persist because of racism. Malcolm X wasn’t assassinated by racism, but
by a corrupt power structure. Kyle Rittenhouse’s murderer of two Black
Lives Matter supporters and the wounding of a third, wasn’t acquitted by
a racist, nor because of racism, as his victims were white themselves.
Instead he was acquitted because the political orientation that led to
his actions (settler-colonial imperialism) is part and parcel with the
political identity of the corrupt power structure. And finally, the
murderers of Ahmaud Arbery are being tried by a jury of their peers,
while New Afrikans have been pleading for the same consideration for
literally centuries, because their actions were in furtherance of the
corrupt power structure’s sustained power. That is while some of us have
been struggling to ‘FREE THE LAND!’, a New Afrikan is unable to run
FREELY in the LAND. The devilish cowards that murdered brother Ahmaud
reinforce the colonial relationship between New Afrikans and the white
settler amerikans.
The time has come to move away from BLACK LIVES MATTER to the NEW
BLACK LIBERATION MOVEMENT. We are not fighting racism, We’re fighting
oppressive and exploitative POWER. In order to ever be FREE, in order to
have a REAL influence on whether or not incidents like those mentioned
here ever happen again, We must obtain POWER, and We must exercise POWER
in non-exploitative or oppressive manners. To accomplish this, the
formula is simple, We must organize now for people’s WAR, Vita Wa Watu,
to seize power, and implement socialist (non exploitative/oppressive)
A comrade responded to the article “Oh So
You Woke” in ULK 73:
“In this article the author criticizes the likes of Angela Davis and
John Lewis. neither Ms. Davis nor Mr. Lewis were agents of propaganda
for the bourgeois as the author implies, but rather they were committed
to the struggle and spent many years on the front lines. As far as
penetrating the police and other arms of state imperialism/control,
someone is going to fill those roles. Is it better us or them? WE must
attack the status quo from multiple fronts – from the inside as well as
the outside. WE need more Angela Davises and John Lewises.”
I do agree with the comrade that WE do need to attack the status quo
from multiple fronts but when one of our own lumpen falls into the lines
of reformism and revisionism while on the road of revolution or
liberation, instead of being a die hard non-compromising, non-settling,
give-me-death-if-I-can’t-have-real-life-liberation revolutionary like
Fred Hampton, Bunchy Carter and the many fore Fathers and fore Mothers
of our lumpen communities, who died and were imprisoned so that the
eternal fire of Freedom, Justice and Equality will never lose its light
and intensity in the surviving generations and their children. So they
can fight on until that day comes in entirety. Then one has to ask the
question … who do you work for?
If WE as a First World lumpen and Third World proletarian
revolutionaries have more individuals like Angela Davis & John
Lewis, We’ll never fulfill the S.O.P.’s of the UFPP. We’ll be in a state
of Reformism and Revisionism, being closely intertwined with
imperialism/capitalism instead of overthrowing it.
First and foremost Angela Davis is a major reformist, she was a part
of the Communist Party, U$A, where the CPU$A was about that Real Life
revolution before the 1940’s but by the 1960’s all their members that
took inspiration from Mao Zedong had left the party. After the attempt
of Jonathan Jackson of freeing his older brother George Jackson, Fleeta
Drumgo and John Clutchette (Soledad Brothers) at Marin County Courthouse
in San Rafael, CA, was then Angela Davis charged with aiding the
attempted escape and placed on the FBI’s most wanted list due to her
close correspondence with George Jackson. She was found not guilty after
her case was severed from the other defendants like Ruchell “Cinque”
Magee who is still locked up in these Koncentration Kamps, while the
rally call of the masses at the time was “Free Angela Davis and ALL
POLITICAL PRISONERS!” Then in 1973 she founded the CP front the National
Alliance Against Racism and Political Repression that REFUSED to come
defend Black Liberation Army members facing prison time.
Later on in her “revolutionary” life she got back into academia while
still being a huge influence for the CPU$A, where she ran twice for Vice
President of the U$A. She supported Democratic presidential candidates,
like Joe Biden, to pressure them when in office to the CPU$A’s
Khrushchevite peaceful transition into socialism agenda or the Pac-Man
politics (biting away at imperialism until it collapses on itself). She
also co-founded the Committees of Correspondence with a moniker that
points to the CPU$A’s notion that “Communism is 20th Century
Americanism.” In her writings and university lectures in the academic
realm, she promoted the CPU$A’s reformism and postmodern politics, the
basis of this day and age concept of “Abolition,” and not the dire need
of armed revolution.
John Lewis is basically the same in the sense with the Pac-Man
politics, Abolition reformist movement and post-modernism. Also one of
the leaders of the Civil Rights Movement and a leader in the peaceful
nonviolent strategy of protest and civil unrest. The “Woke” U.$.
leftists, who are the petty-bourgeoisie, praises Angela Davis and John
Lewis as saints and the imperialist aided in placing them on those
pedestals to be praised by the masses, because they knew with the
ideologies and concepts that these two individuals promote will do no
real harm to their oppressive establishment. Point proven in the last
summer series of protest after the murder of George Floyd and many
What real change came from that civil unrest in a real revolutionary
way? It’s because of Angela Davis and John Lewis that We have to
re-educate and un-brainwash the masses from the concepts and ideologies
of Reformism, Revisionism, Postmodernism and the Pac-Man politics with
the concepts and ideologies of Marxism, Leninism and Maoism to gain
liberation from imperialism through armed resistance and revolution.
Reason why it was stated that they are agents of the imperialist
propaganda in the article “Oh, So You Woke.” Whether it was intentional
or not they step out of the realm of being First World lumpen to the
realm of the petty-bourgeoisie and benefited from the transition also.
It pays to be famous and in the limelight of the pop culture
revolutionary contest, right? Even after being on the front lines where
they witness first hand so many of our souljas and leaders lose their
lives, placed in exile and/or imprisoned, they settled for positions of
comfort for self and appeared to be in the struggle still, instead of
being ten toes down in the mud with WE overthrowing
imperialism/capitalism to establish socialism, and later communism,
nation- and world-wide.
These last couple of months, all that was on the news was the U.$
evacuation of Afghanistan and the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
U.$. citizens, military personnel (i.e. veterans, active duty) and
politicians have been showing their distaste for how Joe Biden pulled
the U.$. troops out of Afghanistan; where scenes of Afghanis who aided
the U.$. in their failed attempt to incorporate a U.$ controlled
government in their homeland, frantically rushing to the Kabul airport
to catch a ride with the U.$. citizens and troops. During the frantic
and chaotic evacuation, ISIS-Kabul (ISIS-K) committed a suicide-bomb
attack, which killed 13 U.$. troops, leading Joe Biden in a press
conference to state, “.. We won’t forget and we won’t forgive. We’ll
hunt you (ISIS-K) down till the end of the earth…”. I had to laugh at
the screen once I heard the words leave Joe Biden’s mouth, because of
the contradictions that this U.$. government hands out to the world and
her own citizens continuously.
The U.$. preaches of peace and unity to the world over, but
terrorizes or keeps a sniper scope on territories of the world, where it
wants control over in the disguise of “the spreading of democracy.” But
the only democracy that needs to be spreading faster than the COVID-19
virus and all its variants, is the New Democracy controlled by the Joint
Dictatorship of the Proletariat of the Oppressed Nations(JPDON). Under
the JDPON all oppressed nations may dictate their own destiny and as a
collective of oppressed nations keep imperialism in the cage where it
rightfully deserves to be in.
The democracy that the imperialists want to implement and maintain
will only bring death and destruction. Our FWL men, women, and children
are being deemed as terrorists then are murdered and imprisoned by the
U.$. piggy force. Just how our TW brothers and sisters, nieces and
nephews are being murdered and imprisoned by these imperialist armies
and drones. Just how the comrade
O.G. Hawk poem in issue #74 stated: “… FBI, CIA, and all of
America’s comrades have hurt more people than anybody on earth crying
that democracy is what it’s worth!”
We can go back into history and see the shaded hand of the U.$.
stirring the pot of confusion and destruction, while the other hand
points an entirely different picture of the truth. From the “War on
Drugs” to the recently ended “War in the Middle East”, both were
supplied with the money, drugs and weapons by the U.$ government and
counterparts. The U.$. piggy force are trained to be in a war zone when
they hit the local streets; for to them our neighborhood blocks are
their Iraq and Afghanistan. How many of We have been terrorized by the
U.$. government? As this article was being written, Haitian migrants
were being whipped by U.$. border control officers on horse back at the
Southern border of this country; an Afghani man and a couple of Afghani
children were bombed in a drone attack when mistaken as a convoy of
ISIS-K members. The latter is one of many over this ended 20 year war,
that the U.$. government won’t admit. Prisoners from the East coast to
the West coast are still being tortured with inhumane treatment, as We
the FW lumpen are being singled out and put under manipulation
techniques to enchant the spell of defeatism; deferring both the leaders
and comrades from continuing on with the fight to liberate oneself from
a capitalist/imperialist power.
We won’t turn the other cheek, extend the hand of friendship and sing
“kumbaya” or whatever make-me-feel-warm-&-fuzzy-inside bullshit that
the imperialists use as a ploy to keep We in a docile state. Holding on
to the hope for that perfect union that Martin Luther King Jr., his
descendants and followers of the non-violent movement have yet to
experience. Just as Biden said about ISIS-K, the FW lumpen and TW
proletariat won’t forget nor forgive the capitalist/imperialist
governments for the genocide of all indigenous peoples and folks around
the world, for colonialism and neocolonialism, the destruction of the
planet Earth for profitable gain for the few; while everyone else is
fighting each other for the top or a closer to the top spots of this
fucked up capitalist pyramid scheme.
As We liberate our minds and each other from the
imperialist/capitalist doctrines, culture and power, We’ll come to see
justice being served to the worlds most wanted terrorist group, and a
new age will emerge. An age of Freedom, Justice, and Equality for the
majority of the world.
On 1 August 2021, supporters on the outside began a phone zap to the
Texas Department of Criminal Justice to protest a new policy that
restricted many forms of imagery in the media prisoners received through
the mail (Board Policy - 3.91). MIM(Prisons) also began distributing
fliers to Texas prisoners, who were writing us from all over the state
about this new policy. By 23 August 2021 we received the following
update from a comrade in Texas TEAM ONE, a leading organization in this
“We’re hearing that BP-3.91 has been halted. Supposedly they’re to
revise it again to make it more sensical, but it’s not in effect as of
this date. However, mail room staff here have been holdin on to all
materials, which fall under that policy. They are giving no record of
receiving the mail, just holdin it until the policy is amended. So
that’s an issue.”
In other facilities they seem to not be acting on the new policy at
a comrade in Telford Unit reported: …the policy
never took place. The complete ban of publications is outright
unconstitutional. I have written several grievances concerning
publications. TDCJ-CID will never ban harmless publications (U.S.
Weekly, Muscle Fitness, OK, National Geo, etc.). They have no right to
and it will only cause problems for the TDCJ-CID. Being that the policy
did not take effect 1 August 2021 I ask prisoners to give it no
attention. Instead be happy about the victory of being able to receive
post cards and not arbitrarily have your peers/loved ones self addressed
stamps ripped off your letters that way you may know who is
corresponding with you.
a comrade at Michael Unit wrote on 4 October 2021: I
need a quick reply to Texas’s BP 3.91(Rev 5) step 2 grievance. My step 1
“An investigation into your allegations has been conducted. It was
found that Board Policy 03.91 revised the definition of”sexually
explicit” photos. The revision was approved by the Texas Board of
Criminal Justice. Inmates are given the opportunity to appeal the denial
of all sexually explicit images denied through the Director’s Review
Committee. No further action warranted.”
MIM(Prisons): It is not clear to us if a new policy
has been approved as implied by this response from a TDCJ official. What
is clear at this time is that the masses mobilized quickly around this
issue and the state is responding to that mobilization. Below are
reports from some others organizing on this campaign, closing with
excerpts from a longer statement by a new comrade explaining the
hypocrisy of the new policy and encouraging everyone to stand up for
what is right.
a comrade in Stevenson Unit: In regards to the new
censorship policy, comrades I shared the sample grievance from Under
Lock & Key 74 and directed others to file a grievance with DRC
@ PO Box 99 Huntsville, TX 77342-0099. One comrade was given his car
mags back after being confiscated by the mailroom. This was after filing
the sample grievance you provided me! :)
a Texas comrade: We have already grieved BP-3.91 and
we stand with those in Allred sacrificing to end solitary confinement
even though there is no solitary here on this medium security unit.
a comrade in Jester Unit: I wanted to let you know
everyone is grateful about the “Grievance Against Criminal Board” on the
(pictures, magazines, and kill-shots) filed by your organization. I will
send you my grievance next week, but not before I get some more
signatures and people involved. Please find postage within this letter
in support.
a comrade at Hughes Unit reported on 28 September
2021: I have 62 grievances filed on the 3.91 BP that is. I’m
working on more. And I’m aware that I’m getting help from some female
staff as well and they are putting together a form of unity to get rid
of this bullshit B.P.-3.91 for their safety is a risk. They shaking us
down as I speak for magazines. Women can’t show cleavage or nothing. And
it’s sad.
a comrade in Hutchins Unit: Impede the correction,
rehabilitation, and treatment of a prisoner, how? Relating to incoming
pictures of “sexually explicit women” this is only understandable if
enforced upon a sex offender therapy program… As a general population
prisoner, rehabilitation and treatment is almost non-existent. TDCJ can
only claim correction if it considers this is obtained through prolonged
idleness. Prisoners are housed in their dorm where in most cases they
only leave for meals and sometimes rec. There is little to no
programming or opportunity to rehabilitate through education or vocation
but TDCJ is worried about the content of our publications. Sounds like
deliberate indifference to their priorities.
Therefore, impeding correction, rehabilitation, and treatment is only
terminology intended for manipulation by and for officials
Sexually explicit pictures only result in masturbation, which is a
healthy alternative to sexual fulfillment and expression. Some men spend
decades up to life in prison and to deprive them of such fulfillment
could consequently result in homosexual tendencies and/or the rape
and/or sexual harassment of prisoners and officers. Such dehumanizing
intentions will result in the safety of prisoners and officers being
[MIM(Prisons): A number of writers mention female
staff being concerned about the new policy. Of course, we object to this
writer’s inclusion of homosexuality as a “dehumanizing” outcome of this
policy. Rape is bad, sexual harassment is bad, they are oppressive. Even
if homosexual rape and harassment is more the norm in prisons than in
society, we should not confuse that with homosexual behaviors themselves
being bad.]
This is not a unique problem. Prison officials are quick to slap on
the windows newly enacted and revised policies that are overly
restrictive, knowing the average prisoner is illiterate, uneducated, and
at the least inexperienced in lawfully challenging/litigating.
We are not in the barbaric ages and as a maturing society we develop
and become more morally and ethically inclined, including the treatment
of prisoners; who we understand engaged in wrongful acts to a greater
degree than that of the average person but is nonetheless human and
capable of change.
This means as prisoners’ rights come to light and advancement, We are
to a lesser degree inhibited by biased civil court systems who in the
past ruled all officials actions to be reasonable and acceptable in the
name of justice, punishment, and deterrence.
Therefore do not be deterred when intending to challenge the
conditions of your confinement thinking that it will be in vain. There
is more hope than there ever has been in the past. Instead be
optimistic, adopting the perspective that there is nothing to lose and
everything to gain.
Presumably all major prison reformers that paved the way had doubts
about a favorable outcome, however, their action in spite of that doubt
has resulted in all fundamental change. The conditions we live in
reflect such, while they’re not what they need to be they’re not what
they use to be.
Stand with me in progression towards the common goal of more humane
conditions and treatment. Do not refrain or procrastinate from
submitting a complaint and possibly litigating for change; Just as
officials do not refrain from arresting, sentencing, imprisoning, and
punishing us in all aspects every day. We are held accountable so why
should we allow them to manipulate policy and official position to their
Despite the feeling of helplessness officials intend to instill in
us, we are far from that. Statements such as, but not limited to, “these
people don’t care what we got to say”, “the system’s too big to fight”,
“It’s only possible if you got money”, “This is just part of the game”
etc are all excuses adopted by submissive prisoners who are too cowardly
to fight. You would fight your fellow prisoner for less degrading
treatment, right? I would hope.
Do you dare to challenge our oppressors? Do you dare to organize for
progression with your fellow prisoners just as they do against us?
If so, please keep in mind that weapons of distraction are
strategically implemented to keep us from achieving such a goal. If we
are lost in our own world we won’t have time to envision and investigate
their world, their motives, their actions, and how they negatively
affect us.
We are distracted from spending time productively. Time is our most
valuable asset as it is limited and required to organize and plan
Stop preoccupation; stop smoking, stop watching TV, stop gambling,
stop gluttony, stop fighting your equals instead of the oppressor, stop
idleness, stop procrastination, stop being submissive, stop feeling
defeated, and most importantly, STOP investing time into unproductive
endeavors and commit to progression and the achievement of an overall
The poor and oppressed make up the majority of the world. We are only
separated by knowledge that is accumulated through resources. If we can
obtain the proper knowledge and organize with an intended goal we will
overpower our oppressors.
…Break the ice and take action. Take it from a 22-year-old 8th grade
dropout with seven plus years in the system. I only obtained knowledge
through educational literature. I am self-educated and overcame the
hindering circumstance of lack of resources and organized learning
opportunities. I am only two years into a progressive perspective and
actions and exceeded my expectations. Two years ago, education and
progression were no where on my agenda. If I can achieve such, so can
you. All there is to ask yourself if it appeals to you and if so make it
a priority.